King George the Drunk

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

U.S. President George W. Bush was captured getting on a little too much Olympic spirit in Beijing.

Bush, a recovering alcoholic, was so drunk at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, that he was unable to stand up without the help of a team of Secret Service agents.

Pickles, is seen looking on.

H/T Wonkette

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28 Responses to King George the Drunk

  1. feminazi says:

    It’s as if we’re living in the Soviet Union and news and information is so tightly controlled that the American people are clueless about the alcohol use of the president. Why wasn’t this picture reported in the MSM? Or on cable? Bush is a drunk and there is no reason to hide it.

  2. Adirondacky says:

    With 150 days left on the calendar, Bush obviously just doesn’t care how he appears in public and who sees it. This isn’t the first time Bush was caught in the act. The recovering alcoholic was seen throwing back beer in Germany a few months ago. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not a moralistic tea-toddler but, I do know a real alcoholic can’t drink. Even small amounts of booze can have terrible results. I have always suspected Bush inherited the disease from his mother, Babs Bush. There were rumors about her being drunk the entire time Poppy was in the White House.

  3. retahyajyajav says:


    Great picture! Made my morning! šŸ™‚

  4. Joe in Colorado says:

    Bush’s “problem” is a closely guarded secret widely known inside the Beltway and on the blogoshere. I remember seeing a picture of him totally blotto stumbling down the steps of Air Force One, surrounded by a contingent of worried Secret Service agents. How do you like that, GOP? Your boy is a God damned drunk.

  5. DMason says:

    Chinese beer, Yanjing, is quite good. I enjoy a bottle when I go out for Chinese dinner. But I’m not an alcoholic and I don’t drive when I drink. Listen, you don’t get a face full of gin blossoms by not drinking.

  6. JollyRoger says:

    He’s been sloshed ever since the “pretzel” incident. But out ever-faithful MSM will continue to resolutely ignore it.

  7. R.J. says:

    Everyone’s known he’s a drunk since his first term. It’s about time someone caught him in the act.

  8. Jim says:

    How pathetic. What a metaphor for the image other countries must have of the U.S.

  9. Gryphen says:

    The pictures that I have seen of him at the Olympics either show him bored and tapping his damn leg with a tiny American flag, or smiling and sweating like a fratboy on Spring Break.

    Whenever you see mood fluctuations like that it is a safe bet that he is consuming some mood altering beverage. Or that he is bi-polar. Or both.

  10. Rachel says:

    Hahahahahahahahaha! I knew it!

  11. enigma4ever says:

    I posted a photo of him with a slashed up arm wondering if it was a falldown drunk moment or a tippy Segway moment or a Bike Incident….but now I think this might be the answer…wow…the MSM is not showing this are they ?thanks for posting…

  12. Kathy says:

    Shame, shame, shame on our *humiliating* U.S. president, but equal shame on the U.S. PRESS. Publish the photos AND DISCUSS THE MATTER. Get alcoholism out of the closet. And get this idiot out of the White House *NOW*. He should resign immediately. Wait. No. That would put bomb-happy Cheney in his place. THEY SHOULD *BOTH* RESIGN. Nancy Pelosi should lead up these last 150 days.

  13. emcee says:

    Brother George is one fucked up excuse for a President. Either sober up, fool, or step down.

  14. Bruce says:

    There are videos of him giving speeches when he badly slurs his words and it’s obvious he’s drunk.

    It’s just more lies from him that he says he never touches alcohol any more.

    But Bush has never been big on “truth”, has he?

  15. At least he’s not a black Muslim from the foreign land of Hawaii. You know what those guys do when they’re drunk. God bless Chimpy. Sniff.

  16. enigma4ever says:

    apparently Randall has been consuming mind altering liquids ?…jus kidding…Midweek Sarcasm will get you nowhere randall…

  17. Aunt Peg says:

    Look at the expressions of the people sitting in the seats around the drunken George Bush.

    They have a look of disbelief at the spectacle of the President of the United States falling down drunk.

    I’m ashamed and I am angry. I want him to go — now.

  18. Peace Nick says:

    The stories about Bush and booze are the stuff of legend in Texas.

    Despite the Bush dynasty working 24/7 to scrub the internet free of such stories.

    In fact, it has long been suspected that Bush received his cocaine directly from Colombia in an unmarked DEA airplane that lands at a private air field in east Texas owned by Ross Periot.

  19. VicoDANIEL says:

    George Bush inherited his alcoholism from his mother’s side of the family.

    Barbara Pierce’s mother suffered from depression and later, alcoholism.

    Barbara Pierce, AKA, Barbara Bush is also said to suffer from untreated alcoholism.

    What’s unfortunate in this day and age, and particularly among people of means, is to not treat the disease. But evidently, in the Bush clan, treatment is a sign of weakness.

  20. Dick Small says:

    It’s hard when you’re addicted to alcohol, because it’s legal and it’s everywhere. When you’re trying to give up cocaine, heroin, etc., it’s different because you can’t get it at the local 7-eleven or the neighborhood convenience store. Abstaining from alcohol is very difficult, especially when everyone else around you is drinking. Believe me, I know.

  21. Joe in Colorado says:

    No wonder Bush needs 3 months out of 12 at the Crawford, TX pig farm, to imbibe and get soused out of the glaring eye of the media. I remember reading they never schedule a public appearance for him on Monday after returning from the pig farm because he needs a full 24 hours to sober up before the public sees him.

  22. TOM339 says:

    I guess Bush was drunk the morning of the August 6th, 2001 PBD when the head of the CIA couldn’t get Bush’s attention on a memo that warned of the Sept. 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.

    Bush, was 6 feet under.

  23. Tengrain says:

    Christopher –

    That wasn’t standing, that was sitting down.



  24. at least he didnt puke in the pool. that would have been a rough swim for Phelps

    150 days… we really have that many

  25. Rastamick61 says:

    Step one george : We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable. What an asshole and look at that long suffering twit Laura as if nothing’s amiss when they have half a Blackwater division trying to get George’s plastered ass into his seat !! Fucking lame.

  26. libhomo says:

    feminazi: You make a great point about the similarities between US corporate media and old Soviet state media. They just serve different masters.

  27. emjee says:

    It wasnt reported in the MSM because there was no PROOF he was DRUNK, you MORONS!! You people absolutely amaze me.You are so obsessed with hating bush, yet you on the left are supposed to be SOO “Tolerant”. Yeah, RIGHT.
    You people are a THOUSAND TIMES more vicious than ANY so called “neo-cons”, it comes through loud and clear no matter how MUCH you pound your fist on the podium and try to deny it. And then some absolute MORON says “Pelousy should lead the last 150 days”. How IGNORANT.

  28. Lee says:

    feminazi – your name says it all.

    everyone is entited to get hammered every now and again… the lot of you should take take your holier than thou attitude and stick it up your spring fresh arses…

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