Pentagon Plans for Massive Three-Day Airstrikes Against 1,200 Targets in Iran

Sadly, it we’ve reached the point where the Constitution is no longer relevant to matters of a president’s ability to go to war. Presidents, the Congress and the courts have made the once serious Constitutional issue, a purely political question. The language in Article I, 8, clauses 11-16 of the Constitution is quite clear. Yet, the war powers clause of the Constitution has become a quaint relic. Only Congress is authorized to declare war, raise and support armies, provide and maintain a navy and make the rules for these armed forces.

The Sunday Times of London reports:

The Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert.

Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for “pinprick strikes” against Iran’s nuclear facilities. “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military,” he said.

Debat was speaking at a meeting organised by The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal. He told The Sunday Times that the US military had concluded: “Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same.” It was, he added, a “very legitimate strategic calculus”.

President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust.” He warned that the US and its allies would confront Iran “before it is too late.”

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30 Responses to Pentagon Plans for Massive Three-Day Airstrikes Against 1,200 Targets in Iran

  1. Larry says:

    Get ready America, the plans for launching World War III are in place, and the Monkey of Mayhem has his Democratic Congress on the payroll and ready to roll.

  2. feminazi says:

    If the Congress refuses to stop this lunatic in the Oval Office then, the American people must. We have had 5 years of Iraq and I for one, will not sit on my hands and let my country go to war with a nation having nuclear weapons. Pelosi and Reid may be drinking the koolaid but the American people aren’t. Let Bush and Cheney try it when 10 million patriots descend on Washington DC with handcuffs. Bring it on, you worthless piece of Texas shit.

  3. Larry says:

    Watch Pelosi and Reid slither in the sewers of Bush’s desires to allow all this to take place.

    We need a revolution, and it needs to start with the Democratic Party.

  4. joost says:

    The Dumbos are so afraid of being branded “soft on defense” by the Repukes, coupled with this being the election season, that I will be floored if either Reid or Pelosi tell Bush he doesn’t get to start another war.

    Besides, does anyone think he would let a little thing like the US Constitution get in his way of war against Iran? Pish, the US Constitution is just a nuisance to Bush.

  5. Larry says:

    While the spineless Dems fear being branded as soft, they are living the portrayal they have been branded as they are to afraid to stand up to the Dictator of Life.

  6. TOM339 says:

    I think feminazi is on to something.

    If the whacko cowboy and his Halliburton babysitter even attempt to take this country into yet another war theater, then it’s up to the American people to put an end to it.

    We’ve crossed the line where the contraints of the Constitution and the rule of law matter.

    The first step is to bring back the military draft.

    This alone will awaken the antiwar youth in this country and watch as millions pay Bush a visit at the White House as mass protests take place.

  7. panasit says:

    In recent weeks, President Bush dramatically stepped up his war rhetoric against the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Americans memories are short. This is precisely what he did throughout 2002. He was laying the groundwork for the Iraq invasion.

    If the United States commences a ground invasion of Iran, or an air attack on Iran, expect the following:

    1. Iranian nuclear weapons will be used against Israel. This will result in the deaths of tens of thousands. As radiation-based illness takes hold, it is reasonable to see hundres of thousands become ill with cancer.

    2. Anti-American Islamic terrorists in the region, funded by tremendous oil profits, will coordinate their efforts to respond by attacking American targets. Possibly, a city in the U.S.

    3. The immediate loss of 60% to 70% of Irans oil production will impact global markets. The days of $3 a gallon gas will become a fond sentiment of bygone days. Expect to see $7 to $10 a gallon gasoline in the U.S., rendering a collapse of the American economic system, as American workers are unable to drive to work, buy food or heat their homes.

    It is imperative that Mr. Bush is prevented from starting such a war. It should be clear to everyone that this administration has no grasp of history or consequence and the dangers from a war with Iran far outweigh any and all benefits.

  8. Harry says:

    Panasit – Dude, you’re really freaking me out. I am worried now.

  9. taco says:

    Iranian nuclear weapons will be used against Israel. This will result in the deaths of tens of thousands. As radiation-based illness takes hold, it is reasonable to see hundres of thousands become ill with cancer.

    And Israel will respond using their nukes.

    The entire Middle East will become a hotzone of radiation and death. This is Biblical in scope and I’m not a religious person.

    I agree with feminazi and Tom339. The American people can’t let Bush start WWIII. I have kids I want to see grow up. I will do whatever it takes to stop this psychopath before he begins bombing Iran.

  10. Pingback: University Update - Nancy Pelosi - Pentagon Plans for Massive Three-Day Airstrikes Against 1,200 Targets in Iran

  11. Harry says:

    taco – Haven’t you heard? War is the new Viagra for the dead-from-the-waist-down neocons like Cheney.

  12. nytexan says:

    Here comes WWIII! Pelosi and Reid will sit back and again do nothing. Bush and Cheney have no intention of leaving Washington in 2009.

  13. Larry says:

    President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust.” He warned that the US and its allies would confront Iran “before it is too late.”

    Too late for what: Bush and his buddies to profit off of more dead bodies?

  14. mirth says:

    There are no patriots ready to march on Washington.

    There are patriots, but they know the consequences of any bold actions. As long as this gov’t, both the Executive and the Legislative, is in power, a citizen uprising will not happen.

    Congress will not stop an attack on Iran. It’s what the Neos here and in Israel want and Congress will give them what they have paid for.

    Thinking otherwise is fantasy.

  15. Tom Harper says:

    But, but Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction. We have to Act Now before that “smoking gun” turns into a mushroom cloud. Don’t worry, it’ll be a cakewalk. We’ll be greeted as liberators and throngs of grateful Iranians will shower our soldiers with flowers and ice cream.

  16. the slave says:

    The horror, the horror……. Please stop him.I’m in great britain and I feel powerless. Like watching a slow motion car crash. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, I have beautiful grandchildren. I would like them to live in peace. God help us all.

  17. Joe in Colorado says:

    I have an uncle, he’s an old guy now and he takes his Bible literally. Most of the family have come to ignore him when he gets started orating on “end times.” Anyway, he always says the Bible forecasts the end of the world beginning with a war in the Middle East and involving Israel. I’m starting to think he may not be a kook after all.

  18. KAJOPAIYE says:

    The bully jewboys in the Knesset play George Bush, Dick Cheney and the entire America congress like they’re marionettes dancing at the end of strings.

    סיוע ליועצת המשפטית לכנסת, למשנה ליועצת המשפטית לכנס,ליועצים המשפטיים, לוועדות הכנסת ולמינהל הכנסת

  19. Brigadoon says:

    Bullshit. If the U.S. invades Iran it doesn’t have a damned thing to do with Israel. It has to do with oil – who has it (Iran) and who needs it (the U.S.) and it’s no more complicated than this.

  20. wordgeezer says:

    Most of the msm wasn’t reporting this story, but the weird thng is that Faux News did, and they posted the link to the Times…Like, what is Rupert up to?

    Israel is joined at the hip with the US, and yep it is complicated. New and accountable leadership is needed there too. Oil is in the equation, but look North to the Caspian Sea and while you’re there take a good look at Russia and China…G:

  21. dad2059 says:

    If Iran is attacked, look for a backroom deal with China, they hate Muslims too.

    China signed deals with Iran, they win. Bu$hco bombs Iran back to 11th century, signs deal with China to split oil goodies because the Chinese hold Bu$hco’s war I.O.U.s, still win. Russia loses little, maybe a reactor they were helping Iranians with. Russia doesn’t need ME oil, they have their own they sell to EU folk. Plus they’re distracted by Bu$hco putting missiles by their front door.

    Sure China and Russia hold joint military exercises, but have nothing compared to American Empire shit. Plus, they doth protest not. Interesting, no?

  22. Mauigirl says:

    I wonder whether this is how the German people felt when they started to realize what Hitler was up to? Because I have no faith whatsoever that our elected Congress will stand up to Bush, nor do I think there are enough Americans who “get it” and are willing to do something to prevent him from going down this path of mutual destruction. I have never felt so helpless.

  23. Jim says:

    If we have WWIII, it will be because of the Bush administration.

  24. JollyRoger says:

    I fully believe, from exchanges I’ve had with folks in various places, that attacking Iran means the end of the US, and it’ll come with Soviet speed.

    If you care at all about this country, you’d better start hollering.

  25. phil_in_ny says:

    OMG, What in the hell are they thinking? But wait…they don’t think. This is going to open the door for god knows what!!

  26. matty says:

    When will this stop !!will it be when the final piece of the oil tunnel is put in place
    Outrageous this is
    Get That chimpanzee out of the whitehouse before he lays down plans to control the whole middle east with war lies

  27. Shane says:

    Alright,people. Time to stand up and take some physical action. Anyone with me here?? If anyone wants to “storm the Bastille” let me know and I will be there with handcuffs. In other words: Over my dead fucking body will this shit happen. That’s it…no fucking more sitting back and watching it all go to hell. NO MORE!!!!!

  28. Iranian Ajax says:

    Drawing up plans? We have plans on invading Canada. It means nothing. Its just fear mongering.

    There are currently military operations being executed in Iran….

    See this clip of Wolf Blitzer:

  29. LC Scotty says:

    I always wonder about folks who decry widespread gun ownership talking about storming the halls of power in some sort of revolution. Are you going to throw your handcuffs at the Marines stationed there?

    That is exactly why the founding fathers codified and individual right to keep and bear arms in our Constitution.

  30. JWelch says:

    It is time overdue for the Bush’s takeover to be halted. It is time to look at all this B.S. that they are throwing at us all at once. Distracting us and using misdirection. They are master magicians. Opening our borders, escalating the influx of illegals, hiking gas prices, overwhelming us with esculating interest rates, building toll roads that will be funded by us but paid to use to a company in Spain who uses Gueleoni’s law firm to legalize the use of illegal (guest workers) to build it. All the while esculating the war in Iraq. Right now Cheney is out of sight finalizing their nex move to invade Iran and start WWIII. All the while Daddy Bush is pulling all the string along with the Ben Laden family and their extensive wealth and political power scielently looking at their New World Order fall into place. If the American people do not wake up we will be living (barely) in a quasey fascist country. Asking how it all happened. Stop the new Hitler now!!

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