John McCain Doesn’t Know How Many Houses He Owns

Thursday, August 21, 2008

OK, here’s a test. Take out your keys and identify them. On my key chain, I have one key to my truck and one key to the frontdoor of my house. Easy, right?

Don’t ask John McCain to do this because he doesn’t know how many houses he owns. In fact, the Republican senator from Arizona, who married a beer heiress worth an estimated $100 million dollars, who wears $520 shoes but called Barack Obama an “elitist,” said in an interview Wednesday that he’s uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.

McCain told Politico:

“I think — I’ll have my staff get to you, It’s condominiums where — I’ll have them get to you.”

The correct answer is at least seven properties, including estates located in Phoenix, AZ, Sedona, AZ, and condominiums in La Jolla, CA and Arlinton, VA.

Meanwhile, that “elitist,” Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, own a single house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago.

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16 Responses to John McCain Doesn’t Know How Many Houses He Owns

  1. feminazi says:

    McCain is a dreadful excuse for a human being and I am so nervous to see the polls breaking his way. If the Democrats can’t win the presidency in 2008 in a race against a 71 year, Republican neocon, who says he admires Dick Cheney, then the Democratic party doesn’t deserve to exist.

  2. Woodcliffe says:

    We should all be so lucky that we’re so wealthy we can’t recall how many houses we own.

    But the reality is, thousands of Americans today are losing their single home thanks to the unregulated mortgage industry — the free market at its shining best, and hundreds of thousands of houses are in default.

    John McCain is a piece of work. I really despise his old ass.

  3. Aunt Peg says:

    McCain said Obama is an elitist?

    How did I manage to miss this? Sounds to me like the old man is suffering either Alzheimers or senility. It’s McCain who is the elitist.

  4. Harry says:

    McCain is a feeble old man. He should be back home in Arizona playing golf.

  5. DCVET says:

    This newest faux pas comes just days after McCain defined being rich as making at least $5 million a year. So, folks, if any of you reading this blog and you happen to be one of the lucky few who earns $1 million a year, according to McCain, you’re not a member of the club and need to work harder. Or marry an heiress.

  6. Slackdog says:

    Aw, don’t be so hard on the old guy.

    He probably OD’d on Metamucil that day and thought he was back in N. Vietnam with the VC.

  7. Conejo1982 says:

    Who knew you could overdose on Metamucil?

  8. Estacada says:

    First you forget birthdays.

    Then, you forget how many grandkids you have.

    This is followed bu not remembering how many homes you own.

    Soon, McCain won’t recall if he’s married to Carol or Cindy Lou.

  9. Mauigirl says:

    It truly is unbelievable he couldn’t even tell how many houses he owns. Even if you take into account the fact that some are in Cindy’s name, the man should have some idea of the answer! The very least he should have been able to do is count on his fingers behind his back and come up with a number!

  10. TOM339 says:

    McCain was either off his game or off his meds or both.

    Can you imagine what will happen if he’s elected and there is a national security crisis, a la, the Bay of Pigs, and McCain is constipated or his back is sore and he can’t make it to the White House War Room to carry out orders?

    We be screwed.

  11. Rachel says:

    This is too freakin’ funny to not be true. Johnnyboy, nailing the $100 million dollar beer babe, just jets in, climbs into the black Ford SUV that drive him home and all seven house begin to look alike. I guess this is how life is when you’re rich, rich, rich.

  12. Joe in Colorado says:

    I wouldn’t mind having a house (even a small house) in Sedona. Sedona is one of the most beautiful spots I’ve seen in North America. I know if I had a house in Sedona, I sure couldn’t be tempted to leave it to run for president. You would find me on the front porch with my feet up listening to 70’s rock and roll.

  13. Walk on Socks says:

    I can’t remember all my houses either.

    Let’s see. There’s the co-op in NYC, the rowhouse in DC, the condo in Miami, the ranch outside Dallas, the desert house in Tucson, the estate in Malibu and the beach house in Honolulu.

    Am I leaving any of them out? Maybe I should look at my keys. 🙂

  14. taco says:

    ….the estate in Malibu and the beach house in Honolulu.

    Do you need a caretaker?

  15. Randy Arroyo says:

    John McCain is like the Sultan of Brunei. He’s so wealthy he doesn’t know how many gold bars are hidden in his 7 harems. Must be nice.

  16. Jim says:

    I know how he feels… I just can never remember how many houses I own. That’s why McCain has “people” to handle those pesky details.

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