News Corp Implicated in Coverup to Protect Rudy Giuliani


Judith Regan, the book publisher who was fired by the News Corporation last year, asserts in a lawsuit filed today that a senior executive at the media conglomerate encouraged her to mislead Federal investigators about her relationship with Bernard B. Kerik during his bid to become homeland security secretary in late 2004.

The lawsuit asserts that the News Corporation executive wanted to protect the presidential aspirations of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Mr. Kerik’s mentor, who had appointed him New York City police commissioner and had recommended him for the federal post.

Ms. Regan makes the charge at the start of a 70-page filing that seeks $100 million in damages for what she says was a campaign to smear and discredit her by her bosses at HarperCollins and its parent company, News Corp.

In the civil complaint filed in state court in Manhattan, Ms. Regan says the company has long sought to promote Mr. Giuliani’s ambitions. But the lawsuit does not elaborate on that charge, or identify the executive who she alleged pressured her to mislead investigators, nor does it offer details or evidence to back up her claim.

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6 Responses to News Corp Implicated in Coverup to Protect Rudy Giuliani

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    This should spell the end of Rudy’s presidential campaign. All the rumors about him, his ties to mob-like characters and questionable ethics, will be impossible to deny now.

  2. i so hope this finally drags rudy into the sewer where he belongs — along with Rupert and Roger and maybe even Bill

    but somehow my cynicism takes over and i think Rupert and Roger — seeing there is a problem at hand will make this whole thing go away before it can drag any of the down

    i hope my cynical outlook is wrong — there would be nothing finer to see Rudy and Roger slink away with dresses and high heels in hand

  3. Larry says:

    Be aware of the scorn of a Scarlet Woman Murdoch.

  4. feminazi says:

    They were saying last night on Keith’s program that Fox News gives Guiliani 50% more facetime than the next Republican candidate and 90% more facetime than Hillary Clinton. It’s a cozy setting for Guiliani at Fox but, it appears to be coming to a close.

  5. dad2059 says:

    …there would be nothing finer to see Rudy and Roger slink away with dresses and high heels in hand…

    Gawd what a picture!

    Funnier than hell though! 8-))

  6. 22rants says:

    Goodbye, Rudy. Goodbye.

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