Obama, Clinton Tied in California

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A startling surge of support for Barack Obama has catapulted the Illinois senator into a virtual tie with Hillary Rodham Clinton in California’s Democratic presidential primary, a Field Poll released Saturday shows.

Clinton, a longtime California favorite, saw her once-commanding lead slip to two percentage points, 36 to 34 percent, in the new survey. That’s down from the New York senator’s 12 percentage point lead in mid-January and a 25 percentage point margin over Obama in October.

But with 18 percent of Democratic voters still undecided just days before Tuesday’s primary, the election is still up for grabs, said Mark DiCamillo, the poll’s director.

“It’s an unusually volatile election, with a very high number of undecided voters and so many moving parts,” he said. “It could be a very, very close election.”

SOURCE: San Francisco Chronicle

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9 Responses to Obama, Clinton Tied in California

  1. feminazi says:

    I am so nervous about Tuesday. I really want things to turn out well for Barack. If he can drive a stake in the heart of Hillary’s campaign, I can breath a sigh of relief but sadly, there are a lot of stupid people out there who support her and long for some of the old Clinton magic.

  2. TOM339 says:

    36/34 isn’t too shabby for Obama who was back 25 points in November.

    In this primary, assume nothing and don’t take anything for granted. The Clintons are devious and ruthless and will stop at nothing to win. They are truly addicted to power.

  3. Larry says:

    If Obama gets California then Hillary is in deep trouble.

  4. Joe in Colorado says:

    Super Bowl or Super Tuesday?

    I’m much more excited by the latter. Frankly, we’re just going to a movie today and coming home. Now, Tuesday will see our house packed with friends who are gathered around the TV with our fingers crossed.

  5. feminazi says:

    Super Tuesday. Definitely.

  6. rberlind says:

    Unfortunately, the polls don’t reflect the fact that many Californians have already voted during the past few weeks in the “early voting” process. Based on Hillary’s more favorable polls during that period, she probably got a good head start over Obama. But it’s still good news for Obama that the polls are narrowing and that so many people are undecided. After all, it’s a race for delegates rather than states at this point.

  7. Idaho Librul says:

    Sen. Barack Obama spoke Saturday to an arena crowd of 15,000 people or triple the 5,000 Democrats who caucused statewide in 2004.

    “And they told me there were no Democrats in Idaho,” Obama said at the beginning of his 45-minute speech.

    The crowd validated Obama’s decision to visit this GOP-dominated cesspoll before the all-important Super Tuesday. If the crowds yesterday were any measure, I would venture that Obama will carry Idaho easily. Finally, making me proud of my homestate.

  8. DMason says:

    As a percentage, does anyone know who many voters in California are still undecided? I always find it hard to comprehend how voters can be so torn 48 hours before going to the polls. I knew I was supporting Obama last October.

  9. Matteo says:

    According to SurveyUSA, undecideds are 2% in the state of California.

    A small number but a number within the statistical margin of error. I am delighted the number is any bigger.


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