
“Dad, you, me, followed by Hillary, then Jeb, Chelsea and George P.”

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14 Responses to Dynasty

  1. Harry says:

    Bush said this? Are you kidding me?

  2. California Dreamin' says:

    This is the main reasons why I am not enthralled with Hillary Clinton. She’s obviously smart and able to carry out the requirements of the job as president but, I would like to see someone with than the Bush/Clinton legacy run this country for a change. It’s beginning to take on the trappings of a Monarchy and the U.S. was never about that.

  3. Rachel says:

    George P? Who is George P?

  4. phil_in_ny says:

    lol…good one Chris.

  5. DMason says:

    Rachel – “George P. Bush” is Bush’s nephew and the son of Jebby and his wife. He’s a lawyer, attractive and lives in Florida. The Florida buzztrack has him running for state office sooner than later. In 20 years, he will be ready to run for president.

  6. taco says:

    In 20 years, he will be ready to run for president.

    The bar for qualification to be president is so low now that Bobo the Chimp could become the Chief Executive.

    Oh, that’s right — Bobo the Chimp is president already, but that’s another topic entirely.

    If the kid is a lawyer, that’s more than the current occupant of the Oval Office accomplished in his career. But I agree, this dynasty thangy sucks and can’t be allowed to continue.

  7. Brigadoon says:

    Don’t they make a nauseating pair? And to think I voted twice for Clinton and once held him in high regard. Now, he’s Poppy Bush’s step-son and part of the Bush family. National political figures are just scumbags.

  8. dad2059 says:

    NWO Royalty.

    Any questions?

  9. Rachel says:

    Thanks, David. I somehow missed George P. Bush and was unaware of his existence. This family just keeps breeding them for public service.

  10. gay kitten says:

    I hadn’t heard about George P. either, Rachel.

    The Bush clan keeps breeding them like chickens.


  11. Christopher says:

    What I’m hearing from my sources in Florida, Jebby is preparing to purchase a seat for his boy in the Florida state legislature.

    From there, George P. Bush will launch an eventual national career in politics and from there, a run for the White House. It may take 25 years but, I’m sure Poppy and Babs will be around to see it.

  12. wordgeezer says:

    That does it…):
    Time to become an Independent.

  13. mbmdl says:

    I became an independent after Pelosi said she wouldn’t impeach Bush. I’m truly free and the Democrats don’t own me. Try it, Wordgeezer.

  14. Jim says:

    Too scary. Even if I admire certain qualities about Hillary, I’m uncomfortable with the seemingly unending parade of the same families with members waiting in the wings for their individual turns. New blood please.

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