CNN is Dying, on Life Support

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It’s no secret CNN’s ratings have reached record lows. On May 2, 2012, I reported CNN posted the worst audience numbers in a decade.

Last night was a busy Tuesday evening for the networks, dominated by the season finale of ‘NCIS: LA’ on CBS, ‘America’s Got Talent’ on NBC and, ‘Dancing With the Stars’ on ABC, drawing an astonishing 39 million viewers at 9PM.

Unfortunately for CNN, ‘Piers Morgan Tonight’, also at 9PM, attracted an anemic 39,000 viewers. These numbers represent the lowest 9PM weekday ratings for CNN since 1997 — a 15 year low.

CNN’s decision to replace the popular Larry King, host of Larry King Live, who retired on December 16, 2010 after 25 years at CNN, with British personality and Rupert Murdock protege, Piers Morgan, remains one of the most bizarre and inexplicable decisions in television history.

American viewers have not, and my guess will never, embrace the frequently smarmy, and often arrogant Piers Morgan. What will it take for the suits at CNN to admit Piers Morgan is a flop and should be given a one-way ticket back to Britain?

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10 Responses to CNN is Dying, on Life Support

  1. Doglover says:

    Hey!, we (UK) don’t want him back Oily little toerag.

    p.s. It’s MurdoCH, just sayin’ 🙂

  2. tmm says:

    Smarmy, arrogant sure but you forgot inept.

  3. John Thomas says:

    Is that why they have tried to become fox-lite? Chasing after an older white audience that is shrinking? What did the mittster say? Let them go bankrupt!

  4. Randy Arroyo says:

    I loathe Puss Morgan. His big, blubbery face, and his phony British accent, all posh- wannabe, makes me want to puke. CNN shouldn’t even be on the air. They totally suck.

  5. fran says:

    Bloody Hell! Pretty bad when you can’t do better than crusty old Larry King.

  6. daisydem says:

    Buh bye CNN. It was not always good to know you, especially these last 8 years.

  7. Joe in Colorado says:

    Piers Morgan is a fame whore. He crawled across the Atlantic with stars in his eyes and decided he wanted to be as famous as the movie stars and TV stars who appear on his show to promote their latest movie or show. He’s a terrible interviewer but oddly enough, he’s better than Wolf Blitzer who is incapable of listening. CNN needs to be wiped clean from top, down, if they’re going to survive.

  8. ChiTOM says:

    Larry King left some pretty big shoes to fill.

    I have no idea who wanted the job or who CNN may have interviewed to sit in King’s chair but, when I heard Piers Morgan was the candidate all I could think was “who”? I have watched him a few times and while I didn’t think he was “smarmy”, I just find him to be another boring Brit.

    In a nation of 310 million people, CNN couldn’t find an American to replace Larry King?

  9. Pechanga says:

    CNN should just sign off and the channel turn into another TCM.

    At least a commercial-free, 24/7 movie channel is something we would enjoy. The garbage on there now is a waste of bandwidth.

  10. Jim says:

    Please Ted Turner. Buy CNN and give us a real news channel once more.

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