Air Cindy

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, has built a campaign around the idea of campaign finance reform. Even backing legislation last year requiring presidential candidates to pay the actual cost of flying on corporate jets.

But the rules of the game don’t seem to apply to McCain.

Over a seven month period beginning last summer, John McCain’s cash-starved campaign gave itself a lift by using a corporate jet owned by a company headed by his wealthy, heiress wife, Cindy McCain.

Air Cindy’s fleet is a sleek, Cessna Citation Excel corporate jet like the one pictured.

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22 Responses to Air Cindy

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    No wonder why Cindy always arrives looking so refreshed and not a hair out of place.

    When I arrive in Las Vegas for my twice a year holiday (I’m retired so don’t get any ideas), I drag my old ass off the bus and take a cab to casino where I stay over one night before going home the next day.

    I would love to travel like the McCains just once.

  2. Harry says:

    Hey Aunt Peg! If you ever get a corporate jet, can I come along for a ride? Southwest is either getting more stingy on space or my ass is getting bigger.

  3. woyoyo says:

    The link says:

    The McCain campaign declined to release a detailed accounting of which trips had been made on the plane, the identities of the campaign officials who took those flights and how much the campaign had paid for each one. But it is unlikely that the campaign reimbursed King Aviation for the plane’s operating costs.

    So what else is the Old Coot not telling the truth about? After he weaseled out of criminal charges associated with his involvement in the Keating Five scandal, I have to think this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    The GOP sure knows how to pick them.

  4. Rachel says:

    “Air Cindy.” ROFLMAO! God, how I hate these elite assholes. While the rest of use are supposed to get excited by our $600 stimulus rebate checks, John and Cindy McCain are flying around on Air Cindy.

  5. DMason says:

    Gee, if my spouse provided me with the use of her corporate jet, I sure as hell wouldn’t call her a “cunt.” More importantly, if I lent my spouse my corporate jet and he called me a cunt, he would start flying the friendly skies of United.

  6. joost says:

    One of the things I always liked about Bill Clinton was the fact he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

    Even though he’s revealed himself to be something of a shameless political racist of late, back in 1991, he stood out as a striking contrast to Poppy Bush and the billion dollar Bush family fortune.

    This is one of the many things I like so much about Barack Obama. He came from nowhere and he’s a self-made man. Again, what a striking contrast to the Clintons and their $109 million dollar fortune and the McCains and their 9 homes, private jets and elite lifestyle.

    I don’t begrudge anyone who makes it. If you go to school, work hard and become well to do, I say great. Well done and so forth. But other than Clinton in 1992 and Obama today, the only people who seem to run for president are bored, wealthy spoils. All members of the millionaire’s club.

  7. Tiny Dancer says:

    I saw the new coverage of John and Cindy McCain as they toured the 9th Ward in New Orleans last week.

    Poor Cindy looked terrified. Surrounded by all of those poverty-stricken, African-Americans who lost their in Hurricane Katrina. Her frozen, Botoxed face couldn’t hide the fear in her eyes of having to stand up close and personal with so people of color, people so very different economically from her.

    Even Pickles Bush didn’t look so scared on their trip to Africa earlier this year.

  8. DCVET says:

    Doesn’t everyone in America have a private jet?

  9. Joe in Colorado says:

    Oh, isn’t that sweet? John and Cindy at 35,000 feet? Meanwhile, regular Americans are struggling to figure out how to pay for gas, rent, food and utility bills. According to the Labor Department, the average cost of groceries is climbing at an annual rate of 5%, but weekly earnings are rising at an anemic annual rate of 3.3%. Such realities are hard to see when you’re soaring 7 miles above the earth.

  10. Dave Dubya says:

    Did you see Johnny Bomb Bomb’s latest comment about Rev. Wright? He accused him of comparing the US Marines to the Roman Legionaires who crucified Christ.

    Johnny proved Sinclair Lewis was correct with one breathe.

    “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross.”

  11. Conejo1982 says:

    I manage to block out the highs and lows of famous GOPers in America. They annoy the hell out of me.

    But isn’t Cindy McCain the socialite wife who recently got in hot water (no pun intended) for ripping off recipes from the Food Network and claimed them as her own creations? I mean really, Cindy. How hard is it to create a few recipes and make them your own? She strikes me as a tacky woman, out of touch with the world she orbits in her private jet.

  12. Randy Arroyo says:

    When the From the Left private, party plane is ready to take flight, please give me a shout out so I can go and see how the other half lives? Like someone said, travel for moi is usually on a crowded Southwest 737 and far too little leg room for my 6 foot frame. These elites are so full of themselves. Do they really think they have a clue about the issues and struggle the rest of us have to deal with each day? Don’t insult me.

  13. John says:

    Every Summer, I ride in a 5 passenger truck from Texas to Iowa, to and from, which is 13 hours. I do it in a dodge Neon on Thanksgiving, with my two sisters and my two aunts (my aunt and her lover). If McCain rides in a jet for free, how does he expect for the middle class to connect to him? If he had half a brain, he would not do this; instead he flies on a plane, but fortunately, it makes him look bad. Keep flying McCain! The higher you go, the lower your approval rating goes!

  14. Winnie H. says:

    Hey, wasn’t John McCain supposedly flying around the country with that female lobbyist, Vicki Iseman?

    Bet they didn’t fly Air Cindy for those trips. 😉

  15. .
    Actually, I think it was right on that plane that McWalnuts called Cindy a c*nt; in front of reporters, no less.

    In all fairness, she refused to let him strafe a Vietnamese neighborhood in Houston just minutes before.

    A little passion is good in a President, don’t you think? I mean, how else will we ever know if that nuclear football thingy they carry everywhere the President goes even works? McCain’ll find out. First time some “gook” pisses him off. Watch out, Kim Jung Il!

  16. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    Mr. Morton leads a charmed life, doesn’t he?

    It’s on a private jet that he gets to screw his lady friend, Vicki Iseman, and when he’s through, call his wife a c**t. Speaking strictly for me, I don’t think he had any business calling his wife a name 90% of women find offensive.

    Cindy, if you’re reading this, take the keys away from the jet and let Johnny ride the bus.

  17. .
    You raise an interesting point, Jenna. It’s one that should be raised after the Demo Convention, maybe even a week before the general election, as a sort of, well, October Surprise (betchya the Repukes’ve got one ready): Is Cindy McCain an abused woman? Has McNuts ever hit her? Are there witnesses to other incidents of verbal or physical abuse? Any police records? Hospital visits? Neighbors complaining? Is he fit to be the chief law enforcement officer of this great land?

    Does McCain’s military srervice medical record show any evidence of PTSD? He certainly underwent a lot of stress during his Vietnam service & captivity. Not to mention his plane crashes. This on top of a record of emotional imbalance and violent outbursts that predates his military service; McCain himself recently acknowledged that he was a belligerent little punk in high school. Is he fit to be CIC?

    Was McCain himself abused by his hard-ass Old Navy Annapolis admiral Pops & Grandpops? And what sort of environment and home life did he have as a child of the South, growing up in the South back in the bad old days? Was his family part of the problem, or part of the solution? With such a high-profile family, it should be easy to find out. Is he fit to be the guardian of the Constitution, and the champion of the people’s rights?

    And how people love to talk about people who’ve hurt, offended, or run roughshod over them. Is he fit to have a beer with?

    Anybody got Drudge’s phone number?

  18. Her jet looks larger than mine. Oh, wait a second, I don’t have a jet, I have a minivan.

    Is McCain the kind of guy you would want to have a glass of prune juice with?

  19. TOM339 says:

    I sold my private jet when gas hit $3.50 a gallon.

    These days I am forced to fly from point A to point B using a glider and an up draft. Works good most days except when there is no wind. Then I take the bus.

    I bet Cindy McCain has never taken the bus?

  20. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    My private jet is bigger than y’alls.

    I have a 747 and I park it out back with the chickens and the pigs. My 10 Mormon wives keep it cleaned and vacuumed.

  21. Adirondacky says:

    You’re full of shit, Bill Hussein O’Reilly. My private jet is a new Airbus A-380. It seats 550 and can fly from LA to New Dehli without refueling. Top that.

  22. JollyRoger says:

    Business as usual for “Maverick” McCavein. Mr. “Reform” ALWAYS exempts himself from the petty rules for petty people.

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