Why Won’t McCain Release His Medical Records?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two liberal groups — one of them directed by a brother of the Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean, will begin running a graphic attack advertisement Thursday morning raising questions about Sen. John McCain’s health. Showing vivid and unflattering images of the fresh scar that appeared on Senator McCain’s face immediately after his last operation for melanoma skin cancer eight years ago, the commercial ends with a screen headline that reads:

“Why won’t John McCain release his medical records?”

McCain, who is 72, did invite a limited group of reporters to inspect more than 1,100 pages of his medical records in May, although he gave them only a three hour window in which to review the documents.

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6 Responses to Why Won’t McCain Release His Medical Records?

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    Everything on the candidates on the Republican ticket is shrouded in secrecy.

    You know what they say. “You’re only as sick as your secrets.”

    McCain and Palin are not being honest.

  2. Mets Fan says:

    This is a perfectly reasonable request. I’ve noticed when it comes to transparency, Republicans back away and hide in the shadows. For them, secrecy is a religion and their right. If you think I’m being dramatic, just look at the past eight years.

  3. Joaquin says:

    McCain don’t look well.

  4. Fran says:

    I’m more concerned about the MENTAL HEALTH of McCain– McCain spent over 5 years in captivity as a POW in North Vietnam, and 26 YEARS in Senate.
    Either one of those items would put anyone over the edge, but both combined……
    Please! Retire old man– you’ve served enough….

  5. Maggie says:

    Becuase he’s dying.

  6. libhomo says:

    He should be forced to take a senility test from an independent physician with no ties to the GOP.

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