67 House Republicans Voted “NO” on Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Reps. Paul Ryan, Louis Gohmert and Joe Wilson voted ‘No’ on Hurricane Sandy relief

67 House Republicans voted “no” on the badly needed Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin who was Mitt Romney’s running mate led the pack of idiots. While Reps. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Louie Gohmert of Texas and Trent Franks of Arizona had absolutely no problem voting for a $50 billion disaster aid bill after Hurricane Katrina and increasing the flood insurance pool by $2 billion in 2005.

Republican Sen. Al D’Amato, whose 98-year old mother was displaced by Hurricane Sandy, tore into the 67 reps who voted against the $9.7 billion funding package saying:

“They’re a bunch of jackasses. This country is about coming to the aid of regions in need,” he said. “We don’t say, ‘Oh no, this money is for Louisiana, I don’t live there so what do I care?”

Listed below is the entire list of the 67 House Republicans who voted against Sandy relief. Their phone numbers are included. If you feel inclined, please call their offices and let them know how you feel about their callous and heartless behavior.

Justin Amash (MI) (202) 225-3831
Garland Barr (KY) (202) 225-4706
Dan Benishek (MI) (202) 225-4735
Kerry Bentivolio (MI) (202) 225-8171
Marsha Blackburn (TN) (202) 225-2811
Jim Bridenstine (OK) (202) 225-2211
Mo Brooks (AL) (202) 225-4801
Paul Broun (GA) (202) 225-4101
Steve Chabot (OH) (202) 225-2216
Doug Collins (GA) (202) 225-9893
Michael Conaway (TX) (202) 225-3605
Tom Cotton (AR) (202) 225-3772
Steve Daines (MT) (202) 225-3211
Ron DeSantis (FL) (202) 225-2706
Scott DesJarlais (TN) (202) 225-6831
Sean Duffy (WI) (202) 225-3365
Jeff Duncan (SC) (202) 225-5301
John Duncan (TN) (202) 225-5435
Stephen Fincher (TN) (202) 225-4714
John Fleming (LA) (202) 225-2777
Bill Flores (TX) (202) 225-6105
Virginia Foxx (NC) (202) 225-2071
Trent Franks (AZ) (202) 225-4576
Louie Gohmert (TX) (202) 225-3035
Bob Goodlatte (VA) (202) 225-5431
Paul Gosar (AZ) (202) 225-2315
Trey Gowdy (SC) (202) 225-6030
Tom Graves (GA) (202) 225-5211
Sam Graves (MO) (202) 225-7041
Andy Harris (MD) (202) 225-5311
George Holding (NC) (202) 225-3032
Richard Hudson (NC) (202) 225-3715
Tim Huelskamp (KS) (202) 225-2715
Randy Hultgren (IL.) (202) 225-2976
Lynn Jenkins (KS) (202) 225-6601
Jim Jordan (OH)(202) 225-2676
Doug Lamborn (CO) (202) 225-4422
Kenny Marchant (TX) (202) 225-6605
Thomas Massie (KY)  (202) 225-3465
Tom McClintock (CA)  (202) 225-2511
Mark Meadows (NC) (202) 225-6401
Markwayne Mullin (OK) (202) 225-2701
Mick Mulvaney (SC) (202) 225-5501
Randy Neugebauer (TX) (202) 225-4005
Steven Palazzo (MS.) (202) 225-5772
Steve Pearce (NM) (202) 225-2365
Scott Perry (PA) (202) 225-2565
Tom Petri (WI) (202) 225-2476
Mike Pompeo (KS) (202) 225-6216
Tom Price (GA) (202) 225-4501
Phil Roe (TN)(202) 225-6356
Todd Rokita (IN) (202) 225-5037
Keith Rothfus (PA) (202) 225-2065
Ed Royce (CA) (202) 225-4111
Paul Ryan (WI) (202) 225-3031
Matt Salmon (AZ) (202) 225-2635
David Schweikert (AZ) (202) 225-2190
Jim Sensenbrenner (WI) (202) 225-5101
Marlin Stutzman (IN) (202) 225-4436
Mac Thornberry (TX) (202) 225-3706
Randy Weber (TX) (202) 225-2831
Brad Wenstrup (OH) (202) 225-3164
Roger Williams (TX) (202) 225-9896
Joe Wilson (SC) (202) 225-2452
Rob Woodall (GA) (202) 225-4272
Kevin Yoder (KS) (202) 225-2865
Ted Yoho (FL) (202) 225-5744

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15 Responses to 67 House Republicans Voted “NO” on Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill

  1. Brigadoon says:

    Fucking basterds. I hope they all suffer personal tragedies including illness.

  2. feminazi says:

    Thank you for publishing this list. I notice most of the Republican assholes listed are from the south so I must conclude they believe it’s acceptable to punish Americans who live in the predominately liberal, Northeast region of the country while they spoon feed people in the South. I hope Democrats keep this in mind the next time there’s a tornado or hurricane in the South and huge human suffering takes place. For me, I plan to spend Monday calling all the offices of the 67 House members.

  3. Tena says:

    Appalling. That’s all I can say. Appalling.

  4. ChiTOM says:

    Blow up the phone lines. Call and call again and again. Make their staff members crazy taking down messages from Americans angry and outraged by their bosses insolence. Don’t be afraid to let your anger be heard. Say it. Mean it. And don’t play nice.

  5. Matteo says:

    Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) is a real lunatic. He’s a genuine reflection of Texas and the radical right in America. Here’s what he said on the Dennis Miller Show, arguing banning assault weapons won’t reduce firearms violence:

    “I refuse to play the game of ‘assault weapon.’ That’s any weapon. It’s a hammer. It’s the machetes in Rwanda that killed 800,000 people, an article that came out this week, the massive number that are killed with hammers.”


  6. DMason says:

    All the usual suspects. I spit on all of them.

  7. Zarathustra says:

    Those 67 Rethuglicans should be put on a desert Island in the middle of the ocean with no access to food or water.

  8. Zarathustra says:

    What I mean is……… for any of them to survive, they would have to kill and eat each other….. Last one left, gets to re-enter society at the end of one year. And then, he gets spend the rest of his life in prison, for ”cannibalism”……

  9. Zarathustra says:

    I’m sure…. most of these cock-suckers are ‘good’ fucking christians, too……

  10. FRAN says:

    Wow! Bastards all. These low life’s would vote yes on funding billions on wars & the military industrial complex, even subsidies for the historic & unprecedented wealth volume of big oil companies.
    Not only did they vote NO, but more than 2 months after the disastrous storm hit!
    They will be the first to come running when help is needed. How do these people sleep @ night?

  11. coppertopfarm says:

    wow – such vitriol. You might remember it was YOUR liberal president who asked for civility.
    I didn’t see ANY of the Republicans who voted no YELLING, CALLING NAMES OR CURSE WORDS at the Democrats who loaded the EXTRA PORK in an urgent bill that did need to get through to help the victims.

  12. TOM339 says:

    coppertopfarm – Yes, what vitriol. Nothing approaching the cruelty and heartlessness of denying hurricane victims much needed financial aid.

    I suppose only hurricane victims who reside in rightwing, red states are deserved of federal help.

    The voters who cast their ballot for GEORGE W. BUSH. What an idiot.

  13. mindy says:

    Isn’t it funny how they all got there raises but help victims of a storm. Why?

  14. Angela Lisowski says:

    Is it not amazing how they can vote in raises for government officials, and that the USA can send taxpayers dollars over to other countries that are in dire need of rehabilitation regarding regions that are destroyed, YET we cannot take care of our own. I myself am a victim of Hurricane Sandy in the Long Beach LI area, and live on an income of less than $25,000yr, had no flood insurance because I cannot afford the cost, and yet had to ask my mom of 87yo who is on SocSec to lend me money that was needed to repair my home because the government is being selfless. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG HERE!

  15. Jim says:

    Loser fucking jerks, all. Why am I not surprised at this list?

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