ABC News: Pat Tillman’s Mom Wants General Stanley McChrystal Removed From WH Post

Friday, April 15, 2011

President Obama — in yet another staggeringly poor act of judgement, appointed retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal to co-chair a commission on military families this week, but according to arguably the most prominent military family of the last decade, McChrystal is unfit for the job.

Mary Tillman, mother of Pat Tillman, the former professional football player turned Army Ranger who was killed by friendly fire 7 years ago, is angered by McChrystal’s appointment, telling ABC News that he was part of the propaganda effort pushing the false tale that Tillman had been killed by the enemy, and thus keeping the truth from and their family and the world.

Tillman told ABC News:

“I was actually pretty shocked to hear it; I don’t think it’s the appropriate choice. Considering that we have plenty of evidence indicating that McChrystal was involved in the cover-up of Pat’s death. He’s not the right person for that kind of a job. He deliberately helped cover up Pat’s death and he has never adequately apologized to us for doing that. General McChrystal knew we were actively looking for answers.  No one contacted us to try to square with us what had happened.”

Tillman says the president’s appointment of McChrystal “makes him look foolish, frankly.”

I couldn’t agree more. But then, we already know Mr. Obama is a fool.

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5 Responses to ABC News: Pat Tillman’s Mom Wants General Stanley McChrystal Removed From WH Post

  1. Brigadoon says:

    McChrystal said Obama was afraid of men in uniforms. He questioned Obama’s manhood and now Obama rewards him with a job? You’re right. Obama is a fool.

  2. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    The fix was always in. Obama asks for McChrystal’s resignation with the proviso he is hired by the White House at a later date.

    This is akin to a female executive hiring her rapist to work in regional sales. Disgusting.

    I saw Mary Tillman on local TV a few years ago. She’s a poised, dignified woman who lost her hero son and then had to suffer the indignity of him being the center of a cover up by the goons at the Pentagon.

  3. Rachel says:

    A total and complete slap across the faces of the entire Tillman family. Who is Obama?

  4. DMason says:

    Arizona Leatherneck – What you mean “the fix was in?”

  5. Arizona Leatherneck – What you mean “the fix was in?”


    I can’t speak for Arizona Leatherneck but I assume he means an agreement was worked allowing McChrystal to resign on his own and not face court martial and in return, he would be rewarded with a position in the Obama administration.

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