“Cindy Sheehan is a tragedy slut”– Glenn Back

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last week, MSNBC bloviator, Ed Schultz was suspended after he called conservative radio host Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut.” The comment caused a huge uproar in both the mainstream media, the new media and among feminists.

Sufficiently chastened, Schultz issued an apology and promised to be a good boy in the future. Ingraham waded into the controversy accusing Schultz of “misogyny.”

But back in 2005, none other than Glenn Beck called Cindy Sheehan a “slut” and no one said a word. Not Beck’s cable employer, not his radio boss, not the mainstream media, not members from the new media and not the feminists.

It’s a curious double standard. While I’m no fan of either Schultz or Beck, I find it interesting that Ed Schultz was forced to undergo a public flogging for his use of the word “slut” while Glenn Beck was given a ‘Hail Mary Pass.’

In fact, Glenn Beck went onto to earn a staggering $32 million in 2009 alone from his vast radio and publishing empire.

SOURCE: The Star Mobile

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9 Responses to “Cindy Sheehan is a tragedy slut”– Glenn Back

  1. Brigadoon says:

    You’re 100% correct. It’s a double standard and why I detest the media.

  2. Rachel says:

    What Schultz tried was to say something controversial about Laura Ingraham to boost his ratings, a la, Glenn Beck. The difference is, the radical right is far more organized and ready to pounce if a lefty — even an ersatz lefty like Ed Schultz, tries a similar tactic. But I agree with you. There’s definitely a double standard in the media and it favors conservatives.

  3. Marcus Ybanez says:

    Absolutely a double standard. Great catch.

    I guess it’s OK to call Cindy Sheehan a “slut” because she’s a liberal and made Bush’s life a living hell. But Laura Ingraham is as pure as a winter snow. She must be protected!

  4. Seabec says:

    For me the difference between Glenn Beck and Ed Schultz is this. Ed Schultz isn’t very bright whereas Glenn Beck has a screw loose. What makes them them the same is both function in the cable arena and you live and die by your ratings. Maybe Ed Schultz and Glenn Beck should do a show together? The Ed and Glenn Show.

  5. NadePaulKuciGravMcKi says:

    ‘we shall take steps that will damn well astound you’

    Ralph Nader Ron Paul Dennis Kucinich Mike Gravel Cynthia McKinney
    Chuck Baldwin Jesse Ventura Cindy Sheehan
    Ross Perot President Carter

  6. Debbie Banuelos says:

    I think Glenn Beck and Ed Schultz are dumb pigs who deserve a swift kick in their asses by a woman by me wearing stilettos.

    Oh, did I really say that? You betcha! HAHAHAHAHA!

  7. Sayingwhatneedsaying says:

    It is my furvent hope that one day Glenn Beck’s children will wise up and tell him to go f**k himself!

  8. Jim says:

    So idiotic. But then, it always seems the case with Republican nuts.

  9. Jolly Roger says:

    Beck, detestable as he is, had every right to frame it that way. He’s a shock-jock by trade, and his employers had to know what they were doing. Schultz has apparently decided that he doesn’t want to swim in that cesspool, but I’ve got news for him: he does. They all do. The best of them isn’t going to be any better than the worst of them, because the gasbags on cable are the ones you remember, not the thoughtful ones. And by “you” I don’t necessarily mean everyone; it’s a generalization.

    Hopefully Keith’s new venture will take off. Maybe then we could find a way to get more thoughtful people, like Thom Hartmann, some decent airtime.

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