Rick Perry’s Bizarre Cornerstone Speech Highlights

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here are the must-see highlights from TX Gov. Rick Perry’s Cornerstone speech in New Hampshire last Friday night.

To say he’s got a, um, a very different style, is an understatement. I don’t know if Perry was under the influence of booze or drugs but many pundits are pointing to this video — now a viral sensation and a campaign embarrassment, as the end of Perry’s political career.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow likened Perry’s performance as his “Howard Dean scream moment.” I think it is much more bizarre than that.

Watch It:

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14 Responses to Rick Perry’s Bizarre Cornerstone Speech Highlights

  1. Melhael says:

    Wow, he’s drunk.

  2. Big Hank says:

    Perry has that crawly skin you see in druggies high on amphetamines. He wants to tear his suit and shirt off and scratch and itch.

    I used to see this behavior when I worked as an EMT and we would get a call to bring in an addict found on some street or alley. What strikes me as so interesting is Perry has been elected three times. I wouldn’t vote for this man to be our local dog catcher let alone governor or president.

  3. Rendaculous says:

    Is Rick Perry running for president or for Pee Wee Herman’s understudy?

  4. Brigadoon says:

    Rick Perry isn’t a serious presidential candidate. He reminds me of one of SNL’s parody characters. What these performances wind up doing is help Mitt Romney who just sails under the radar moving closer each day to being the Republican nominee.

  5. Marcus Ybanez says:

    After viewing this video, it’s somewhat naive to think that Rick Perry isn’t chemically altered.

    The fact is, his behavior illustrates the increasingly low-standard set for public officials by the like of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. Such low standards represent concern to those of us who believe serving in public office is a privilege that helps define us as a nation.

  6. R.J. says:

    He’s definitely under the influence of drugs. I don’t know if it’s amphetamines or cocaine, though.

  7. Harry says:

    Truth be told, I had to stop watching at 4 minutes. Perry unchained is a frightening visage and one I don’t want to encounter again anytime soon.

  8. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    Aw, Rick is just precious.

  9. Pingback: Perry - OnTheEdge » OnTheEdge

  10. Estacada says:

    Rolling Stone contributor Matt Taibbi had the best line when he told Keith Olbermann last night:

    “Rick Perry has just kind of lost it.” I agree. Back to Niggerhead Ranch you go, Ricky.

  11. DMason says:

    Perry totally creeps me the hell out. I usually don’t make predictions but I think he will drop out of the Republican nomination process before the final GOP debate in January. He’s a clown and completely unelectable outside Texas. Let Texas enjoy him.

  12. Jon Murdock says:

    He might claim he was drugged.

  13. Sophie says:


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  14. feminazi says:

    Perry is high as a kite!

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