Santorum Escapes the Sanitarium

Monday, April 9, 2012

Defying personal and political realities, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, escaped from the sanitarium today and is returning to the presidential campaign race.

Santorum refused to accept his insurmountable uphill battle against presumptive GOP nominee Willard “Mitt” Romney.

After taking a five-day break to celebrate Easter and help care for his sick his 3-year-old daughter, Bella, who suffers from a serious genetic disorder, Santorum kicked off the fight for his home state, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday.

A loss in Pennsylvania in the April 24 primary will be seen as hammering the final nail into Santorum’s campaign coffin and will unofficially crown Romney as the Republican who will face President Obama in November’s election.

The sad spectacle of watching Santorum muddling on is like watching a wildebeest being devoured by a lion on the Discovery channel.  Where are the nice young men in their clean white coats ready to take him away?

SOURCE: Reuters

Editor Update: I just heard Santorum has “suspended” his campaign. Code for he is no longer running but is free to keep raising money.

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7 Responses to Santorum Escapes the Sanitarium

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    Frothy will use daughter Bella to win sympathy from Republicans not sold on Romney. This guy is as shameless as they come. A truly despicable douche of a politician.

  2. Adirondacky says:

    Ricky has a screw loose. No doubt about it.

  3. feminazi says:

    The best description (and photo) of Santorum I’ve seen ever.

  4. TOM339 says:

    It takes 1,145 delegates to be the nominee. Santorum can’t get to this number.

    Denying reality and playing “presidential candidate” suggests an emotionally immature man who is playing games with a serious job.

    He is avoiding what adults do: working and taking care of their family. He’s a child.

  5. Joe in Colorado says:

    Where did you kind this picture of Frothy? He looks insane. Total Opus Dei.

  6. The Real Adam says:

    I saw an unscientific, online opinion poll today that asked readers for their opinion of Santorum.

    86% reported to have a “very unfavorable” opinion of him. 86% is a large number. There is no way Santorum can capture the GOP nomination with such high negatives. It won’t happen.

  7. Rachel says:

    Ricky is possessed. The Devil resides in his fat ass.

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