Kucinich Booted from Iowa Debate


Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich is being excluded from this week’s Iowa presidential debate because he has not rented office space in the Hawkeye State, his campaign said Wednesday.

 The Des Moines Register informed the campaign that Kucinich is not invited because the newspaper determined “that a person working out of his home did not meet our criteria for a campaign office and full-time paid staff in Iowa,” the campaign said.

The campaign blasted the decision to exclude the lawmaker from the debate.

“The Iowa caucuses have been portrayed as having national implications, and if the Register has decided to use hair-splitting technicalities to exclude the leading voice of the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party, then the entire process is suspect,” the campaign said in a statement about the “arbitrary and unreasonable exclusion.”

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5 Responses to Kucinich Booted from Iowa Debate

  1. DMason says:

    This is outrageous. Even though I’m not supporting Kucinich, he’s a candidate and sheould be allowed to debate.

  2. I call bullshit, particularly since ALAN BATSHIT CRAZY KEYES is being allowed in the R debates.

    It’s time for national primaries and public funding of elections to make these arbitrary and unfair party actions go away for good.

  3. Larry says:

    What kind of Freedom of Speech or Democracy is this when two of the candidates are excluded in order to silence them.

  4. Larry,

    I don’t think that is what happened. Kucinich failed to secure office space. If he cannot raise the funds, or was unaware of the statutory requirement, he does not exhibit the skills necessary to run the government.

  5. ShaneRollins says:

    Wait, how is CNN going to constantly camera over to his smoking hot wife now? Apparently the Des Moines Register didn’t ok this with the network.

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