Why Does John McCain Hate Black People?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why does John McCain hate Black people?

At a campaign stop in Panama City, FL on Friday, Tallahassee Democrat senior writer Stephen Price was singled out and asked to leave a media area at a rally for presidential candidate John McCain.

Price was among at least three other reporters, and the only black reporter, surrounding McCain’s campaign bus when a member of the Arizona senator’s security detail asked the reporter to identify himself. Price had shown his media credentials to enter the area.

Price showed his employee identification as well as his credentials for the Friday event.

“I explained I was with the state press, but the Secret Service man said that didn’t matter and that I would have to go,” Price said. When another reporter asked why Price was being removed, she too was led out of the area.

Tallahassee Democrat Executive Editor Bob Gabordi said the incident was unwarranted.

“We’re deeply concerned and disturbed that our reporter — of all of those in that area — was asked to move,” Gabordi said. “My understanding is that Stephen was the only reporter approached and asked to leave the area, and the only reporter in that area who is black. Another reporter who stood up for Stephen was then asked to leave.”

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22 Responses to Why Does John McCain Hate Black People?

  1. joost says:

    Another excellent catch, Christopher.

    This is the sort of story the mainstream media and dead tree papers like the NYTs and WaPo should be reporting on their front pages.

    Yet, they don’t. Instead preferring to give McCain pass after pass and never holding him accountable for his behavior or his gaffes. But this goes even further and suggests blatant racism.

    Meanwhile, if Obama eats a granola bar, the media reports it in a negative light and tries to spin it as evidence Obama is an elitist.

  2. as the mcsame campaign dives deeper into the sewer and becomes more and more racist…

    our good friends at the MSM find more and more reason to like johnny boy — that he is a strong and thoughtful guy

    i have officially tuned out of this campaign — if mccain wins in november there is ZERO hope for this nation to survive

  3. Tom339 says:

    Can’t say I’m surprised.

    McCain is known on Capitol Hill as “Senator Hot Head” and he’s been heard to tell racist jokes that would make the late Jesse Helms cheer.

    It’s got to be a real pain in McCain’s side to know a junior African American senator is whooping his ass in the polls. Maybe McCain will have a stroke after Obama defeats in November?

  4. Rachel says:

    Katie Couric has her work cut out for her trying to spin this story in a positive light, if she reports it at all. The MSM clearly adores McCain. He’s a war hero to many and this shields him from being held up to the type of scrutiny any other presidential candidate would experience.

  5. PUMA SUX says:

    John McCain, like Hillary Clinton, is a cardcarrying, racist Ku Klux Klan pig. Fuck them both.

  6. feminazi says:

    This is very disturbing. I hope the Tallahassee Democrat bring a lawsuit against the McCain campaign and the candidate himself for this clear example of discrimination based solely on race. I know the KKK has endorsed McCain but that still doesn’t give him permission to practice racism.

  7. Pingback: Hmmm…. « Ginny’s Thoughts & Things

  8. Dick Small says:

    You probably didn’t know this, but I went to school with John McCain. Believe it or not, he actually painted the above pic. It was in 11th grade art class, and our teacher asked us all to paint “our idea of a perfect world, as we would like it to be“. Well, needless to say that, since our teacher was a white supremacist, John got straight A’s throughout the rest of the year. Yes, water seeks its own level, for sure.

  9. kellybelle says:

    Thanks for reporting this. No one else has–MSM is too busy talking about mccain’s ads w/ Paris, Brit, and Moses.

  10. Mauigirl says:

    Very telling. Thanks for posting it.

    Re: Dick Small’s information about the painting – Dick, if that is true that John McCain painted it, I can’t help but feel that it was not a depiction of his idea of a perfect world. That painting, to me, clearly shows an anti-racism message. Here’s a black veteran obviously just returned from doing his duty for his country, and he returns home to a “whites only” sign on a park bench. Christopher, do you have more background on this image?

  11. Christopher says:

    Hey Everyone!

    Why the MSM isn’t all over this story is a mystery.

    It seems the MSM is determined to give the Old Coot a free pass and beat up Obama for everything from his shoes to his physique to his eating habits.

    They’re truly ridiculous.

  12. R.J. says:

    The MSM wants McCain in office.

  13. Harry says:

    The media is worthless. I have nothing but utter contempt for them. McCain is a racist asshole and I can’t wait to see him defeated.

  14. Dick Small says:

    Okay, so I “may” have “embellished” a little. But this is the only time, I swear

  15. VicoDANIEL says:

    I should be stunned. I should be angered.

    But, knowing John and Cindy McCain and their values and beliefs, I am not stunned and I am not angered. They are being consistent and true to character.

    However, I would think the media would find this story intriguing since involved a reporter — a member of the club. But I checked CNN, MSNBC and yes, FOX, and not a peep.

    CNN: hot weather in Dallas and a group of mountain climbers perish in Pakistan.

    MSNBC: Predators.

    FOX: unions for workers to vote Democratic!

    Three networks and no news. Amazing.


  16. Jim says:

    Just another example of what life would be like with John McBush as President. More misery and hatred and racism from another Republican.

  17. Tiny Dancer says:

    Rumors of insane behavior, racism and homophobia have surrounded Sen. McCain for two decades.

    He may be medicated now and carefully scripted but the reality is, the pseudo-Reagan veneer can’t last forever. This story is just an example of who is the real John McCain.

  18. Travelingman says:

    I first read about this on DailyKos…it is freightening that the media is sweeping this under the rug given the recent tenor of the attack ads. The true test will be if it hits the MSM tomorrow. If it doesn’t then it just shows me the real bias in the media to protect McOldwhiteguy. Scary….very scary indeed….

  19. fran says:

    I have a theory about MSM. They told us Hillary had the primary wrapped up, because
    she had more money & because they said so.
    So maybe since they think McSame is their choice, they will be wrong about that too.

    I’m sticking with this theory.

  20. stradella says:

    Fuck U, Sen. McCain.

    U Klan asshole.

  21. amy says:

    I’m curious who the courageous other reporter, who stood up for the first reporter, was. She deserves some recognition.

  22. FlyGuy says:

    I was shocked to see the clips from the Palin and McScrooge rallies: Blatant racism, threats to kill Obama, monkey dolls with Obama stickers on them, chants that Obama is a terrorist. Our nation should be hopelessly ashamed of itself. And look at the republican masses, as soon as they feel threatened the seething hatred of anything unlike themselves explodes out. RemarKKKably, these shameless and despicable bastards now seem common among them.

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