Crowd Shouts “N” Word When Obama’s Name is Mentioned by Palin

Monday, October 27, 2008

At this Sarah Palin Aryan Nation/KKK rally, a person in the crowd can clearly be heard shouting the “N” word after Barack Obama’s name is mentioned. Palin pauses briefly but says nothing to tamp down the racist language flowing forth from her supporters.

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39 Responses to Crowd Shouts “N” Word When Obama’s Name is Mentioned by Palin

  1. feminazi says:

    Palin heard it. She reacted to it — albeit momentarily and restarted her speech. This is disgusting. I guess this explains why Joe and Mika picked up the slack this monring and spent the first hour badmouth Joe Biden and Barack Obama. All the southern racists stick together like glue.

  2. Mary Blu says:

    I watched this rally and heard it myself. Sarah Palin is a poor excuse for a human no less a woman!

  3. TOM339 says:

    The McCain camp is playing with fire.

    Just as Hitler exploited bad economic times in pre-WWII Germany and sowed the seeds of nationalism, McCain and Palin are attempting to do the same thing here.

    This isn’t shocking to me because I expect nothing less from McCain and Palin and their supporters. 9 days before the General Election and all they have left in their arsenal is fear.

  4. Joaquin says:

    I was watching game two of the World Series with some friends and an Alaska state tourism ad came on. Everyone boo’d. Seems Palin is even turning people off to tourism and our 5oth state. At least they didn’t show her face in the ad.

  5. Aunt Peg says:

    I got into a huge argument over the weekend with a neighbor who tried to defend Palin to me.

    As this campaign drags on, I notice it is always old, white men who are quick to defend her. Not young, white men and not women but, older white men.

    I don’t get it. They’re seeing something that I don’t see.

  6. Elvis Lives says:

    Why is Palin in Iowa?

    Iowa is in double-digits for Obama. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have her speak in toss-up state like Colorado, Virginia or North Carolina? McCain’s strategy just makes no sense to me.

  7. D.R.Scott says:

    Fuck. Her.

    (No, I don’t mean it sexually. My horrified penis would detach itself from my body and flee in horror)

    If Palin was an honorable human being, she would have immediately–we’re talking Warp Factor 6 here–told those racist trolls in the crowd to shut the hell up. Furthermore, Palin should have said that use of the N-word wouldn’t be tolerated, and if they didn’t stop, she’d either have their carcasses kicked out or she would walk out.

    It’s wasn’t that complicated. There isn’t a grey area here.

    This was a defining moment for Palin. This was an opportunity for McCain’s running mate to take a stand, and to prove to the world (What? You don’t think the global community ain’t paying attention to see if we’re gonna fuck up again?) that she was a person of character who wouldn’t be silent when her idiot supporters preached violence and racial intolerance.

    Thankfully, there have been heroes in the past who didn’t spout empty rhetoric when they found themselves in a defining moment. Senator Gruening (a guy from Alaska, by the way, Mrs. Palin) did it when he voted against the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and effectively destroyed his career. A lone man did it stood in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square. African-American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos did it at the 1968 Olympics when raised their black-gloved fists as a symbol of racial solidarity.

    Palin didn’t. In that defining moment, the hockey mask fell off, and except for those morons in the audience, everybody else saw exactly what she was, and if the circumstances were reversed, she’d be in the mob shouting racist nonsense as well.

    Now we know.

    Now we know that besides not be competent enough to be Vice President, Palin barely qualifies as a human being. Is this a creature that we want to taking up space in the White House? I don’t think so, and hopefully anybody with an iota of humanity will feel the same way.

    Fuck. Her.

  8. R.J. says:

    Palin is a cracker bitch who would fit in quite nicely if she moved to Alabama and ran for governor.

    Remember the “Sambo beat the bitch” comment she allegedly made in that AK restaurant? After watching this video, it was probably real.

    I will never say “Yes, massa” to that bitch. Ever.

  9. Fran says:

    The rest of what she’s saying is pretty horrific too- Government intervention in other countries where people “are not free”. What is this freedom she speaks of?
    Freedom to suffer without healthcare?
    Freedom to work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet?
    Freedom to drive the economy into ruins?

    In Sarah’s world ~ freedom to promote prejudice and hate.

  10. D.R.Scott says:

    By the way, can you tell me where you found this hateful video? I can’t embed it.

  11. RainBro says:

    Bigots, plain and simple. The politics of bullsh*t.
    The GOP “Big Tent” smells of Elephant Dung.

  12. Joe in Colorado says:

    Frankly, I’m surprised we haven’t heard this sort of language before now. Palin’s loyalists are just one step down from a lynch mob. I am curious if this is the type of campaign she ran in Alaska that earned her a record 88% approval rating? Everything about her reeks of “fringe.” Think about it. Palin is a member in the Alaska Independence Party, the NRA and a radical Christian church. The Aryan Nation and KKK supports her and give her money. This is a very dangerous woman and doesn’t belong anywhere near the halls of power.

  13. Christopher says:

    DR Scott,

    I left you the link on your blog.

  14. Big Hank says:

    Is Sarah Palin a racist?

    You betcha!

  15. Tiny Dancer says:

    If this VP fantasy career doesn’t work out for Palin she can always become a Klan seamstress.

  16. Roger says:

    I am absolutely disgusted. Disgusted that a moron would fix (apparently) her mouth to say such a thing and even MORE disgusted that Sarah Palin didn’t offer a word of rebuke to the racist asswipe. Does this say a LOT about Palin?

    You betcha!

  17. Slackdog says:

    Palin heard the racial epithet because she dropped her comment point and had to start over.

    Yet she failed to push back and tell her audience such comments have no place in her and McCain’s campaign.

    Palin’s silence can be categorized under “Tacit Approval.” This tactic approval has underscored her entire campaign. What damned witch.

  18. enchantedrocker says:

    Yep, you can see that split-second that it took her to mull it over…”Do I respond like a decent human being and call that hillbilly-ass bigot out, or do I pretend (proving what a fake I am) that I didn’t hear it and just talk louder and faster?” Well, you’ve shown who you really are once again. Just talk louder and faster, baby! “Yes, hillbilly-ass bigot, I AM one of you!”

  19. JollyRoger says:

    Why would she? She thinks THE EXACT SAME WAY.

    Why is the MSM so afraid of pointing out this fact?

  20. lea-lea says:

    Palin is a whining, cross-eyes, harping, racist piece of white trash shit and the sooner she takes her ass back to Alaska, the happier I will be.

    I’m OVER her, I’m OVER her husband, I’m OVER McCain, I’m OVER Cindy Lou and I’m OVER this election.

    The ugliness began last year with Hillary Clinton and it hasn’t let up for one second. I wonder how the rest of the world sees this? Shouting “n****r” at a campaign rally and saying nothing? Is Palin out of her fucking mind?

  21. Prairiedog says:


    Go home, Sarah. Please, go home. You’re not needed any longer.

  22. Dick Small says:

    I am so over this election season. I’ll be glad when it’s done.
    And McCain goes away.

  23. Jm says:

    Any REAL leader, or potential leader, would have shut that divisive, anti-American, racist, ignorant asshole down. But the Republicans NEED those assholes because that’s who makes up their Party!

  24. fairlane says:

    I’m glad someone finally said it, and I wish more of them would.

    I can handle a Racist much better than I can a Coward.

    If you have the balls to Hate for no Logical Reason, then have the Balls to Own It.

    These people are like the little kid who waits until he’s half way down the street before he yells, “Fuck You!”

  25. toddyenglish says:

    Is Sarah Palin a racist piece of shit?

    Are rocks hard?

    Was Bernie Mac black?

    Are pigs fat?

    Anyway, that video did not surprise me at all. If McCain wins the election it will be because they tampered with the voting. Look at the rallies…These idiots are pandering to America’s lowest common denominators: Hill billy, inbred, redneck, militia group, repugnant, stinky, trash.

    If she were not running for office Palin would be right in the audience chanting, “Nigger go home” right with the rest of them.

    In all honesty I can’t see why any African American would honestly vote Republican in this election. I consider myself bipartisan, but as an African American I would be scared this bitch would find a constitutional loop hole and try and have me back on the plantation!

    I cast my vote for Obama.

  26. Peace Nick says:

    I listened to the YouTube twice and there was no mistaking what the woman in the audience screamed.

    Sarah Palin heard the racial epithet, too. You could read it in her body language. Yet, she said nothing.

    Very telling. Palin is not someone I want in Washington. She doesn’t represent me or my values.

  27. Nan Yun says:

    She is wicked.

    This Palin bitch is lucky she does not feel the sting of the rotten rattan for fostering this sort of hate speech. She is nonsense and a fool.

    Her lover is ambition and ego gratification.

  28. Bill Mahr was right when he said Friday that spending $150k on her clothes was a high price to pay for giving Joe Six-Pack a hard on.

    I keep hearing how she is gonna be the next Regan, HA! As much as I danced a jig when that bastard died she is not fit to wipe his arse. At least he had a real message and he knew how to relate to “most” Americans.

    This woman is a disgrace to her party, to this country and to herself. Clearly she heard this crap and once again failed to call them out on it.

    Pathetic, just fracking pathetic.

  29. HelenWheels says:

    What an utterly disgusting, racist, asshole this woman is. Since when is using the “n” word OK, by the way? Did I miss something? Remember the fallout when Michael Richards said it? Why isn’t SHE held to the same standards?

    What a lame excuse for a candidate this jerk is.

  30. JollyRoger says:

    Looks like the enthusiasm at the McKeating/Sarahpoleon rallies is translating into real-life plans for action.

  31. kellybelle says:

    She is such a hatemonger. I can’t stand her attitude. I saw a clip of her with Elizabeth Hasselback. How can you be that snide and sarcastic and still be so stupid?

  32. feminazi says:

    Horrible and ignorant. I shutter to think Americans like this are still among us and the shouter sounds like a female.

  33. Woodcliffe says:

    If Palin were a decent human being, when she heard that filth screamed out from the crowd, she would have taken control of the crowd and said “enough.”

    I agree with the comments saying she didn’t because she agrees with them. These are her peeps and they’re all on the same page.

    Shameful, disgusting and troubling.

  34. Harry says:

    Wouldn’t it great if Bristol announced the baby daddy is an African American? The sound of the GOP Country Club slamming their doors! Bam!

  35. JollyRoger says:

    Wouldn’t it great if Bristol announced the baby daddy is an African American? The sound of the GOP Country Club slamming their doors! Bam!

    Not hardly. That’s when you can bet your last dollar that the “pro-life” parents will bundle somebody up for a trip to the abortion clinic.

    I’ve actually seen that one happen with my own eyes.

  36. scott gardner says:

    she is absolutely right though, barack does have a fundamental idealogical commitment to bigger govt and higher taxes for the middle class. 800 billion dollar stimulus plan? try 800 billion dollar SPENDING plan…

  37. V.E.G. says:

    Frederick Madison Roberts, a black man is rolling over his grave due to the rude remark to Obama.

    Roberts is the first African-American in the West Coast to be elected in public office, and a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson.

  38. V.E.G. says:

    James Frederick Fayard, III (the 7th Great-grandson (supposedly) of Francoise of the Congo), Laurence Herman “Gus” Versluis (the 9th great-grandson of Martha, the slave of Thomas Key) are rolling over their graves due to this rude remark to Obama! Gus has white skin, but has black ancestry and it is insulting his memory!

  39. V.E.G. says:

    (It is insulting his memory is referring to the rude remark to Obama):

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