Ryan White’s Mother Blasts Dipshit Huckabee

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s 15-year-old comment that AIDS patients should be isolated have so alarmed the mother of Ryan White, an Indiana teenager whose life-ending battle with AIDS in the 1980s engrossed the nation, that she has asked for a meeting with the presidential candidate.

Mrs. White-Ginder said via telephone:

“It’s so alarming to me. It’s very important to me that we don’t live in the darkness when people thought AIDS was transmitted through casual contact, such as by kissing, tears, sweat and saliva. We have to treat this disease like a disease, and like Ryan always said, not like a dirty word.”

Ryan White was 13 when he was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984, having contracted the virus from a blood-clotting agent used to treat his hemophilia. He was barred from school the following year out of fear the disease was spread casually. He died in 1990 at age 18.

Dipshit Huckabee can’t stop yapping and he can’t stop lying either.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Huckabee denied that those words were a call to quarantine the AIDS population, although he did not explain how else isolation would be achieved. “I didn’t say we should quarantine,” he said.

“I still believe this today,” Huckabee said Sunday, that “we were acting more out of political correctness” in responding to the AIDS crisis. “I don’t run from it, I don’t recant it,” he said of his position in 1992.

This entry was posted in Election 2008, Gay and Lesbian, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Religious Nutcases, Republicans. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Ryan White’s Mother Blasts Dipshit Huckabee

  1. Scott Dancer says:

    Huckabee’s remarks vis a vis HIV/AIDs patients as late as 1992 suggests a profound level of ignorance from a public official.

    By 1992, the medical community (even in Arkansas) had well established how the HIV virus is contracted and most importantly in Huckabee’s case, how it isn’t contracted.

    One might conclude from his remarks that he was pandering to the religious right — many of whom thought and continue to think, that AIDS is:

    1. a “gay” disease
    2. God’s wrath

    Of course, neither is true but in the Baptist-dense, American south, simplistic thinking such as this is common and continues to this day.

    Elected officials like a governor or a senator is obligated to elevate and inform the people he represents and not be a vehicle to make them more stupid.

  2. Harry says:

    Huckabee is a stupid hillbilly. He needs to STFU and go back to his trailer in Little Rock and watch reruns of Hee Haw.

  3. Winnie H. says:

    I agree with Scott when he calls it …”a profound level of ignorance by a public official.”

    And I agree with you, Christopher, in how you describe Huckabee. Very accurate description, indeed.

    Huckabee’s comments are perhaps even more shocking when we remember that by 1992 Princess Diana (the most famous person in the world at that time) had long been making international news on the subject of AIDS with her many visits to AIDS patients and hospitals in Britain. Photographs all over the world showed Diana shaking hands with AIDS patients and hugging them to illustrate that there was no need to fear, and that AIDS could not be transmitted through casual contact. And she also made a point of taking her young boys along as well to give handshakes and hugs, further proving that it was completely safe. And as she said at the time, these patients needed hugs and physical contact and to know that people cared.

    I find Huckabee’s rising poll numbers to be very disconcerting and alarming. He’s more than just a radical conservative — he is also mean-spirited and extremely phony with his “aw shucks” baloney.

    I applaud Mrs. White-Ginder for speaking up about this, and I hope she gets her meeting with him and keeps exposing him for what he really is.

  4. DMason says:

    Huckabee is a calculating swine. Get back under your rock, Mikey.

  5. i never thought anyone could be a bigger douchebag than Romney — hello Mike

    here we go again — people want him because he is a nice guy…and Chris Matthews has this enormous boner

  6. Larry says:

    After all this the Repugs will probably embrace him and his hatred with open arms, and proclaim him the “Modern Day Reagan.”

  7. Rachel says:

    What kind of person could politicize victims of AIDS? Huckabee is a preacher, a man of the cloth and he’s lying for the sake of currying favor with Joe Nation? Shameless. I hope he gains the entire 150lbs. back and another 150lbs. on top of that.

  8. FranIAm says:

    Huckabee makes me sick.

    And watch that nice guy crap- he is dangerous.

  9. Jim says:

    What an ignorant creep. Another “compassionate conservative.” So much for his supposed “Christian” values. Phony, phony, phony.

  10. fairlane says:

    Fuck that pseudo-“Religious” schmuck.

  11. Tengrain says:

    But to be fair to Huckleberry, he bears a striking resemblence to Gomer Pyle.



  12. dad2059 says:

    Hucka-billy is certainly a stooge and patsy in the classic NWO sense. And he certainly sells in the Bible-belt.

    But I think it would take massive rigging of the Diebold machines all over the North and West to get this guy through.

    Maybe it’s the hue and cry we need.

  13. ShaneRollins says:

    Jim-The saddest thing of all is that his “Christian values” are pretty much what many “Christians” believe anyways, at least in the South.

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