Howard Stern Punks CNN

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Howard Stern punked the hell out of CNN’s breathless coverage of yesterday’s snow event.

Any reputable news organization worth its gonads have enough sense to screen the experts before going live. Especially when the expert claims to represent New Jersey’s Emergency Management system. But not CNN. They were so worried about getting the scoop on the snow that they ignored a cardinal rule of live news and Ali Velshi got his ass handed to him by the Master.

Watch it:

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18 Responses to Howard Stern Punks CNN

  1. Joe in Colorado says:

    ROFL! I haven’t watched CNN in at least two years because they fired all the experienced and talented journalists and replaced them with people like this guy. Does CNN really think this Ali Babba is superior to Aaron Brown or Miles O’Brien? They’re a joke.

  2. Tiny Dancer says:

    I bet Anderson Cooper never takes live calls because he knows someone will call in pretending to be his muscle boyfriend and Anderson is still playing the straight card. At least in his own mind!!

  3. Harry says:

    I don’t watch CNN either and this is why. They’re no longer a serious news organization. It’s all about the entertainment factor.

  4. Rachel says:

    So funny! It makes me nostalgic for the glory days of Howard Stern when Stuttering John would go to these “A”-list events and punk Barbara Walters and Imelda Marcos. They’re some of the best guerrilla radio in history.

  5. Mets Fan says:

    Howard punks CNN a couple of times a year and they always fall for it. They’re morons.

    Love Howard!

  6. Now that’s just goddamn funny.

  7. JollyRoger says:

    CNN should probably stick to what they’re best at-covering Jon and Kate. Any time they step outside of that realm they seem to screw up.

  8. libhomo says:

    The blizzard was intense in the outer boroughs of NYC, but that is no excuse for sloppy journalism.

  9. VicoDANIEL says:

    CNN’s decline started the day Ted Turner sold the groundbreaking cable news network to Time-Warner.

    The suits decided to try and challenge FIXED News’ heavy ratings by whoring the thin, human-interest stories over substance.

    Think of all the qualified, excellent journalists CNN fired in the past 5 to 7 years?

    Aaron Brown
    Natalie Allen
    Miles O’Brien
    Bobbie Battista
    Thomas Roberts
    Mary Alice Williams
    Peter Arnett
    Charlayne Hunter-Gault

    I think the only way back for CNN is for Ted Turner to tire of retirement and buy back the network from Time-Warner and fire all of the current on-air talent.

  10. lea-lea says:

    Jeff Greenfield is quite good too.

    But, he’s too serious, too white and too old for the new and improved CNN. It’s only a matter of time until they fire Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty too. I rarely watch CNN for news. I’m an MSNBC gal.

  11. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    FA FA FO FA!

  12. DMason says:

    This is a great punk! By the way? Who the hell is Ali Velshi? He looks like one of those huge New York City gutter rats and he sounds like a jackhammer. CNN has a real talent for finding and promoting on air talent that suggests parody and not credibility.

  13. bradfrmphnx says:

    Shoo Shoo Retarded Flu!

  14. Mauigirl says:

    Love it.

  15. Rock says:

    Ali is out of his element here. I used to watch him on Saturday mornings. He knows finance. Other news? Not so sure about that.

  16. Fran says:

    Ha ha!

    By the way Christopher….. how are you faring in all this snowpocalypse???

  17. feminazi says:


    I recall Charlayne Hunter-Gault relocated to South Africa where she’s a journalist. She’s very good and so much better than the current crew on CNN.

  18. HalfGay says:

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! What a fantastic news clip – this is why the Yes Men get into so many places. Awesome.

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