Picture of the Day

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Kathy Griffin, the “D-List” comedienne and longtime LGBT rights supporter, appeared at a rally in Sacramento, CA yesterday holding this sign. Here’s what Kathy had to say to Californians who voted in favor of Prop 8:

“I’ve got a few questions for those who supported Proposition 8. My question is a very profound one. What the fuck is it to you? Why are people in this state, when we have so many things on our plate, we have a fiscal disaster going on, why does anyone even wasting their time with this issue? Why does anyone even care if gay people get married? You would never in a million years go up to a person of color and say ‘well, you know I hear that Black people want to get married now. I mean, it’s fine if they live together.” You would cringe, would you not? ‘I hear that Mexicans want to vote! There goes the neighborhood!’ Right? It would sound absolutelly silly. And yet, across the state, people are having dinner conversations saying, ‘well, do gay people really have the right to get married?’ Yes! Domestic union, domestic partnership is not the same.”

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9 Responses to Picture of the Day

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    I love Kathy Griffin.

    She has such a bright spirit and a big heart. I loved her on Bravo. I hope the series comes back for another season.

  2. Bel Ami says:

    Kathy Griffin is the best. We couldn’t ask for a better friend. Now, if we had another million just like her.

  3. It makes me very, very sad and it embrasses me that so many in my own party want to see government restrict a right that hurts no one. There’s a perception out there that being young makes you less homophobic and that’s true but really what made me endorse full on gay marriage was my parents.

    My mother and father had a marriage so bad it was for the record books. I mean absolutely hideous. And I realized, the purity of marriage is a freakin’ dream. Marraige is as good as the two people in it. And I for one can name a dozen gay and lesbian couples I know who have better commited relationships than half the people in my church.

  4. Buck says:

    Go, KATHY!

  5. JollyRoger says:

    Actually, a whole lot of the Klanservatives (including most of the Mor(m)ons who spent so much money on this) would be just fine with Kathy’s hypothetical statements.

  6. bradfrmphnx says:

    Give ’em hell Kathy!

  7. Thank goodness for people like Kathy Griffin. She’s not a fair weather friend…we have enough of those.

  8. Randy Arroyo says:

    Kathy could be shopping or lunching at Ivy with her pals. Instead she’s in Sacramento carrying a sign and chastising the bigots for the vote. Thanks, Kathy.

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