Hillary Clinton Returns to the Public Arena

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hillary Clinton Delivers Speech at the Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards

Hillary Clinton has left the State Department but, if you thought she would return to a comfortable, private life in New Castle, NY, a home she shares with former president Bill Clinton, gardening and knitting, think again.

Last night, Hillary Clinton returned to the public stage with a speech to a cheering crowd of fans. Outside Washington’s Kennedy Center, 200 gathered to send her a not-so-subtle nudge toward 2016, waving placards and shouting “Ready for Hillary!”

Inside the venue, she shared the spotlight with Vice President Joe Biden, but it was clearly the Hillary Show. She spoke on behalf of the Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards, an organization she founded to empowering women globally.

She received a long standing ovation from the 2,000 people packed into the Opera House to honor activists on women’s issues from around the globe. She did looked rested and her hair was shorter. She was no longer sporting the thick eyeglasses that she was forced to wear after suffering a concussion last December.

Vice President Joe Biden praised Ms. Clinton’s work on women’s rights, telling the enthusiastic crowd:

“There’s no woman like Hillary Clinton.”

On Friday, Clinton gives the keynote address at the star-studded Women in The World Summit, hosted by Newsweek/The Daily Beast. In three weeks, she will give her first paid speech at the National Multi-Housing Council in Dallas, TX and in the June, the Economic Club of Grand Rapids will honor her.

Last month, Clinton announced her support for gay marriage in an online video.

While Hillary Clinton said she has no plans to run for office, she hasn’t discouraged such talk. In fact, many of the smartest Washington insiders say it’s inevitable she will run for president in 2016.

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14 Responses to Hillary Clinton Returns to the Public Arena

  1. Brigadoon says:

    I predict Hillary Clinton will run in 2016. She will face Jeb Bush. Imagine it? Another Clinton v. Bush presidential race? Only in America, folks. Naturally, Hillary will destroy Jeb. After all, she’s the most popular woman in the world. Jebby, he’s a Johnny-come-lately.

  2. Unconditional1 says:

    The U.S. needs more powerful women such as her…this country is seriously sick and in unimaginable trouble…a few more Hillary’s can’t hurt…even when they might carry douchebags like “hillbilly” Bill!

  3. feminazi says:

    I never thought of this before. Clinton versus Bush in 2016. Although Rand Paul seems to the the GOP’s darling. The 2016 could be Clinton versus Paul. Either way, Hillary will win the election.

  4. ChiTOM says:

    2016 just has the feeling that it is Hillary’s turn. She’s more than qualified and if she’s serious about running, 2016 is her last chance. She will be 69 years old — the same age Reagan was when he was elected. Any older and I think it could become an obstacle for her. I’m glad to see her out and about again. I agree. She looks rested and happy.

  5. Pechanga says:

    I have to wonder? Politics, especially national politics, is a blood sport.

    If Biden decides to seek the Democratic nomination in 2016, will we see him go after Hillary about the Benghazi embassy attack? This would be very awkward.

  6. DMason says:

    Pechanga – If Hillary declares, Biden disappears from the public eye.

  7. Rachel says:

    I hate to be shallow but if Hillary Clinton is going to run, she needs to get a minor facelift to refresh her appearance and drop a few pounds. Working at State aged her and I would like to see her get back to how she looked in 2008.

  8. Adirondacky says:

    Hillary is out of the shadows of the US State Department now. I think it should be clear to everyone that she’s running for president in 2016. Doubt her ambition at your own risk.

  9. Randy Arroyo says:

    Rachel – I don’t think you’re being shallow at all. We live in a youth-driven culture. If Hillary is able to look a tad more rested from plastic surgery, then good for her.

  10. Stephen Iversonn says:

    Hillary is working on a memoir and policy book about her years as Secretary of State, with Simon & Schuster the publisher, according to the Associated Press.

    The book has yet to be titled and is tentatively scheduled for June 2014.

    She is also scheduled to pen a more wonky, policy book after this. All of which will be seen as a sort of rollout to 2016.

  11. Matteo says:

    I saw this in the Washington Post.

    James Carville Supporting pro-Hillary Super PAC


    Democratic strategist James Carville, a longtime confidant of the Clinton family, is supporting the super PAC devoted to luring Hillary Clinton into the 2016 presidential race.

    A person familiar with Ready for Hillary PAC’s outreach efforts tells Post Politics that Carville has joined the effort and will send an e-mail Thursday asking supporters to do the same. He is thus far the most high-profile and well-known Clinton supporter to lend a hand.

  12. Joe in Colorado says:

    Joe Biden been the ultimate “team player” all these years. They say he wanted State but instead, served as President Obama’s number two and now, instead of becoming the heir apparent to run for president in 2016, he is being largely pushed aside by the enormous star power of Hillary Clinton. The 2016 race will be very interesting to watch unfold.

  13. Peace Nick says:

    Hillary’s back in the game. Now, whether or not her health is back in the game is another question.

    Having a blood clot is serious and can’t be discounted. If she took office and had to step down in months or weeks, imagine the chaos?

  14. Vivzz says:

    Bill Clinton quipped yesterday, “We’re going to have some interesting choices for president in 2016.” I mean, can it get anymore obvious that Hillary is running?

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