Report Puts Hidden Costs of Bush’s War at $1.6 Trillion

The economic costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are estimated to total $1.6 trillion or roughly double the amount the White House has requested thus far, according to a new report by Democrats on Congress’ Joint Economic Committee.

The report, released Tuesday, attempted to put a price tag on the two conflicts, including “hidden” costs such as interest payments on the money borrowed to pay for the wars, lost investment, the expense of long-term health care for injured veterans and the cost of oil market disruptions.

But yet Congressional Democrats, always fearful of being accused of “not supporting the troops,” continue to approve every request Bush makes for additional war funding.

The $1.6 trillion figure, translates into a cost of $20,900 for a family of four, the report said.

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13 Responses to Report Puts Hidden Costs of Bush’s War at $1.6 Trillion

  1. feminazi says:

    One of the many things about the Iraq war that riles me is Bush and the Congress is financing it on credit. Everytime the Democrats sign off on one of his requests for addition funds, the amount of the national debt increases. I remember Lyndon Johnson raising taxes to pay for the Vietnam war but, not this president. My nephew’s generation, when he is my age will still be paying off the Iraq war. This assumes there is still a USA in existence.

  2. TOM339 says:

    Imagine what $1.6 trillion could’ve done here at home?

    From finding cures for cancer and AIDS, to funding education, to finding non-polluting fuels for cars and airplanes, and shoring up Social Security.

    The Bush years will go down in the annals of history as a kind of Dark Ages, when reason was tossed aside and the final gasp of a dying Empire was heard around the world. No one, not Bush, not Cheney and not the Congress, will get a good score from historians.

    What a mess.

  3. taco says:

    But yet Congressional Democrats, always fearful of being accused of “not supporting the troops,” continue to approve every request Bush makes for additional war funding.

    Point scored.

    We didn’t get to this pathetic state by George Bush alone.

    The Congress has yet to tell him no and like any common, neighborhood bully, he’s grown more and more powerful with the knowledge that he’s omnipotent.

  4. Lawrence says:

    I really think we’re witnessing the destruction of the USA. Whether we survive another 50 or 100 years is open to debate but from an economic stand point, we can’t continue forward with a $9 trillion dollar debt hanging over us.

  5. dad2059 says:

    The final nail in the coffin of the U.S. “Empire” will be an Iran attack, it doesn’t matter with nukes or not at this point.

    The whole public has been disenfranchised. The whole country wants out of these wars except for the insane fundie/Zionists Tim LaHaye and the well-fed Hagee, who are still whispering sweet talk of Muslim genocide into Bu$hco’s ears.

    All playing to the tune of David Rockefeller’s NWO organ grinder.

  6. JollyRoger says:

    50 or 100 years? The lifespan of this country is, maybe, 5 to 10 years. The Soviet end we earned for ourselves is at hand.

    I’d like to know how much of that 1.6 trillion is graft.

  7. joost says:

    It’s hard to believe President Clinton had the USA on target to retire the national debt by 2012.

    Now, thanks to Bush’s incredibily irresponsible fiscal spending, the country is in the hock for more than $9 trillion dollars. Most of this owed to Japan and China.

    Bush is a fucktard. Trust me, history won’t be kind.

  8. DMason says:

    But as Christopher said, the Democratic Congress of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi just keeps writing the checks. No matter how much or how often Bush asks for billions more, this Congress is more than happy to help bankrupt the country when all they have to do is tell Bush “No.”

  9. $1.6 trillion is what the JEC says……..that means it is over $2 trillion

    we could have been off oil – or close to it for all that and this guy wont spend a nickel on kids……

  10. Larry says:

    Foreclosures are at record levels, and tack on the $20,000 per family that is coming out of the economy.

    Looks like a Modern Day Depression is on the way.

  11. Mauigirl says:

    And then Bush has the nerve to veto spending on programs that help the poor and uninsured. All that money…down the drain.

  12. Suzie-Q says:

    The $1.6 trillion figure, translates into a cost of $20,900 for a family of four, the report said.

    And, add interest to that because it will take years to pay that debt…

  13. balkan says:

    Will this insanity ever stop?!?

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