John “9 Homes” McCain Goes to Starbucks

Sunday, August 24, 2008

After telling The Politico he couldn’t recall how many homes he and wife Cindy own, the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, took a few days off to chill at the couple’s compound in Sedona, AZ, where he tried to avoid the media by taking a nine-car motorcade to a nearby Starbucks early in the morning, where he ordered a large cappuccino.

Tell me again, just who is the elitist in this campaign?

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18 Responses to John “9 Homes” McCain Goes to Starbucks

  1. John McCunt says:

    So what?
    I was just supporting the American economy, you fool.
    Obama isn’t.
    Vote for me.

  2. Afrit007 says:

    Please don’t call them homes. No one has more than one “home”. Anyone who owns more than one house is a vain, pretentious, self-centered jackass.

    They should be called what they are – vanity houses.

  3. Brigadoon says:

    If the American people elect this ancient, doddering, neoconservative asswipe, then I will have lost all respect for this country and the people who call themselves Americans. Someone said, “You deserve the government you get.” If the voters elect McCain, I seriously may move to Ireland and begin a new life.

  4. Rachel says:

    Ah, but was it a non-fat, Soy, cappuccino?

  5. distributorcap says:

    one car for each house?

  6. kellybelle says:

    Ahhh, the new Lipitor Latte.

  7. feminazi says:

    McCain must be slumming it if he took a nine car motorcade to Starbucks. I hear he usually takes Cindy’s Cessna Citation corporate jet to Starbucks when he needs some caffeine.

  8. Conejo1982 says:

    Well, fuck you McCain. You would be digging ditches were it not for the fact you married a rich beer heiress.

    Get over yourself.

  9. Jim says:

    And I hear the price of polo pony feed is going up.
    Whatever will the McCains do?

  10. R.J. says:

    So which home did he go back to after his Starbucks run?

  11. Peace Nick says:


    I bet it was a non-fat, Soy, cappuccino, but decaf.

    The Old Coot can’t risk a heart attack at his age downing a beverage that could raise his blood pressure.

  12. eric says:

    @Afrit007 : no, more than one house is called an ‘investment’. Which sounds worse, 9 houses or $13M in assets? Spin it how you may.

  13. Mauigirl says:

    John wanted coffee
    So he called up his chauffeur
    And off they all went.

    In 12 limousines
    The motorcade progresses
    Ending at Starbucks.

    How much gasoline
    Did McConJob just squander
    All for some caffeine?

  14. Maggie says:

    heeheeeee I bet all those new whateveryoucallems oh, new age folks – are working right now with the local medicine men to put some kind of spell on Mc Cain.

    It’s called shut the fuck up and die and just get it over with.

  15. Afrit007 says:

    You call them “investments” if you want. It’s still vanity and greed.

  16. fran says:

    John needed the motorcade so he did not get lost on the way back trying to remember which mansion estate he was supposed to return to.

    Can you imagine John placing his order:
    Uhhh yea, I’ll have one of those mocha-frappa-latte-chino thingies.

  17. Randy Arroyo says:

    Who is paying for this nine car motorcade? Us, the taxpayers or his social X-Ray wife? If we’re footing the bill, I want a refund. Immediately.

  18. rastamick61 says:

    Ever hear David Sedaris do the bit about the grande dame in the Asian dry cleaner’s store saying Our home, well….One of our homes…. It’s rip your hair out hilarious and speaks to this same vain narcissustic bent. I still love to think of a tally sign for Grampa like at McDonald’s keeping track of all the “Hey you kids, get offa my lawns !” he must have emitted with that many houses over the decades…like the ad says as long as he doesn’t end up in the one on PA avenue.

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