Obama Catches Clinton in New Hampshire

Stop the coronation! 

Barack Obama has chipped away at Hillary Clinton’s lead in New Hampshire locking the Democrats in a statistical tie a month before the first presidential primary, according to a CNN/WMUR Poll released Wednesday.

Clinton has dropped 5 percentage points since a previous CNN/WMUR survey in November, while Obama has gained 8 percentage points, according to the poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.

Clinton is now at 31 percent to Obama’s 30 percent. New Hampshire’s primary is set for January 8.

Clinton’s 5-percentage point drop appears to have been largely due to the loss of support among women.

Clinton’s support among Democratic women in New Hampshire has dropped from 43 percent to 33 percent,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “By contrast, her support among men dropped only 1 point to 27 percent in that same time period.”

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5 Responses to Obama Catches Clinton in New Hampshire

  1. DMason says:

    Expect to see Hillary really lay into Obama now that he’s caught up to her in NH. Drugs? Bimbos? Ties to organized crime? Hillary still stop at nothing to reach 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  2. Larry says:

    Bill Clinton has severed business ties with Los Angeles billionaire Ron Burkle, fearful that their deals could erupt into bad publicity damaging his wife’s presidential bid, according to sources who know both men.

    The break-up is a major development in the world of political fundraising, where Burkle has risen quickly to the top ranks, credited with channeling $50 million or more into Democratic coffers over the past 15 years.

    Looks like Hillary is in panic mode over Obama catching her.

  3. TOM339 says:

    Larry – Do you have anything on this to post?

    I think this is very significant and the more data we have, the better. I’ve had the TV on all day and I haven’t heard anything about this.

    It does appear Hillary is freaking out and like a rattlesnake with its tail cut off, she’s becoming dangerous.

  4. ShaneRollins says:

    I still feel that Edwards might shock the world and just win New Hampshire and Iowa. No date for that, just a gut feeling.

  5. dguzman says:

    But gee, Christopher, Fox “News” has her still ahead by like ten points! (sorry, it’s what’s on 24/7 in the cafeteria at work)

    You know, I was just about to write the same thing that Shane wrote (above my comment)–I’m feeling an Edwards surge (sorry) coming on, and I don’t even know why. But I’m actually started to get a little motivated by him. ??

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