The Fall Debate Schedule

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Obama and McCain campaigns released a their Fall debate agreements today. There will be three presidential debates and one vice presidential debate. All four debates will begin at 9pm ET, and last 90 minutes.

1. First Presidential Debate: September 26, at the University of Mississippi
Topic:  Foreign Policy & National Security
Moderator:  Jim Lehrer
Staging:  Podium debate

2. Second Presidential Debate: October 7, at Belmont University
Moderator:  Tom Brokaw
Staging:  Town Hall debate
Format:  The moderator will call on members of the audience and draw questions from the internet

3. Third Presidential Debate: October 15, at Hofstra University
Topic:  Domestic and Economic policy
Moderator:  Bob Schieffer
Staging:  Candidates will be seated at a table

1. Vice Presidential Debate: October 2, at Washington University in St. Louis
Moderator:  Gwen Ifill
Staging/Answer Format:  To be resolved after both parties’ Vice Presidential nominees are selected

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9 Responses to The Fall Debate Schedule

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    9PM? Isn’t that a bit late for McCain?

  2. I know I can’t wait for all the talking hairpieces to tell us how presidential McCain looked because he didn’t blow his top.

  3. Billup says:

    I’d take Gwen Ifill moderating a debate over Tom “Mumbles” Brokaw anyday.

    Who makes these decisions?

  4. Conejo1982 says:

    Is Belmont University in Massachusetts?

  5. Winnie H. says:

    Conejo1982, Belmont University is in Nashville, Tennessee.

    I had to look it up out of curiosity. Our family lived in Belmont, MA for many years, and I was almost certain that there wasn’t a college there but your question made me curious.

    I really wish there was debate moderated by Jon Stewart. I know that would be unconventional, but it would be a great debate. But I couldn’t be more pleased that ABC got frozen out — their news team is a joke.

  6. kellybelle says:

    Gwen should be doing one of the presidential debates.

  7. Andy says:

    Obama, despite campaigning as the candidate of “change,” has refused to participate in any but the corporate controlled CPD debates. He will not participate in the debate sponsored by Google, because this would have actually entailed some citizen participation, and may have included third party candidates like Ralph Nader.

    The CPD debates are a mockery of democracy and Obama has shown his true colors by refusing to debate outside of them.

  8. Andy says:

    Oops — sponsored by YouTube, not Google (though basically the same).

  9. Maggie says:

    Thxs Christopher, been so busy around here haven’t had time to get the scoops, great info.

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