Israel’s Lobby is in Full Battle Mode

By a vote of 76-22, the U.S. Senate on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a measure sending another rebuke to Tehran, this one aimed at sending a message to the Islamic regime to end military tactics targeting U.S. forces in Iraq.

The Kyl-Lieberman Amendment sponsored by Sens. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) was described by Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) as:

“This proposal is Dick Cheney’s fondest pipe dream. It’s not a prescription for success. At best, it’s a deliberate attempt to divert attention from a failed diplomatic policy. At worst, it could be read as a back-door method of gaining congressional validation for action without one hearing or without serious debate.”

Webb said the language is too open-ended, and could be construed as Senate authorization to use force against Iran. 

One portion of the amendment reads:

“It is the Sense of the Senate that it should be the policy of the United States to combat, contain, and roll back the violent activities and destabilizing influence inside Iraq of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its foreign facilitators such as Lebanese Hezbollah, and its indigenous Iraqi proxies.”

At the urging of Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, Lieberman and Kyl took steps Tuesday to remove the most controversial parts of their measure.

Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Clinton, voted for the proposal.

This entry was posted in Cheney, Democrats, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, Iran war, News, Republicans. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Israel’s Lobby is in Full Battle Mode

  1. feminazi says:

    Webb is right. The original language of the amendment is clearly provocative and suggests the USA will take military action against Iran if we so decide it’s appropriate. Lieberman must think people are stupid. If this wasn’t the intention of his legislation, then why would he be so reluctant to remove it or clarify it? God, I hate that man.

  2. Manu says:

    Lieberman is a petty, small man who is all too happy to loiter about the U.S. Capitol, and carry out Israel’s agenda radical foreign policy agenda.

    He needs to renounce his American citizenship and become an Israeli nation. Lieberman is no longer acting on behalf of American interests.

  3. Brigadoon says:

    I wish bloggers (not you) would stop referring to Joementum as a “democrat.” He is no democrat. He’s a pro-Bush, pro-Iraq war Republican who pretends to be an Independent.

  4. Richard Orzciak says:

    Agree with all of the aforementioned remarks.

  5. Matteo says:

    Holy Joe is a nutcase when it comes to Iran. As in evidenced with this from E&P:

    Sen. Lieberman Calls for U.S. Strike Against Iran

    Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Sunday the United States should consider a military strike against Iran because of Tehran’s involvement in Iraq.

    ”I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq,” Lieberman said. ”And to me, that would include a strike over the border into Iran, where we have good evidence that they have a base at which they are training these people coming back into Iraq to kill our soldiers.”

  6. Christopher says:

    The people of Connecticut had an opportunity to rid themselves and the nation of Joe Lieberman last November but, wealthy Republican voters saw things differently.

  7. Harry says:

    Picture caption: “You come here often? I’m looking for a well hung top.”

  8. feminazi says:

    Manu is correct. Lieberman is a petty man and he’s the one thing about the 2000 Gore campaign for president I will never understand. Why on earth would Gore have chosen this pro-Zionist hoodlum for a running mate? I think the choice has Donna Brazille’s hands all over it.

  9. I’m so demoralized that I am almost at a loss for words. These Democrats have shown no courage or leadership on Iraq. Now they are once again being pushed to vote on measures that serve as a pretext for war with Iran by Republicans and that sycophant Lieberman. It’s disgusting that these folks who have never put on a uniform are so quick to send other Americans to die.

  10. Joe from Colorado says:

    I’m so tired of Israel dictating foreign policy for the US. It has to stop. These lawmkers clearly have a conflict of interest.

  11. mirth says:

    Beyond The Clintons:

    I generally agree with you and the other commenters, except for this:

    The congressional Dems are not showing lack of courage or leadership. The Bush agenda (which is largely the agenda of Israel) is the Dem agenda. When we all understand this, we see that the 110th has showed remarkable courage and leadership, despite the wishes of those they are sworn to represent, in advancing this shared agenda.

    Neo is Neo, no matter the party…and Hillary is the NeoDem standardbearer.

  12. Brigadoon says:

    Hillary wants it both ways. On the one hand, she wants appeal to the Red state south and be General Patton. Then, she wants to appeal to the antiwar crowd and be Ghandi. She can’t be both and by trying to, she loses credibility.

  13. mirth says:

    We know that the Iraq invasion and occupation was and is illegal and that it has been the ruin of a soverign nation, the crippling of our military, the death and maiming of our service persons, the death and maiming and displacement of thousands upon thousands of Iraqis, and it has been the destruction of our nation’s dignity and honor.
    Yet HRC vows to maintain our military forces in Iraq until at least 2013 and even then only the “vast majority” will have come home, meaning our service personnel and perhaps other forces such as Blackwater will remain beyond 2013.
    Further she has voted in approval of labeling the Iranian military a “terrorist organization,” a move that brings our illegal attack on Iran one step closer.
    Not once has she said she will undo the Executive power grabs courtesy of GWB.
    Should be vote for her because having a Dem for our president will be better than what we now have?


    If she is the candidate after the primaries, for the first time since I have been eligible I will not vote.

    And to stay OT:
    Yes Liberman is a petty, small man willing to destroy his country to advance the interests of criminal and abominable Israel.

    Liberman is a traitor.

  14. RAnthony80 says:

    Isn’t it funny to see Hillary, Edwards, and OBAMA, all saying now that it make take them more than 5 years from now to get us out of iraq..but they think Bush can leave iraq now… LOVE YOU GUYS>> always good for a laugh….

  15. mirth says:

    What, exactly, RAnthony80, amuses you about politicians serving their own needs rather than the needs of this country or those of a country we have devastated?
    I’m missing the humor.

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