Keith Olbermann: “The President is God Damned Wrong on This”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Add to the seemingly endless discussion about why President Obama continues to drag his feet on repealing the viciously homophobic, Clinton-era military policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” last night, Keith Olbermann weighed in on the matter. His guest was author and columnist Dan Savage.

The meat of the interview comes at 5 minutes 50 seconds when Keith says:

“The President is God damned wrong on this.”

Watch here.

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9 Responses to Keith Olbermann: “The President is God Damned Wrong on This”

  1. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    I’ve said it before and I will say it again.

    Obama is a chickenshit. If he’s hiding behind the Cunard of changing the minds of every Bible thumper and homophobe in the military as the reason for not making the repeal of DADT a top priority then, he’s a liar and doesn’t deserve to be reelected.

    Get it done, Barry. You made a promise. Do it.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    Keith, is God damned correct! Thank you, once again Mr. Olbermann. You’re a national treasure.

  3. rckweho1981 says:

    I watched Keith last night too and had a Scooby-Doo moment of “whaaaa?”

    But Keith said it. Good. I’m pleased to see not all the MSNBC anchors have drank the damned koolaid and intend to hold Obama’s feet to the fire on this.

  4. Estacada says:

    I’ve taken heat for saying this before but I think the problem with President Obama is his close ties to the conservative religious community.

    We it not for this, I think repealing DADT (and DOMA) would’ve been done already. Likely within his first 100 days in office.

    But this president seems to think he can walk the fence and please the far left, the center, the far right and the religious community. But the reality is, something has to give when you walk such a tight rope and it’s going to be making good on his promises to the gay community.

    Start looking for another candidate to support in 2012.

  5. Woodcliffe says:

    Estacada – I have to respectfully disagree.

    Obama’s foot dragging on DADT is the work of Rahm Emanuel. Read the WaPo article a from a few days ago. He all but said there won’t be a repeat of 1994 and Bill Clinton. Get rid of Rahm Emanuel and Obama becomes the president we voted for.

  6. DMason says:

    It’s really a shame Obama felt the need to surround himself with Clintonistas. Think about it: Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanual, and Leon Panetta. Then, he held cloyingly to Robert Gates — a Bushite no less. This isn’t what I call change. I call it fear.

  7. lea-lea says:

    Keith, I’m single, a spicy Latina, very fit and very liberal. I would travel to New York from LA to go out on a date with you.

    I’m for reals.

  8. DMason: The thing to remember is that this is Obama’s choice. As were Geithner and Summers. Maybe he is a great campaigner, but not good at actually, you know, governing? That’s my guess.

  9. JollyRoger says:

    I really do not understand how an equal protection argument can be used to force Chimpy down our throats, but cannot be used to end blatantly unconstitutional laws and customes directed at fully enfranchised American citizens.

    Maybe I’m dense as fuck, but I have seriously looked at the issue, and I see absolutely no Constitutional basis for allowing this to go on.

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