Bush Has Spent 409 Days at Crawford Pig Farm

Bush has spent part or all of 409 days of his presidency at the 1,600 acre ranch – a former pig farm, in Crawford, TX, according to CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller, who keeps meticulous records of Bush’s travel.

Another way to look at this astounding vacation schedule is, Bush was sworn into office as president on January 20, 2001 – roughly 6 years and 3 months ago. Since that dark day, Bush has been on vacation one year and 44 days.

It’s a schedule fit for any member of European royalty and one that would surely make even Queen Elizabeth flush with embarrassment but, not our King George, who enjoys being outside riding his bike, chopping cedar, clearing brush and visiting with family and friends.

I suppose another way to look at it is, imagine how much more damage he could have wrecked on America had he not been on vacation 409 days?

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27 Responses to Bush Has Spent 409 Days at Crawford Pig Farm

  1. panasit says:

    Look at the bright side.

    At least at the pig farm we know where to send the military to catch him should there be a coup d’etat and charges of crimes against humanity over lying the country into a war in Iraq.

    Bush can’t slither out in Crawford – the evil is contained, like a spill or a petre dish of smallpox virus.

  2. feminazi says:

    Hillary doesn’t have a ranch. Obama doesn’t have a ranch. Even Republican Guiliani doesn’t have a ranch. Why does George Bush need a ranch anyway? I mean, I know he must enjoy a safe place to drink booze and take drugs away from the press corps, but he’s as much a rancher as I am. Bush is a Dallas businessman. Imus is more of a rancher than this Texas horse’s ass.

  3. Mark says:

    I’ve been out of college 10 years this June and in that time, I have worked for 2 different companies. I was doodling with vacation figures after I read this post I figured out the following:

    In 10 year, I have taken:

    – 168 vacation days. In a decade, 168 vacation days.

    Guess I’m not a member of America’s royal aristocracy.

  4. feminazi says:

    Bingo, Mark. You actually work for a living. You contribute to society. The same can’t bee said about King George. His vacation schedule is more like what you might encounter with a drug dealer.

  5. Christopher says:


    You could make the argument that George W. Bush has been on vacation his entire life which would be fairly accurate if you asked me.

  6. FormerTexanInNevada says:

    “If I owned both Texas and Hell, I’d live in Hell and rent out Texas.” –William Tecumseh Sherman.

  7. rallyagainsttheright says:

    Pig Farm

    That 1,600 acre compound is the most heavily fortified 1,600 acres on the face of the planet and costs the American taxpayers $10 million a year in security costs to protect the most hated man on earth.

  8. feminazi says:

    ROFL! Great quote, FormerTexan.

  9. Matteo says:

    O/T but count this among the many success stories George “King” Bush can point to this Easter

    We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans


    a recent poll of several thousand men in Kandahar and Helmand by the Senlis Council, a Brussels-based thinktank, found that Taliban support among civilians had jumped to nearly 27 per cent. Only 19 per cent in the two provinces felt that international troops were helping them personally.

    In southern Afghanistan, said the report, people “are increasingly prepared to admit their support for the Taliban, and the belief that the government and the international community will not be able to defeat the Taliban is widespread”.

  10. Brigadoon says:

    Ranches in Crawford and ranches in Paraguay. Why do the elites need so many ranches? I don’t have a ranch. In fact no one I know has a ranch. I thought only movie stars and royalty were so accorded such a privilege?

  11. alien nation says:

    Who can forget the spectacle of Republicans screaming and pulling their hair out then former President Bill Clinton dared to spend a 3 day weekend with the Kennedy’s at their compound in Hyannis Post.

    You would’ve thought Clinton had started WWIII by daring to take off a mere 3 days in the summer.

    Fucking GOP hypocrites.

  12. dad2059 says:

    Saddam had his palace compounds all over Iraq before Bu$hcon had the military destroy the place. His equivilent of “ranches”.

    All tyrants throughout history have had their own “Fortresses of Solitude” away from the peasants.

  13. Bolz says:

    How much cedar is left for this idiot to chop? Maybe Bush should hire a gardener to help him get the job done. Ya think?

  14. kayinmaine says:

    Apparently, owning a ranch means one is in trouble with the laws of our country.

  15. kayinmaine says:

    Of course, Bush bought his fake ranch in Texas six months before the 2000 election because he wanted the image that he’s ‘one of them’. Laughable! The poor Secret Service has spent years piling up brush for Bush to move around to make it look good.

    Since that time, the elephant crap has been piling up. Cue the Secret Service!

  16. Bolz says:

    Oh really? I just assumed the Crawford abode had been in the Bush family years and years. Interesting.

  17. dad2059 says:

    Word has it the “Fearless Leader” is afraid of large animals like horses and cattle. That’s why there aren’t any of those there.

    That’s where they get the “All hat, no cattle” from.

  18. Christopher says:

    What a riot, dad! I can see Little Boots running in terror from a horse.

    Personally, I love horses — all animals really, dogs, cats, horses, they’re spectacular creatures.

  19. mirth says:

    I love the WT Sherman quote!

    To get to Bush’s faux ranch, you drive down Prairie Chapel Road just passed a high-fenced monstrosity of another ‘ranch’ where fatcats pay big $ to come shoot penned animals.

  20. TOM339 says:

    I like the Sherman quote too. Captures the essence of what much of the nation thinks of Texas courtesy of George W. Bush.

    If people didn’t have a negative impression of the Lone Star State before, they do now.

  21. TomCat says:

    I don’t think I’ve taken that much vacation in my life. 😦

  22. feminazi says:

    I think I have taken more than 409 days of vacation time but, I worked for the state of Connecticut for 32 years before retiring in 2004. Bush is on holiday that often so he can engage in God only knows what and with whom away from the glare of the media.

  23. balkanbalkan says:

    Lucky is the world and lucky are the citizens of US – were he active 409 days more, where would we be?

  24. Jim says:

    Personally, I think it should become law that whomever is President should be in residence at the White House or at least Camp David, except for the standard two week vacation once a year.

  25. mumford says:

    Bush has been on vacation that often simply because it allows Cheney, Rove and the other cronies free reign to run the show quietly in DC. This presidency has been a travesty of American politics

  26. Jack Simpson says:

    What kind of cheese do ya’ll want with those whines?

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