Has Obama Chosen his Vice President?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Several media sources are reporting that Barack Obama has already made his choice for vice president.

Traveling with Obama on his Middle East and European tour is Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI.)

First Read makes the case:

“The Rhode Island senator, who is on the overseas trip with Obama, has been to Iraq 11 times (and voted against the original Iraq war resolution)… The widely respected voice on national security is a 1971 West Point grad, though he did not fight in Vietnam. The Army Ranger paratrooper, who eventually commanded the 82nd Airborne, was assigned elsewhere. His father was a school custodian and WWII vet. Big Will Ferrell fan and drives a 1991 Ford Escort. Differing with Obama, he was against the 1991 Gulf War and voted against the recent compromise FISA legislation.”

By choosing Reed:

“Obama could address several perceived weaknesses: Reed served in the military and has significant Washington experience. As a legislator, Reed has focused on education, defense, and healthcare — all areas that Obama is focusing on. In addition, Reed is a Roman Catholic.”

The PUMA lunatics won’t be happy.

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12 Responses to Has Obama Chosen his Vice President?

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    I don’t know anything about Reed but I’ve heard this rumor for the past week.

    I need to learn more about him before I pass any type of judgment — pro or con. I’m still hoping Obama asks John Edwards. I think they would work very well together.

    Plus, Elizabeth Edwards would be a member of the First Wive’s Club.

  2. TOM339 says:

    If Reed voted against FISA, that’s enough for me.

    Like Aunt Peg, I don’t know anything about about him so if this is Obama’s choice, I will rely on his judgment to find someone who compliments the ticket. Poor Hillary. Always a candidate but never a president.

    Maybe in 2016 when she’s 70.

  3. libhomo says:

    I think it would send the wrong message to women voters to pick a man when there are so many women who are at least as capable as Reed.

    I also think executive experience, from a governer would help.

    Equally important is that the nominee for vp be out of the DC culture of corruption.

  4. Winnie H. says:

    I think he could be a strong choice. Not only does he balance any perceived weaknesses of Obama’s but he clearly is also ready to be President.

    I also like the idea that he would be chosen based on his qualifications — not on the number of electoral votes he would bring.

    And if he commanded the 82nd airborne, then he definitely has executive experience.

    The PUMA lunatics are looking more and more petty and stupid as the election approaches. Hillary will be offered some plum position in the new administration, but she better hurry up and get her donors onboard the Obama train and stop encouraging the crazy ramblings of these people. The rest of the world has embraced Obama — if she and Bill want to have any legacy of value, they will move into the 21st century like most everyone else has.

  5. Conejo1982 says:

    I have a friend from college who settled in Rhode Island and I’ve written him to get some feedback on Reed.

    My friend is a straight shooter; a liberal Democrat; an attorney; and party activist. If anyone has the “411” on Jack Reed, it’s him.

    I’ll post his response when I hear back.

  6. feminazi says:

    Anyone but, Hillary. That’s my philosophy. Anyone but, Hillary. I think I would even prefer Chuck Hagel to Hillary.

  7. Estacada says:

    I know Sen. Reed has an exemplary record on AIDS funding and housing issues.

    Two issues that have received short shrift by the Bush administration and for reasons known only to them, the Democrats haven’t fared much better.

    In fact, Bush was ready to flatline fund Ryan White and it wasn’t until he was publicly embarrassed by AIDS activists that he added several billion dollars more to this critically important piece of public health.

    I think I could live with Sen. Reed on Obama’s ticket.

  8. Afrit007 says:

    I don’t know much about Sen. Reed, but what I’ve seen so far is impressive. More impressive than McShameless’ record, which amounts to graduating last in his class and then getting shot down.

    Reed has executive experience, a proven leadership track record, and military background. I’m glad he’s on the right side.

    Plus, Obama didn’t need him whispering in his ear to cover his ass the way Lieberman did for McCain.

  9. RainBro says:

    Sounds like a well-rounded type of fella. I’ll have to go hit the books with Aunt Peg to learn more…

  10. kellybelle says:

    I dunno, Reed doesn’t seem like he’s adding all that much to the ticket. And the Roman Catholic thing–remember how Catholics turned on Kerry?

  11. Randy Arroyo says:

    I hope Obama chooses John Edwards. I think they make a winning ticket. But, Obama knows what is best for Obama. As long as he doesn’t ask Hillary, I’m happy.

  12. hb says:

    Looks like the righy lefties have found their Clark copycat since the RIGHT tried to propagandize and freak all you demos. CLARK! not this guy, is the real threat to the RIGHT establishment. If you all are gonna go a little, go allot, GO CLARK GEN WES CLARK VP! Clark ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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