President Obama Leads in Crucial Battleground States

Friday, September 14, 2012

President Obama and Vice President Biden at the 2012 DNC in Charlotte

President Obama’s post-convention bounce continues unabated according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist polls. The president leads his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney in three, critical swing states: Ohio, Florida and Virginia.

Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 43%

Florida: Obama 49%, Romney 44%

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 44%

From the poll:

“These three states represent three of the most crucial battlegrounds in the 2012 presidential election. According to NBC’s electoral map, Mitt Romney likely needs to capture at least two of these states, if not all three, to secure the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency.”

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10 Responses to President Obama Leads in Crucial Battleground States

  1. TOM339 says:

    With just 52 days until the General Election, if I were Mitt Romney and saw President Obama leading by 7 points in Ohio, I would be very worried.

    At this point, it looks like President Obama’s fortunes may be tied to the performance of the Dow.

    Yesterday, the Dow surged 211 points. Its strongest day in many months and the third straight day the index soared.

  2. Joe in Colorado says:

    Romney squandered whatever post-convention bounce he received by saying remarkably stupid things after Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered in Libya. Romney keeps reminding the American people he’s not ready for primetime. President Obama has the power of the incumbency behind him and this helps to make him untouchable. Plus, Obama is a “known.” The American people know him and they are not inclined to toss him out by electing an uncertain who is also a radical.

  3. hipolito says:

    President Obama may not be perfect but he’s 10,000 times superior to Mitt Romney.

  4. Debbie Banuelos says:

    I had high hopes for Romney but after he pronounced Russia is America’s biggest national security threat, I knew he couldn’t find his way out of a dark room without help.

    Romney is not ready to take that “3a.m. call” Hillary Clinton so aptly suggested.

  5. Brigadoon says:

    But the mainstream media kept reminding us how competitive the 2012 race is, especially in Ohio, Virginia and Florida? It looks like the political class was wrong all along.

  6. Matteo says:

    The good news for President Obama and Vice President Biden continues.

    The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll of likely voters shows Obama widening his lead to seven points, 48% to 41%, while the latest Gallup tracking poll shows Obama ahead by six points, 50% to 44%.

  7. Marcus Ybanez says:

    I had Morning Joe on this morning and they reported the same Virginia, Ohio and Florida polls as you. Joe and his sidekick, Meeka, had this stunned look on their mugs as if they were thinking, “How the hell are we going to fill in three hours of airtime each day for the next 52 days?”

    Too funny.

  8. retahyajyajav says:

    Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Romney didn’t even bother to show up for the debates? He told his handlers he’s just too tired and doesn’t want to endure the humiliation of having President Obama hand his ass to him. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.

  9. DMason says:

    I’m getting excited about Nov. 6th, 2012. This is the most important election in my life.

  10. The Real Adam says:

    I hope President Obama can hold onto these poll number leads.

    One thing I know is true. In national political races, 52 days might as be 52 months. Geo-political problems like those in the middle east may come back to haunt the president. But let’s hope this doesn’t happen.

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