Lakers Star Kobe Bryant Fined $100,000 for Homophobic Slur

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LA Lakers star Kobe Bryant had a rough game Tuesday night.

Apparently, Bryant didn’t agree with referee Bennie Adams’ personal and technical foul call against him, so Bryant screamed a homophobic slur at Adams and it was caught on video for posterity.

Kobe Bryant called Bennie Adams a “fucking fag.” Not cool, especially in a city like Lost Angeles. The NBA fined Bryant $100,000 for his transgression. This works out to be $10,000 per letter.

Of course, Kobe enjoys a slavishly devoted fan base who appreciate and even cheer on Kobe’s legendarily foul mouth. But, Kobe is an elite member of an elite NBA team and on the heals of the recent Los Angeles Dodgers stadium beating of a Santa Cruz, CA man who dared to was a San Francisco Giants T-shirt to a Dodgers game, Kobe Bryant’s comments were inexcusable.

Enjoy the fine, Kobe — you can easily afford it and please think twice before you use such language on the court again. Hope it was worth it.

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17 Responses to Lakers Star Kobe Bryant Fined $100,000 for Homophobic Slur

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    It’s true about Kobe’s mouth. He has the filthiest mouth on the Lakers.

  2. Mets Fan says:

    I wonder how Kobe Bryant would feel if someone on the opposing team called him a “fucking nigger”? It works both ways.

    I’m glad he got fined. Maybe he will think twice before using these epithets during a game.

  3. Tiny Dancer says:

    Dumb thing for Kobe to do.

    Especially with the cameras pointed at you recording your every word and action.

  4. Pechanga says:

    Rugby star Ben Cohen, straight-married and actor Christopher Meloni, straight-married, both issued statements today about Kobe Bryant. They weren’t kind. The world has changed.

    If Kobe Bryant doesn’t like it, he should step off.

  5. Robyn says:

    What a dumbass. I hope his team loses in the playoffs.

  6. Jolly Roger says:

    Would “a dirty raping pig” be a slur worthy of a fine?

  7. STEEL TOE says:

    Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist called Kobe today to offer him membership in their hate church. Kobe, Phelps said, would make a fine recruit for them. And at 6’9″ tall, his placards could be seen far and wide above the others. No word if Kobe joined.

  8. stradella says:

    Kobe Bryant is a damned bitch ass. Heard about the fine on KTLA. Glad he got fined 100 grand for his little antigay tirade last night.
    We don’t roll like that in LA.

  9. Marcus Ybanez says:

    So in Kobe Bryant’s pea brain, the worst pejorative he can hurl at another person is to call them a “fucking faggot.” Seriously, Kobe? In 2011?

    I heard this morning he plans to appeal the fine. Really? Just pay the fine like a man and move on. He’s digging a deeper hole for himself by virtue of appealing it. Kobe isn’t very sharp.

  10. Rachel says:

    I know from experience how worked up guys can get in the heat of the moment when they’re playing sports. My nephew’s mouth is awful. I’ve heard words from him I didn’t know he knew. But Kobe is an adult and I find it curious he immediately went to the “F” word to push back against the referee. Do I think he’s homophobic? Probably not but it’s still no excuse for him to use such a word. If the “N” word is out bounds then so should the “F” word. Too many people find it offensive.

  11. Jolly Roger says:

    I don’t use “faggot” on anybody because it’s about the same as “n____r.” It’s a detestable word, and in the house I grew up in those kind of words earned you the back of a bony hand.

    However, I do enjoy “brain dead motherf____r” when talking to Jonestowners. I also use other terms of endearment, like “genetic mistake,” “waste of oxygen,” “knuckle dragging POS,” and “off-product of a brother-sister romance.”

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  13. Nigel Karsten says:

    It’s interesting that ole Jolly Roger had no problem typing the epithet “faggot” in its entirety but blanched at treating the epithet “nigger”, preferring instead to only use the ‘n’ and ‘r.’

    I guess not all epithets are treated equally.

  14. feminazi says:

    Kobe Bryant is disgusting.

  15. Magic & Spells says:

    Kobe Bryant is just another yard ape. He’s not fully evolved.

  16. ahsanpdaredia says:

    A homophobe, rapist and a black guy enters a bar and everyone says “can I have your autograph Kobe?”

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