Sunday, February 3, 2008


A new ZOGBY tracking poll out today shows Barack Obama ahead of rival Hillary Clinton in California.

According to ZOGBY:

Obama’s lead in California is by virtue of solid support in the Bay Area and among Independents (by 20 points), men (20 points), 18-29 year olds (31 points), very liberal voters (22 points), and African Americans (75%-14%).

Obama now stands at 45% and Clinton at 41%.

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  1. Harry says:

    OK. Now I’m getting excited about this race. The whole thing will be turned upside down if HRC loses California. Oops! Now so fast Billary.

  2. TLAXIACO says:

    Obama has made great inroads in the Hispanic community in California. Having the endorsement of Sen. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy’s surviving child, Caroline, carries enormous weight with latinos. I think this fact alone helped turn the tide Obama’s direction in the past 72 hours.

  3. Randy Arroyo says:

    I just wanted to pass along a TV spot from Hillary’s team running in the San Diego market. In it, this lying hag had the audacity to say Barack Obama is “misleading” the voters and “misrepresenting” her views. It’s the most desperate act of a waning politician I’ve ever seen.

  4. Larry says:

    Check this out Christopher:

    In a dramatic moment at UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion, California First Lady Maria Shriver just strode out onto a stage that had already seen its share of celebrities — Oprah Winfrey and Stevie Wonder among them — and announced that she was joining the Kennedy half of the family backing Barack Obama.

  5. feminazi says:

    Larry – I watched it on C-SPAN yesterday. A better stage of powerful and accomplished women you couldn’t find. Each brought a unique experience to the event. Did you see Stevie Wonder fall as he tried to go up the stairs? It looked like he hit his head.

  6. Harry says:

    Let’s hope these numbers hold another 48 hours.

  7. enigma4ever says:

    Feminazi: it was the most amazing event I have ever seen Stevie Wonder even spoke beautifully- he fell- but Michelle Obama Lifted him back – and held on tight- and she also stood next to him at the podium and held his arm- that was something…to imagine the love and strength he felt in that room…and when Maria Shriver came on that stage- Amazing…..and the jaws dropped and People jumped out of their seats- it was a MOMENT…the UCLA event thrown together yesterday will go down in History- AMAZING…it is on cspan go to CampainNetwork.org and look at UCLA OBAMA EVENT is how it is labeled…

    I actually trust Zogby he works really hard on this polls….and I think it is more accurate than most….

    but still wow….( thanks for all of your great blogging today)

  8. Sasha in MN says:

    Sorry, I didn’t know where to post this, I thought this was the closest thread to put in my two cents.

    I have been currently watching C Span waiting for the last Obama rally before Tuesday and I am simply amazed. While they were taking callers in the TEN minutes I have been tuned in so far I have heard three registered Republicans call in for their switch to Obama and two Independents. I expected this possible response from Democrats but to hear people take the time to call in and want their voice & opinions to be heard from other parties really makes me smile and shake my head.
    Tomorrow is going to be an amazing day wherever the numbers fall and experts’ quip because I know there are people looking outside of party lines and age old adages to connect with a new way of thinking and a politician that will bring back respect and belief in politics in general, we’re not just inspired as the general public but our future elected officials finally have a bar to measure themselves with. Obama always says “we”, not “I” because he recognizes where the true power is and won’t leave us in the dust to be forgotten once he has our votes and is bequeathed the power. PS More Obama call ins from the Democratic phone line throughout the other party calls.

  9. rberlind says:

    I looked at multiple Rasmussen polls for CA and observed that Obama gained 12% while Clinton only gained 6% between 1/14 and 2/2. Clearly, Obama is winning undecided voters and former Edwards supporters 2:1 in CA.

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