He’s Baaaaaaaaaack!

The GOP’s worst nightmare is back.

Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho made a surprise appearance Tuesday the U.S. Capitol, his first since the scandal broke last month over allegations he tried to solicit sex from an undercover police officer in a restroom at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

The Republican senator had a brief exchange with CNN’s Ted Barrett at a Capitol entrance:

Barrett: “What brings you back to the Capitol today?”
Craig: “Go to work.”
Barrett: “Are you intending to vote today, sir?”
Craig: “That’s my plan.”
Barrett: “Why decide to come back today?”
Craig: “Because I’m a serving United States Senator from Idaho.”

Craig then stepped into the senators’ dining room on the first floor of the Capitol. On the way he passed a visibly surprised Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, who gave Craig a big welcome back handshake.

Craig was later asked by reporters if his presence in the Capitol today means he will not resign.

The Idaho Republican responded, ” no not at all — I’m here to work with my staff and my office and to work with my legal team.”

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10 Responses to He’s Baaaaaaaaaack!

  1. TOM339 says:

    ROFL! Craig is like a virus the GOP can’t shake.

  2. taco says:

    On the way he passed a visibly surprised Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, who gave Craig a big welcome back handshake.

    I hope Lindsey washed his hand with antibacterial soap after the greeting.

    You never know where Craig’s paw might’ve been.

  3. Bill, Las Vegas, NV says:

    Craig shouldn’t resign because he likes dick.

    However, Craig and anyone else who’s not for full equality for gays and lesbians should resign. Most legislators of the Democratic and Republican Party are bigots. Craig is different; he a two-faced homophobic rat. None of them are fit to serve.

    When the toe tapping saga started, and the frenzied scolding of the bigot press and politicians rained down on Craig it had an unexpected effect. For some in our community it evoked a long forgotten fear of being branded a faggot, someone who likes unpopular sex, i.e., gay sex. A jumpy impulse caused some to join the bigots in denouncing Craig’s sexual behavior, ridiculing causal sex and cruising. Some ever so primly applauded the blue laws. That kind of thinking can lead to internalized homophobia.

    We’re taught, by a steady torrent of negative remarks, sermons, editorials, jibes and bigot jokes to fear being who we are. Homophobia is not really an accurate description of bigots. Except for closet cases they aren’t afraid of gays and gay sex; instead they hate gays and gay sex. They’re deeply entangled in the ignorance and superstition of catholic, protestant, mormon and muslim cultists who coach them to compulsively hate us. Their illness is vindicated by politicians like Bush and Clinton, who stubbornly refuse to support equality. That empowers their dangerous impulse to punish and then people get beaten and killed. It happens every time bigotry makes headlines.

    Gays who attacked Craig’s sexual habits were instinctively trying to ward off that punishment. That’s understandable given the reach and intensity of the bigots’ hatred and violence, but it doesn’t come to grips with the problem and doesn’t really deflect it from our community.

  4. Rachel says:

    Great post, Bill! What I see as the reason gay and straight bloggers alike who go after Larry Craig is he’s a hypocrite. I agree – nothing wrong with liking dick (I like my boyfriend’s, thank you very much) but I don’t pretend the next day to dislike it. Craig has the most homophobic voting record in the Senate and he’s cruising public bathrooms?

  5. phil_in_ny says:

    And on lunch, he’ll be in the bathroom stall, tap dancing.

  6. Larry says:

    How touching, he must have flown into a different airport that he hasn’t tried yet.

  7. RAnthony80 says:

    I said it before.. And I will say it again.. Those that say they support gay rights..are always the first to attack someone by calling them gay as an insult.

    You Have a party that welcomes back Barney Franks after he ran a Prostitution Ring out of his home….lol…

  8. JollyRoger says:

    I said it before.. And I will say it again.. Those that say they support gay rights..are always the first to attack someone by calling them gay as an insult.

    You Have a party that welcomes back Barney Franks after he ran a Prostitution Ring out of his home….lol…

    Don’t you cowardly Chimpletons EVER have any new material?

    Since all sentient beings know the difference between Franks and someone like Craig, trying to explain it to a brain-dead Hannity worshiper would be a waste of my time.

  9. Jim says:

    Republicans! The gift that keeps on giving!

  10. DCVET says:

    I hope Craig remains on Capitol Hill and receives lots of facetime.

    Let him be a reminder of what is wrong with the GOP and whay they must lose even more seats come the 2008 general election.

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