Sen. Marco Rubio a Male Sarah Palin?

Monday, November 19, 2012

FL Sen. Marco Rubio has something in common with Sarah Palin

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) declined to tell GQ Magazine how old he thought the earth is. Instead Rubio hid behind the so-called Young Earth Creationism view, saying it’s “one of those great mysteries.”

Rubio regaled GQ magazine with this fun word salad:

“I’m not a scientist, man. I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States. I think the age of the universe has zero to do with how our economy is going to grow. I’m not a scientist. I don’t think I’m qualified to answer a question like that. At the end of the day, I think there are multiple theories out there on how the universe was created and I think this is a country where people should have the opportunity to teach them all. I think parents should be able to teach their kids what their faith says, what science says. Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.”

Oy Vey! The majority of scientists who study such things concur our earth is 4.54 billion years old based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material.

If Rubio’s bizarre response to GQ’s question sounds familiar, well, it should. Sarah Palin told the Los Angeles Times, “dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time.”

Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American, is rumored to be a potential Republican candidate for president in 2016. Republicans believe he can successfully attract Hispanics to the GOP.

Posted in 2016 Election, Mama Grifter, Marco Rubio, News, Religious Nutcases, Republican Scoundrels, Sarah Palin, Young Earth Creationism | Tagged , , , , , , , | 22 Comments

Allen West’s Request for Recount Denied by FL Judge

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Homophobic Rep. Allen West Gets Denied by a Judge in Florida

In the ongoing saga known as Rep. Allen West’s refusal to accept the reality of defeat, a judge in Florida denied West’s request for a recount of the 37,379 ballots from early voting in St. Lucie County, FL. The decision now falls to the county’s canvassing board, scheduled to meet today at 4 p.m., the Palm Beach Post reports.

Circuit Judge Dan Vaughn said he does not have the authority to order a recount. West has been vocal about his concerns regarding the counting of early votes on election night.

During their meeting today, the St. Lucie County Canvassing Board will consider whether a full recount of early votes is necessary.

Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy leads West by 1,907 votes. An unofficial vote tally is due to the state Saturday.

St. Lucie County officials recounted only three days of early voting after finding out that machines double counted some ballots. As a result, West reportedly gained 132 votes and Murphy lost 667, according to reports.

Assuming the numbers hold, West would still trail Murphy by 1,108 votes.

Murphy’s campaign manager Anthony Kusich released the following statement following the judge’s decision on Friday:

“Once again, Congressman Allen West’s political stunts have been dismissed by the courts. Instead of admitting defeat, Allen West wants to keep counting votes until he gets the outcome he desires. That’s not how elections work and that is not how the law works. Patrick is ready to put the campaign behind him and move forward with addressing the challenges facing the people of the Treasure Coast and Palm Beaches, first and foremost of which is getting Florida back to work.”

Isn’t it just like a Republican to run to the courts when they don’t get their way?

Editor Update: Since writing this blog piece, now former- Rep. Allen West conceded his reelection fight Tuesday to Democratic newcomer Patrick Murphy.

Posted in 2012 Election, Florida, Homophobes, News, Politics, Radical Rightwingers, Rep. Allen West, Republican Scoundrels | Tagged , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Twinkies Maker Hostess Going Out of Business

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hostess Twinkies, an American Institution, since 1930

Hostess, the makers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder Bread, is going out of business after striking workers failed to heed a Thursday deadline to return to work, the company said.

Hostess CEO Gregory F. Rayburn said the firm had filed a motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to shutter its business:

“We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike. Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce and focus on selling its assets to the highest bidders.”

Hostess Brands Inc. had earlier warned employees that it would file for bankruptcy and sell off assets if striking workers failed to return to work by 5 p.m. Thursday. In announcing its decision, Hostess said it would close its 33 bakeries, 565 distribution centers, approximately 5,500 delivery routes and 570 bakery outlet stores in the United States.

However, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie read a statement on “Today” from the bakers’ union that said:

“Despite Greg Rayburn’s insulting and disingenuous statements of the last several months, the truth is that Hostess workers and the union have absolutely no responsibility for the failure of this company. That responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of the company’s decision makers.”

An American institution, Hostess, founded in 1930, has fought beyond labor costs in recent years and stiff competition as Americans are increasingly conscious about healthy eating.


Posted in Business, News, Twinkies | Tagged , , | 13 Comments

ABC Affiliate Runs Altered Cover of Petraeus Book: “All Up in My Snatch”

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Paula Broadwell and her David Petraeus biography, ‘All Up in My Snatch’

ABC’s Denver affiliate intentionally accidentally ran an altered cover of Ms. Paula Broadwell’s biography of Gen. David Petraeus in a story about the shocking CIA frat house sex scandal.

The book’s real title is All In. The altered book cover read, All Up In My Snatch.

Personally, based on the media reports I’m hearing, I think the altered cover is more apt.

Posted in All Up in My Snatch, CIA, David Petraeus, Frat House, Fresh Republican Sex Scandal, International News, Media Whores, News | Tagged , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Obama-Hating Heffa Runs Over Husband for Not Voting

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Holly Solomon: vote or die, motherfucker

A Mesa, AZ hates President Obama. So much so that she ran over her husband with her SUV, blaming him for not voting as contributing to Obama’s reelection.

According to a Gilbert police report, the argument started over her husband’s lack of voter participation in the recent election.

Holly Solomon, 28, apparently believed her family was going to face hardship as a result of President Barack Obama’s re-election.

Solomon’s husband, Daniel Solomon, told police his wife “just hated Obama” and was very angry he was re-elected and blamed the President for problems her family is going through.

Witnesses reported:

“He got out of the car and she was screaming at him. And he started walking away and she started driving in circles around him and she wouldn’t let him go so finally he took off to try to get away and she ran into him.”

Holly Solomon was taken into custody and booked into jail for domestic violence charges of aggravated assault.

Posted in 2012 Election, News, Republican Nutcases | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

States Sending the Most Racist Tweets Post Election?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Floating Sheep, a tech group, charted states who sent racist post-election tweets

Reelecting the black guy to a second term as president is bound to drive the racists out from under their rocks. So much for living in a post-racial America?

Floating Sheep, a group of tech savvy geographers, searched for tweets containing “monkey” or “nigger,” and “Obama” or “reelected” or “won,” and isolated the ones that were geo-tagged with a location.

Then they created a formula to determine how high the state-level proportion of hate tweets to regular tweets, compared to national levels. The result: the above map. The greener the state, the bigger its share of racist tweets.

The American South came out on top.

SOURCE: Gawker

Posted in 2012 Election, News, President Barack Obama, Racism, Southern Racists | Tagged , , , , | 14 Comments

CIA Director David Petraeus Resigns Cites Extramarital Affair

Friday, November 9, 2012

CIA Director and Retired Gen. David Petraeus Resigns Over Affair

Washington and media darling, Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus, today resigned citing “extremely poor judgment” for having an extramarital affair.

Petraeus told President Obama of the affair on Thursday and offered to resign. The president accepted his resignation in a phone call Friday afternoon.

Petraeus said in a letter to CIA colleagues:

“Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.”

Mike Morrell, the deputy CIA director and a long time CIA officer, will likely be offered the job as acting director, multiple sources told NBC News.

Evidence of the affair was reportedly uncovered by the F.B.I. investigating whether a computed used by Petraeus was compromised. The agency discovered the tryst.

Paula Broadwell, a Harvard researcher co-wrote a biography of David Petraeus, titled “All In: The Education of General David Petraeus,” and published this year, is the woman with whom the retired four star general had the affair.

Petraeus, a West Point graduate, climbed to the ranks of the US military and became one of the country’s most high-profile leaders as the top US Commander first in Iraq then in Afghanistan.

David Petraeus was mentioned as a potential Republican candidate for president in 2012.


Posted in David Petraeus, Fresh Republican Sex Scandal, International News, News, Republicans | Tagged , , , , | 17 Comments

Hillary v. Romney in 2016?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don’t even try it, Willard. Don’t even try it.

Posted in 2016 Election, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, News, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

Romney’s Transition Website

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney was so confident he would win the election that he prepared a transition website. Of course, the American people wisely saw things differently, and  elected President Obama to a second term. This is what Romney’s site (since taken down) looked like.

Posted in 2012 Election, Delusional Republicans, Mitt Romney, News | Tagged , , , | 14 Comments

President Barack Obama Wins Historic Second Term

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President-elect Obama greets the crowd at his election-night headquarters

President Barack Obama, America’s first African American president, written off a year ago as too hobbled by frustratingly high unemployment to win a second term, defied the odds and won a historic second term.

Results were still coming in late into the night. Republican challenger, Mitt Romney refused to call the president-elect to concede until nearly 1a.m. the following morning which delayed Mr. Obama taking the stage in Chicago to thank his supporters.

President-elect Obama told the enormous crowd of supporters:

“We have fought our way back and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the best is yet to come. By itself the recognition that we have common hopes and dreams won’t end all the gridlock, or solve all our problems or substitute for the painstaking work of building consensus and making the difficult compromises needed to move this country forward.”

Mr. Obama received a commanding electoral mandate: at least 303 electoral votes to 206 for Romney and had a near-sweep of the nine most hotly contested battleground states.

The president-elect humbly said:

“But that common bond is where we must begin. Our economy is recovering. A decade of war is ending. A long campaign is now over, and whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I have learned from you and you have made me a better president.”

The night also saw major victories for a long list of liberal rights including same-sex marriage bills passed in Maine, Maryland and Washington, Tammy Baldwin elected as the first openly gay senator in Wisconsin, Elizabeth Warren defeated Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts and recreational marijuana bills passed in Colorado and Washington, the first states to legalize pot.

The Republican party’s huge loses prove the party reflects the narrow values of the GOP Country Club: rich, white men who loathe ‘teh gays’, don’t care about equality for women and, long for the days when Hispanics cut their lawns. They are dinosaurs reminiscent of the old white men in Guateng, South Africa, who long for the return of apartheid.

When and until the GOP evolves and embraces the diversity that is America’s new norm, I predict they will continue to be a minor political party who suffer giant loses come election time.

The conservative media also had a rough night. People like Karl Rove, Dick Morris and Michael Barone predicted a Romney landslide. On FOX News, Rove and Barone argued energetically that the vote count in southern Ohio was uncertain just as the Electoral College awarded President Obama more than 270 votes.

Posted in 2012 Election, International News, Mitt Romney, News, Politics, President Barack Obama | Tagged , , , , , | 20 Comments

“Baby Killer” and “Nigger Lover” Spray Painted on Eric Cantor’s Democrat Challenger’s Headquarters

Sunday, November 4, 2012

This is what Republican desperation looks like in the 2012 election

“Baby Killer” and “Nigger Lover” were spray painted on Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)’s Democratic challenger’s headquarters.

The stench of Republican desperation is growing stronger.

Eric Cantor’s opponent, Democrat Wayne Powell’s campaign office was vandalized with the spray-painted words “Baby Killer” on the side of one building and “Nigger Lover” on a sign in front of another office.

The attacks happened Friday night and the police departments in both counties were alerted. No arrests have been made.


Posted in 2012 Election, Eric Cantor, News, Republican Desperation, Wayne Powell | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Paul Ryan Promises Vice Presidency in Cheney Tradition

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Paul Ryan Promises a Vice Presidency in the Dick Cheney Tradition

If you’re nostalgic for the good old days of Dick Cheney, the shadowy puppetmaster who pulled the strings and levers behind the scenes, who called for the invasion of Iraq based on the misleading claims that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction — including nuclear weapons, who curtailed domestic civil liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution, who outed then CIA agent Valerie Plame and who cursed at a respected senate colleague during a class photo, then you might want to consider voting for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on Tuesday.

According to an article in the New York Times:

Rep. Paul Ryan may have largely disappeared from the national spotlight down the campaign homestretch, ceding attention to Mitt Romney. But if the Republican ticket prevails (God help us all), Mr. Ryan plans to come back roaring, establishing an activist vice presidency that he said would look like Dick Cheney’s under President George W. Bush.

The ardent budget hawk would:

[Dedicate] most evenings to dinners with senators and House members of both parties, aides said, as he steps into the role Mr. Romney promised: architect of a Romney administration’s drive to enact a budget that shrinks the government and overhauls programs like Medicare.

Ayn Rand is smiling up from Hell at her accolade.

However, Democratic lawmakers who have worked with Mr. Ryan said Ryan has no record of compromise. According to Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) a member of the House Budget Committee that Mr. Ryan heads, “He lives in an ideological bubble. I’ve been on the Budget Committee two other times. The lack of bipartisanship was striking.”

Yep, sounds like just like Dick Cheney.

Posted in 2012 Election, Dick Cheney, News, Politics, Rep. Paul Ryan | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

President Obama Has a 83.7 Percent Chance of Victory

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nate Silver, the highly respected founder of FiveThirtyEight weighs in on President Obama’s chances of winning reelection. Looks like Ann Romney measured for new carpets and drapes for the White House too soon.

President Obama now has a better than a 4-in-5 favorite to win the Electoral College, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecast. His chances of winning it increased to 83.7 percent on Friday, his highest figure since the Denver debate and improved from 80.8 percent on Thursday.

Posted in 2012 Election, Nate Silver, News, President Barack Obama | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Battleground State Polls and President Obama Looks Good

Friday, November 2, 2012

Four days before the start of voting and President Barack Obama looks strong in the so-called battleground states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

In fact, President Obama’s pathway to 270 Electoral College votes looks certain.

Colorado: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Florida: Obama 48%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Iowa: Obama 49%, Romney 45% (Gravis)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 47% (Rasmussen)

New Hampshire: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (New England College)

Nevada: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (Mellman)

Ohio: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 44% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Wisconsin: Obama 52%, Romney 45% (We Ask America)

Posted in 2012 Election, Mitt Romney, News, Polls, President Barack Obama | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

New York Times’ Nate Silver Skyrockets Obama Chances Of Winning Reelection

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What a great analysis of the presidential race just five days before election day.

Nate Silver, the respected creator of FiveThirtyEight just increased President Obama‘s chances of winning to 79%, with a whopping 300 Electoral College votes.

270 Electoral College votes are needed to become president.

President Obama’s lowest chance of winning was put at 61.1% on October 12, and it’s been steadily climbing ever since.

Silver today points to President Obama’s battleground states “firewall” holding, good news for Mr. Obama’s hopes of winning the electoral college vote, the one that truly matters on Nov. 6th.

Meanwhile, all the rightwing wackos are attacking Nate Silver. They’ve said he can’t count, is incompetent and even said he’s gay, as if sexual orientation has anything to do with counting polls.

SOURCE: The New Civil Rights Movement

Posted in 2012 Election, Mitt Romney, News, Politics, Polls, President Barack Obama | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments

Romney Camp Spends $5,000 on Storm Supplies for Photo-Op

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mitt Romney, Posing with Storm Relief Supplies in Dayton, OH

Ignoring the Red Cross’ request for financial donations to help victims of Hurricane Sandy and not cans of beans, tuna and chicken, used blankets clothes, Mitt Romney decided the deadly storm presented the faltering campaign with a valuable photo-op.

Romney, along with Ohio surrogate Sen. Rob Portman (R), asked supporters to bring donations to a campaign event in Dayton. Fearful that supporters would leave the rented Penske truck empty, the Romney campaign dispatched aides to go shopping at a local Wal-Mart and spend $5,000 on granola bars, canned food, energy drinks, canned soup, and diapers to put on display while they crossed their fingers and hoped donations would come in, according to one staffer.

Needless to say, Romney got his photo-op, albeit cynically staged. Is this what Romney meant when he said as president, he would eliminate FEMA and turn disaster relief over to individual states?

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Posted in 2012 Election, Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney, Mitt the Nitwit, Republican Scoundrels | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

Newest Battleground State Polls

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

With less than a week to go until the presidential election, here’s a sample of the latest swing state polls. President Obama is looking good going into Nov. 6th.

Florida: Obama 48%, Romney 47% (Quinnipiac)

Michigan: Obama 48%, Romney 45% (Detroit News)

North Carolina: Romney 50%, Obama 45% (SurveyUSA)

Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 45% (Quinnipiac)

Pennsylvania: Obama 48%, Romney 44% (Franklin and Marshall)

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 47% (Quinnipiac)

Posted in 2012 Election, Mitt Romney, News, Polls, President Barack Obama | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Hurricane Sandy Rips Facade Off Building in New York City

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Rips Facade Off an Apartment Building in New York City

Hurricane Sandy tore the facade off a four-story apartment building on 8th Avenue in the Chelsea District of Manhattan.

The surreal image looks like a child’s doll house. Looking closely at the picture, you can see furniture and beds inside. Missing, of course, are the people who once lived there.

Posted in Hurricane Sandy, New York City, News | Tagged , , | 7 Comments