Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites

She’s at it again. But this time, Hillary has taken Clintonian dirty politics to a whole new level.

After trying to smear Barack Obama’s character, imply he’s a drug user and dealer, has ties to radical Islam, and is inexperienced, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has registered  the names of two Web sites with the express goal of attacking her chief rival, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.

It’s the first time this election cycle a presidential campaign has launched a Web site with the express purpose of of launching serious criticisms on a rival. and are domains hosted by the same IP address as official Clinton Web sites, such, which was launched with much fanfare this week.

The Clinton campaign intends to use these new Web sites to paint Obama as cowardly.

Clinton has attacked Obama for having occasionally voted “present” as an Illinois state legislator when it came to contentious legislation.

It was a legislative maneuver that was sometimes part of a plan by Democrats to give cover to vulnerable colleagues, though in some instances it appears that Obama voted present to avoid taking a position with some political risk — such as with a bill that would have allowed children as young as 15 who committed crimes with firearms on or near school property to be prosecuted as adults.

The Obama campaign referred to the websites as “politically motivated attacks in the eleventh hour of a closely contested campaign” and defended Obama’s “present” votes.

“Over more than a decade in public office, Barack Obama has successfully led the way on difficult issues from welfare reform, to the reform of a broken death penalty law in Illinois to a battle for long-overdue ethics reforms in Washington,” said spokesman Bill Burton.

“Among the thousands of votes he cast in the Illinois Senate, he used the present vote on occasions when he believed bills were drafted in an unconstitutional manner. On other occasions, he voted present as part of legislative strategies, such as ones crafted by pro-choice forces in Illinois to thwart maneuvering by the opponents of a woman’s right to choose.”

Clinton has used these present votes to paint Obama as full of words but not action.

“I don’t think people want a lot of talk about change,” she told Iowans early this month. “I think they want someone with a real record — a doer, not a talker. After eight years of incompetence, they don’t want false hope, they want real results.”


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10 Responses to Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites

  1. Larry says:

    Hillary will claim she doesn’t condone such things, yet she will NEVER get on National TV And say that Obama is NOT a drug dealer.

    Hillary is a worthless harlot.

  2. Junior says:

    Is Karl Rove advising Hillary now?

    This type of thing is emblematic of something Rove would do in a campaign.

  3. TOM339 says:

    I agree. This smells like KKKarl Rove.

    Rove left the (was forced out of?) the Bush administration and immediately began shopping his book around.

    Guess what? No takers. The manuscript is still left on the auction block. Publishers know there’s no market for 400 pages of Democrat-bashing and lies from Bush’s brain.

    I wouldn’t be the least surprised of Rove isn’t working now on background for Hillary.

  4. Matteo says:

    Hillary’s campaign is a garbage can. Don’t forget this.

    Obama, Under the Clinton Microscope

    DES MOINES – Presidential campaigns have unlimited appetites for information about their rivals. They track their whereabouts, they study their records and they obsessively follow nearly every movement. By this point in the race, though, it would seem a candidate’s work history would have already been sufficiently combed through.

    Apparently not.

    If there was any question whether Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign was concerned about the rise of Senator Barack Obama, here is a fresh example: A deputy campaign manager for Mrs. Clinton sent an e-mail yesterday, trying to find out about Mr. Obama’s background as a community organizer in Chicago.

    The deputy campaign manager is Bob Nash, who served as White House personnel director in the Clinton administration. In March, Mr. Nash left his position as vice chairman of Chicago ShoreBank to join Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.

    Here is the text of his e-mail, with the addresses redacted:

    From: Bob Nash
    Sent: Sun Dec 09
    Subject: BARACK
    Bob J Nash
    Deputy Campaign Manager
    Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee
    4420 N. Fairfax Drive
    Arlington, VA 22203

  5. BelAmi says:

    Presidential politics have become a bloodsport.

    People like Bush and Hillary are dirty tricksters and have no concept of winning on a level playing field. They have to cheat — it’s in their blood.

  6. JollyRoger says:

    I’ve always said I don’t see either of them prevailing. I’m almost willing to bet cash on it now. Too bad my cash is the US dollar…

  7. FranIAm says:

    Sorry, can’t comment, too busy puking my guts up over this disgrace.

  8. Eggroll says:

    Props, bro.

    I read your diary over at Kos and the HillaryBots were in attack mode defending the Queen Bee over this one.

    You have to wonder why Hillary’s supporters aren’t more sophisticated that they disavow source citing from ABC News? Do they really think that by squawking and stamping their feet that this will make the story not true?

    Anyway, great post and great Kos diary. Keep up the good work.

    I really want to see a change in the country and for me the instrument for that change is Barack Obama. I have faith in him.

  9. owen says:

    Hillary is so predictable – playing the same underhanded games her Republican friends/colleagues/contemporaries are so well known for. How about learning from the dastardly errors of those Republican co-horts and evolve into someone who seeks higher aspirations – based on truth, decency and … honour …

    Barack “Ndugu” don’t be drawn into this cheap sleezy M/O of the old ways of politicking. Stay above the fray and show Hillary up for the snivelling weakling she really is.

  10. Chuck says:

    I don’t work for Hillary. I just think Obama would be a disaster in the general election. Not that he’s not talented with a bright future ahead of him. But his unwillingness to take bold stands (voting present 180 times in the Illinois state legislature) is in his stride with “consensus-building, come together as Americans” rhetoric. In the end, it’s all pandering and sucking up. He lacks the backbone to be a bold, decisive leader.

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