Anderson Cooper’s Ratings Fading Faster than a Spray Tan

Thursday, December 4, 2009

Anderson Cooper, the closeted gay son of Upper Eastside socialite Gloria Vanderbilt, is fading in the ratings faster than a spray tan.

His 10PM show, “Anderson Cooper 360,” has declined 62% in total viewers and 70% in adults 25-54 from November 2008, according to Nielsen figures.

Last month, in Cooper’s time slot, Fox News’ “On the Record” attracted an average viewership of 1.9 million while “360” averaged a paltry 672,000; reruns of MSNBC’s “Countdown” and HLN’s Nancy Grace show averaged 655,000 and 458,000, respectively.

But in the all important 25-54 demographic, those same repeats won out over Cooper with 224,000 (MSNBC) and 214,000 (HLN).

The question now for Cooper is, despite the fact that his “mummy” sits on the board of Time-Warner (the owner of CNN), how much longer will the cable TV provider let this stinker of a show drag on before they pull the plug and put it out of its misery?

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13 Responses to Anderson Cooper’s Ratings Fading Faster than a Spray Tan

  1. Woodcliffe says:

    Cooper is just a symptom of what’s wrong with CNN.

    I remember when CNN launched. They were really aggressive about live news coverage much the way BBC and ITN are aggressive. They would point the camera on the event and get out of the way.

    Now, they talkabout and discuss the news with a team of experts. One from the left and one from the right. Plus, the relentless commercials have all made CNN completely unwatchable.

    Maybe Ted Turner will get bored and buy CNN back and return it to its former glory?

  2. feminazi says:

    I’ve noticed CNN has this annoying habit of sticking the camera so close to Anderson Cooper’s face that on my high definition TV, I can see his nose hairs. They do with also with their later morning anchor, Tony someone or another. I really find it off-putting to feel like I’m close enough to kiss them. Maybe this is the intention? To create a sense of intimacy?

  3. carol Myers says:

    I love Anderson Cooper because he is one of the only sane , real reporters left on tv. The rest just rant and scream and cause all sorts of mayhem. At least he is a throwback to the REAL newsmen America used to have. There are few real news reporters left. People want sensationalism not news. We must keep at least one person that is sane and rational to give the news that we can tune into when there is too much overload with “crap” on the other channels.

  4. Dmitris says:

    Cooper donates to Republicans running for political office. He’s also locked away in the closet and refuses to discuss his sexuality. I guess when your mother is society whore and you wear Prada, it’s enough to give you a certain elan of journalistic credibility. At least in New York city.

  5. libhomo says:

    I still think CNN should raise his ratings by having him read the news in Speedos. It’s not like he’s a serious journalist.

  6. Rachel says:

    My sister loves him. I don’t understand what people see in Anderson Cooper but, to each his (or her) own. I think the problems at CNN are numerous. CNN International is better than regular CNN. But, BBC is better than any of them in my opinion. What shocks me is the virtual absence of news in America on the weekend. I guess someone decided weekends are for football and church but no news.

  7. Hmmmm says:

    Anderson Cooper’s Mother is NOT on the board of Time Warner, even Ted Turner can’t stomach being on the board with how they are destroying CNN.

    The reason Anderson Cooper is still in his position of because of the inappropriate love/sexual relationship he has with Jon Klein Prez of CNN/US. There is picture proof on – search for Heroes 2008. There are several picture of Jon Klein masturbating himself against Anderson Cooper. They even had to not allow any picture of the 2 of them together at this years Heroes ceremony to hide their sexual relationship.

    In fact Jon Klein was only with CNN approximately 2 weeks when he decided to make Anderson Cooper the face of CNN and fire Aaron Brown, so Jon was already stalking Anderson when he arrived at CNN.

    There is an article on the net with an interview with Jon Klein from 2005 in which he states that he lays in bed watching Anderson Cooper while typing on his laptop, now I’ve never heard of masturbating being called typing on your laptop but there you have it. In the same article the interveiwer wants to talk about other aspect of CNN but Jon Klein has to turn the interview around to talk about Anderson Cooper 10 times.

    It’s creepy, sick and bizarre.

    If Jon Klein wasn’t having sex with Anderson Cooper he wouldn’t be on at 10 and he wouldn’t still be on at 10 with such low ratings.

  8. Matteo says:

    I have no use or respect for, gay men who don’t live out lives.

    Stop hiding, Andy. Come out. Make a splash. Have your mommy through you a coming out ball at the Plaza.

  9. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    It’s amazing to me that a country as big and powerful as the U.S. lacks a respected, global news organization like the BBC, Deutsche Welle, or the CBC.

    When I was stationed in Kuwait, we received CNN Headline News. Not the one with that attack dog, Nancy Grace but, the feed the airports get.

    No one watched it. We basically had no clue what was going back home.

  10. distributorcap says:

    part of the situation at CNN is that they suck – so everyone suffers.

    i dont mind anderson – he is one of the better journalists around. (and that aint saying much)

  11. Jim says:

    When will Ted Turner buy back CNN and stop the madness!

  12. Jim: God, I wish. And Anderson is probably ok. He comes from the monied class and their are different standards for them.

  13. HalfGay says:

    Cooper does report on gay issues though … more so than any other news person who is not on Gay TV.

    I’m ok with him not officially coming out as long as he does not ignore gay issues. No one ever really wants to know who Katy Couric is bangin – ya know?

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