Tuesday, September 16, 2008


John McCain campaign spokesman Ed O’Callaghan told a news conference Monday that Sarah Palin will refuse to cooperate with a state investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

O’Callaghan claims the investigation “remains tainted” by Democratic party involvement.

McCain’s claim is specious at best as the political affiliation of the bi-partisan Alaska state investigators includes two Democrats and three Republicans.

Sarah Palin appears to have taken a page from the GOP’s playbook: Nixon, Haldeman, North, Weinberger, DeLay, Libby and Rove.

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24 Responses to COVERUP

  1. Nathan says:

    How did it become “tainted” by the Democrats when the whole thing took place before Palin was even a nominee?

    We Democrats have magical powers. We can go back in time and mess around with evidence, tainting it for future events that may unfold.

  2. Randy Arroyo says:

    You know, after reading this, I’m willing to take $100 out of my bank account and place it on the table as a bet that Palin will withdraw her name from the McCain ticket before the vice presidential debate.

  3. Conejo1982 says:

    Has Palin been subpoenaed?

    If so, she can’t decide to ignore the order or she is in contempt of court and can be arrested.

    If she hasn’t been subpoenaed, then the board needs to get busy and draft the document.

  4. Well, So much for honesty and “transparency!”

    Sarah Palin is refusing to cooperate with investigators in the troopergate abuse of power scandal.

    Palin won’t meet with ‘Troopergate’ investigator

  5. lea-lea says:

    Aw, those dipshit Repugs.

    They failed to understand the adage:

    “It’s not the crime. It’s the coverup.”

    Hello, Nixon 2.0!

  6. rastamick61 says:

    Christopher, your cryptic comment caught my attention and I nearly got a speeding ticket on the info superhighway racing over here to get the scoop. These people aren’t bound by that goofy constitution thing that keeps the rest of us honest are they ? I guess Scooter, Harriet, Rove etc. haven’t exactly suffered yet for their non-compliance, maybe the Moosechip will drop of the Mominee though…

  7. bOy pUssY FrOm mArS says:

    So McCain’s veep is thumbing her nose at a state investigation she once enthusiastically welcomed and supported?

    Hmmm, what, is girlfriend hiding???

  8. mbmdl says:

    Drip. Drip. Drip. There aren’t too many more shoes left to drop before Sarah Palin is so utterly and thoroughly discredited that even her supporters in Alaska will start to turn on her.

  9. VicoDANIEL says:

    So, it turns out Sarah the Reformer is really just Sarah the Crook?

    I knew it all along.

    I never bought all the clap-trap surrounding the propaganda that painted Palin as the one who urged the Alaska legislator to form the panel charged with investigating the firing of the trooper.

    Politicians like Sarah Palin, who used taxpayer monies to buy herself a shiny, new SUV and install a tanning bed in the governors mansion isn’t going to willing submit to scrutiny. Which may help to explain why McCain never bothered to properly vet her.

  10. Jim says:

    What LIARS. It’s well known and has been reported everywhere that the investigators in Alaska are a bi-partisan group.

  11. I am thrilled you posted this. I am so sickened that after everything that has and continues to come out, people still want to vote for these sick fucks.

  12. fran says:

    Sarah Louise is learning the ropes of the party line. Lawsuits & Investigations? Just say No.

  13. Brigadoon says:

    Squeal little piggy, squeal. So now the Caribou Barbie refuses to cooperate with the investigators looking into Troopergate? Sarah, Pumpkin, you can’t flip-flop like this and think people won’t notice. Oh well, I think it’s time to being moseying home on the Bridge to Nowhere because your star is now on the wane. Buh-bye, doll.

  14. TOM339 says:

    S: stained
    A: arrogant
    R: riff-raff
    A: acrimonious
    H: hapless

    P: precarious
    A: abysmal
    L: lame
    I: immoral
    N: nitwit

  15. feminazi says:

    Joe Biden has been handed a lightening rod to stick deeply into Sarah Palin in the debate. If I were Joe Biden, I would hammer Palin with this repeatedly and not even bother to mention her dreadful duties as governor and mayor. One thing is certain. People don’t like criminality in their elected officials and they really don’t like liars.

  16. Nan Yun says:

    Palin’s handlers were up early this morning.

    According to the spin coming from her camp, Walt Monegan lost his job as public safety director because he resisted Sarah Palin’s budget policies and showed “outright insubordination.”

    The interesting thing is, the assertion doesn’t square with the facts contained in Monegan’s personnel file which showed an exemplary work history and glowing reviews.

  17. Harry says:

    It’s rarely the crime. It’s nearly always the coverup.

  18. Jackie says:

    Nan Yun, I think the “outright insubordination” translates to “He did not respect mah authoritay!!”

    Everything new story about this woman irritates and terrifies me. And I’m supposed to be in her demographic.

  19. A Regular Patriot says:

    Karl Rove was ordered to appear before the U.S. Congress and he successfully thumbed his nose at the government.

    Did the Congress issue a warrant for his arrest? Of course not.

    The Congress is impotent as demonstrated by the rank failure of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to put the brakes on President Bush’s Iraq war funding.

    Troopergate is a local, state matter with even less teeth. Sarah Palin knows she is free to thumb her nose at the panel charged with the investigation and nothing will happen to her.

    In America today, there is no accountability.

    If you think I’m wrong, just ask Dick Cheney.

  20. Peace Nick says:

    Patriot – You hit the nail on the proverbial head.

    Sarah Palin is Dick Cheney with a different set of plumbing.

  21. I hadn’t made the connection until now but it’s as if Sarah Palin is Dick Cheney’s protege.

    Both are neocons.
    Both are highly secretive.
    Both hide in plain sight.
    Both have contempt for the rule of law.
    Both believe the rules don’t apply to them.
    Both have staggeringly large egos.
    Both are paranoid.
    Both are narcissistic personalities.

    Yeah, all the more reason Palin must not get anywhere near the halls of power in Washington.

  22. one can hope that while palin will thumb her nose — maybe the public wont — something has to pierce this teflon in the next 7 weeks

  23. Walk on Socks says:

    I tired of McCain and Palin. They seem evil to me now.

  24. Prairiedog says:

    I see the Alaska state GOP is now circling the wagons around the Caribou Barbie and threatening to bring a lawsuit to force the AG to enter the fray and dismiss the investigation.

    Hey, I’m in Sioux Falls and I can smell Palin’s feces from here.

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