McCain Pays $5,583.43 for Make-Up Services

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

From the Left has learned that John McCain, who insists his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, is an elitist, paid 2002 beauty-school grad, Tifanie White $5,583.43 — who’s worked on So You Think You Can Dance and American Idol, for make-up services.

Tell us again Sen. McCain: who is the elitist?

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11 Responses to McCain Pays $5,583.43 for Make-Up Services

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    McCain is singing, “If I Could Turn Back Time.” The sad news is, it ain’t working. He still looks like a 72 year old man.

  2. kellybelle says:

    Don’t forget about the shoes and the houses and the cars!

    Did you notice that tonight George W. Bush stole from Barack Obama’s September 16th speech on the economic crisis?

    W. said something about a 21st century economy with 20th century regulations; Barack said on Sept. 16, 2008: “And it has happened again during this decade, in part because of how we deregulated the financial services sector. After we repealed outmoded rules instead of updating them, we were left overseeing 21st century innovation with 20th century regulations.”

    Stop the madness!

  3. mbmdl says:

    I haven’t spent $5,000 on makeup in my entire life and I looks pretty damned good!

  4. stradella says:

    $5,583.43 on make up?

    Lawdy, why oh why didn’t he just have one of Cindy’s mortician artists work their magic?

    What a waste of coin!

  5. Fran says:

    I for one appreciate his make up job. Its hard enough to watch McCain….. maybe he should have paid for a higher level professional make up artist… maybe that’s why his candidacy is failing- bad make up. It’s all Tifanie White’s fault.

  6. Maggie says:

    I wonder if she signed a contract to do him when he…you know…croaks.

  7. Gryphen says:

    They hired the wrong person for that job.

    The make-up lady from “American Idol” is simply not up to the task.

    They need an embalmer.

  8. What a trollop.

  9. Sasha in MN says:

    Should of splurged and spent a few extra bucks on the teeth whitener strips, his amber teeth gross me out but I guess that’s what happen when shit flies out of your mouth so often..

  10. Adirondacky says:

    McCain needs a refund. He still looks like death warmed over. One foot in the grave. Much older than his 72 years.

  11. libhomo says:

    Did he hire a mortician?

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