Gingrich Compares McCain to Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, June 14, 2008

In an interview with GQ magazine yesterday, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich compared John McCain’s cheerleading for the Iraq war and his enthusiasm for an indefinite U.S. commitment to “what Lincoln would do in the Civil War“:

QUESTION: How does your background in history influence your political ideas?

GINGRICH: If you think about the current situation, it helps to remember Harry Truman running in 1948, or even Sarkozy in France. Sarkozy distanced himself from Chirac without being hostile. That’s what McCain has to do with Bush. And what McCain is trying to achieve by explaining the dangers of the world to the public is like what Lincoln had to do in the Civil War.

QUESTION: McCain doesn’t exactly have Lincoln’s rhetorical skills.

GINGRICH: In style he’s closer to Truman, who did not have the rhetorical skills, but had passion.

This isn’t the first time Gingrich revealed his man crush for Lincoln.

He earlier sought to cast George Bush as Lincoln-like too. As the sun sets on Bush’s time in office, Gingrich is now trying to paint McCain with the same brush.

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10 Responses to Gingrich Compares McCain to Abraham Lincoln

  1. feminazi says:

    The GOP is never above engaging in revisionist history when it comes to elevating one of their own. For someone who was allegedly a college professor, for Gingrich to say either Bush and McCain are akin to Lincoln is just insanity.

  2. TOM339 says:

    At last, Newt has found his true calling!

    Stand-Up comedy. What a damned moron.

  3. Harry says:

    If John McCain is Abraham Lincoln then I’m Nancy Reagan.

  4. .
    Let’s see… That would make Cheney Andrew Johnson. Yeah, that fits. Both Klan-connected.

    So, who’s John Wilkes Booth?

    (And Truman CERTAINLY did not have to run away from or against FDR. What an illiterate a-hole the Newtmeister is. I hope he becomes McBush’s chief spokesman: Last time he opened his yap, the people voted his nazi’s right out of Congress. People HATE him! Ramble on, Newtie!)

  5. Robbie says:

    I thought NeoCons were supposed to have man-crushes on Ronald Reagan?

  6. taco says:

    If John McCain is Abraham Lincoln then I’m Nancy Reagan.


    OK, Harry. If you’re Nancy Reagan then I’m Phyllis Shaffley.

  7. Conejo1982 says:

    I wonder if Newt made his mistress call him President Lincoln when he was shtupping her behind his wife’s back?

    These Republicans are freaks.

  8. Aunt Peg says:

    Newt Gingrich is full of sheyat.

    McCain opposed the creation of the Federal holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and he thinks McCain is similar to Abraham Lincoln?

    The only similarity I see is both Lincoln and McCain have false teeth.

  9. dirti boi says:

    I think Gingrich is positioning himself to serve in a McCain administration.

    Maybe Secretary of Education. Of course, a McCain administration will never happen so it’s academic.

  10. libhomo says:

    The irony is that Gingrich’s sympathies in the Civil War always have been with the Confederate traitors.

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