Little Boots Throws a Tantrum

As U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s highly productive trip to the Middle East draws to a close, we’re reminded of the puerile, immature nature of the current occupant of the White House.

In a telephone call from Lisbon on Friday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the New York Times the following:

She [Pelosi] could not account for the Bush administration’s assault, which she at one point equated to a tantrum. (She said her children were teasing her about Mr. Cheney’s accusation of bad behavior.) Defending her trip, Ms. Pelosi said that members of Congress had a responsibility to play a role in national security issues and that they needed to be able to gather information on their own, and not be dependent on the White House.

“I am used to the administration; nothing surprises me,” she said. “Having said that, I hope we can have the opportunity to convey to the president what we saw.” 

“We understand our responsibilities when we leave the country,” Ms. Pelosi said. “On all the issues, it was a very direct message, very consistent with the Bush administration’s message.” She said her message “was not always the one everyone wanted to hear.”

“I come back thinking, all right, we will get through their tantrum,” Ms. Pelosi said, in a reference to the administration, “but the fact is, we accomplished what we set out to do. I think we improved the understanding among the different parties.”

President Bush still doesn’t get it: what Speaker Nancy Pelosi did by meeting with President Assad and getting him to agree to peace talks with Israel is precisely what Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice should’ve been doing. Pelosi accomplished in 72 hours what the Bush administration failed to accomplish in 7 years.

Enjoy the sour grapes, Mr. President. 

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17 Responses to Little Boots Throws a Tantrum

  1. Randy Aroyo says:

    Great post, Christopher.

    I can just imagine George Bush going batshit crazy because Nancy Pelosi is acting more presidential that he can ever hope to act and getting more done than he can ever dream of accomplishing.

    Bush is a petty, little bastard with obvious physical shortcomings.

  2. feminazi says:

    Plus, Randy, don’t forget that Pelosi is a smart woman from a liberal state. A lousy dictator like Bush must be going out of him mind about now. What mind he has left. All I know is Nancy Pelosi makes me proud and she’s restoring respect to my country again. Something the Idiot Bush managed to destroy in no time at all.

  3. Idaho Librul says:

    How embarrassing. Bush is like a todler is stomps around shrieking because he can’t have a second helping of ice cream. No wonder the rest of the world looks on at the USA in disbelief. Thank God Bush’s term is winding down.

  4. Rachel says:

    I adore Nancy Pelosi. Why isn’t she running for president in 2008? She totally kicks butt and I think she would make a fabulous president. You go girl! 🙂

  5. JDRShaw says:

    Guys, isn’t the “Condi factor” really the essence of Bush’s meltdown?

    She’s his warrior princess and by Nancy Pelosi traveling to Syria and brokering a deal to commence peace talks, it exposes Rice’s ineffectiveness and failure as America’s Secretary of State.

    Come on, when Madeline Albright was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, I remember her saying she was gone so often and so long that she started to forget what her home looked like. Albright is currently the Mortara Distinguished Professor of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. Does anyone think Condi Rice will be so recognized?

  6. feminazi says:

    True, Shaw. Condi is no Madeline Albright. Never will be, either.

  7. Randy Arroyo says:

    It would take a team of shrinks to decifer the relationship between Bush and Condi and how it came to be in the first place. All I know is she’s a poor excuse for this country’s Secretary of State. Especially, when it comes to political matters in the middel east. She’s clearly in over her head.

  8. Jim says:

    Bush, and all his sycophants, should kiss Nancy Pelosi’s feet. Thank goodness some of our elected officials have our country’s best interests at heart. Pelosi and company had the good sense move around the constipation of the Bush administration and GET SOMETHING DONE.

  9. feminazi says:

    Pelosi is a relatively young woman. A run for president is entirely possible and I think she would stand a damned good chance too. Much better than Hillary.

  10. TomCat says:

    I agree with FN!!

    Not ignoring you folks. Have been sick.

    Happy Easter!

  11. Christopher says:

    TomCat – GET BETTER SOON! You’re missed. Take care.

  12. DMason says:

    Bush is a national and international disgrace. I hope the SCOTUS is happy with what they’ve perpetrated on this nation. They should all be sent to a Federal prison to make license plates for the rest of their natural lives.

  13. dad2059 says:

    I love the way Nancy poo-poos the neoconmen. The more she marginalizes them, the more they fly into childish tantrums. Luv it.

  14. section9 says:

    Pelosi went out and directly misrepresented the Israeli position after her conference with Assad. She got publicly slapped down by Ehud Olmert for it, and deservedly so. She was trying to freelance, which is why she was nuked by the Washington Post.

    Not even her fanboys over at the New York Times could cover for her on this, although they tried. All the Administration could do was brief her on what Administration policy was. When you have a serious Democrat like Tom Lantos speaking of an alternate Democratic foreign policy, that is sweet music to our enemies.

    Nancy is an amateur, and was caught out like one. Not even one of you shameless partisan bootlickers have enough balls to see the damage she has done to the cause of Lebanese independence and the assistance she has given the tyrant in Damascus.

  15. DMason says:

    If Nancy Pelosi is an “amateur” then, Condi Rice is a high school sophmore more suited to juggle for her Master than actually advance the important cause of peace relations between nations.

  16. kayinmaine says:

    Love the photo, Christopher! You nailed it. 🙂

  17. opit says:

    Still I grumble to myself ; Bush does not want to ‘succeed’. Those who say he wants to destroy his father’s legacy – America – because of an inferiority complex must be considered as possibly having pointed out the only explanation that makes sense.

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