
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sen. John McCain arrived in Manchester, NH, last night and was greeted by just one reporter and one photographer.

The presumptive Republican presidential candidate limped as he made his way down the metal staircase of his white, blue and gold Boeing 737-400 emblazoned with his campaign slogan, “Reform, Prosperity, Peace.”

McUnpopular then walked straight into an awaiting Chevy Suburban.

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21 Responses to McUnpopular

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    Mc-Bird Flu.

  2. DMason says:

    Is this a first? A major presidential candidate manages to attract the attention of one reporter? This speaks volumes about John McCain and his terrible campaign. In fact, if I were a Republican strategist I think I would be scrambling to find someone else to nominate otherwise Obama is going to clean up the floor with this ancient neocon come November.

  3. Pingback: Cynics’ Party » If Barry Obama is my fun uncle, Olds McCain is my shrewish great aunt

  4. Jim says:

    It’s really not that McBush is just older and has dangerous beliefs about the direction in which this country should now go. In contrast to Obama, McBush appears frighteningly out of touch and soooooo pale and feeble.

  5. Roger says:

    “It’s really not that McBush is just older and has dangerous beliefs about the direction in which this country should now go. In contrast to Obama, McBush appears frighteningly out of touch and soooooo pale and feeble.”

    The weird thing is, there are people who are ABSOLUTELY going to vote for Sen. McOld-as-Fuck.

  6. taco says:

    Bill Clinton and President John Kerry, who started the Iraq War.

    Really? I thought the AUMF vote was in Oct. 2002 and the invasion began in Mar. 2003?

    I didn’t know Bill Clinton had a third term?

  7. Look I’m not going to lie most likely I’ll be voting for McCain come this fall but as far as press coverage the press has been more pro-Obama than anything in modern history. They have also been pro-McCain in their coverage. McCain main problem is that Obama is getting more positive coverage than him not that he’s getting negative coverage. Maybe if he went back to being a moderate the press would return to loving him at their normal level.

  8. Tengrain says:

    Why doesn’t Cindy just hire the damn Clydesdale horses to take the sarcophagus around town?



  9. Randy Arroyo says:

    Christopher(R) – Are you serious? Can you imagine the reaction of the media if Obama had twice referred to “Czechoslovakia?” Or, said Vladimir Putin of Russia was “President Putin of Germany?” They would have crucified him. But inexplicably, the media just smiles and says nothing when McCain repeatedly inserts his foot in his mouth. Vote for whomever you want but McCain is a feeble, old, homophobic neoconservative. If he’s your idea of a president, have at it.

  10. Joe in Colorado says:

    One whole reporter? Wow! Pity the reporter stuck with that assignment.

  11. I loved the daily show spoof of that. They all went to cover Obama and just taped a recorder to a stick with a note “push when news begins.” Haha, classic.

  12. kellybelle says:

    It’s lonely being McCain ;-(.

  13. he is too old to even limp

    wife spent that belgium loot well lol

  14. Peace? Always had Straight Talk pegged for a DFH. That’s why none of those lie-brul reporters showed up.

  15. Rachel says:

    You mean they found one reporter and one camera guy to show up in Manchester to cover McCain? How much did the McCain campaign have to pay them?

  16. Adirondacky says:


  17. Dick Small says:

    I just wish he’d quit and go away and take a nap somewhere… maybe take up scrapbooking or something..

  18. Sasha in MN says:


    “Why doesn’t Cindy just hire the damn Clydesdale horses to take the sarcophagus around town?”

    You all have me in stitches this morning even though McCain keeps shooting himself in the foot.

  19. proudprogressive says:

    How anyone , really honestly anyone with one shred of any kind of altruism for this failing nation of ours could think that this doddering sell out, pandering old coot could do anything AT ALL positive for this country is just beyond me. He is the candidate by default.

    Deep in my heart i am a socialist, yep. Is Obama one – OH HELL NO not be long shot..McPain is grasping at straws on that one..a little ditto headed sounding to me and thats the folks he plays to. Is Obama gonna change anything without the Congress, not likely..not the way it works….Obama is not perfect but i will be damned if i do not try to help this country out by voting for the party and the man , that will lead us back to a transparent government, the restoration of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Seperation of Church and State. – this is actually rather conservative of a sense. I believe that government ought to be big enough for the country it governs. It has responsibilities to its citizens and the world. Government is as good as the people we elect.
    The Republicans hate government ! Therefore they Hate people, and love only the elite rich. Sooo whats a voter to do …..some will vote Green, some Socialist.

    My love of people prevents that , at the critical time. I am not terribly fond of Democrats either..its all one business party in my book – However with enough Dems seated in the house and senate…enough attention to the ear mark process..I hope the pendulum will swing towards a more humane place –

    profit out of health care !
    profit out of the prison system for fuck sake !
    a safety net for those , who need it – and taxing those who have enough money to wipe their arse’s with hundred dollar bills.
    Supreme court justices that are not known partisians.
    A government that is diplomatic and not fear mongering..
    An FCC that gives a crap about the Fairness Doctrine.

    These elected people work for us – how anyone could vote for this geriatric patient is beyond me. Do you not care one iota about anyone besides yourself ? We all have different values, life styles – but good heavens. Look at what is being done in our name !

    and no OIL is not a Noble cause..Christopher (r) i appreciate your honesty..and urge you to rethink your position – i am not mocking you , i respect you. All i ask is that you think about what your vote really means and what it stands for – you know we can do better as a country , hey we have to do better its a life or death deal now as this empire is fading..

    i urge you , to keep your mind open – we have a ways to go before Nov. I too will be compromising some of my perfect wishes with my vote, for the sake of being practical – the hope for the many who are suffering under the tyranny of not so stealth fascism we are currently living under.

  20. Dick Small says:

    I’ll really miss George Bush. He was the best president ever… hahahahah KIDDING!!! TOTALLY kidding, people!!!!

  21. fairlane says:

    When Cindy’s on board, Mc Cain’s plane is referred to as, “Mc Cunt Force One.”

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