Gingrich Conjures a Clinton-Obama Ticket

In an effort clearly designed to send fear up the spine of NASCAR Nation, former GOP House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, gazes into his magic ball and predicts a Clinton-Obama ticket in 2008.

“I think that either Mayor Giuliani or Governor Romney or Senator Thompson would be a very formidable opponent for what I expect will be a Clinton-Obama ticket, and I think that there’s a possibility that will work,” Gingrich said.

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10 Responses to Gingrich Conjures a Clinton-Obama Ticket

  1. feminazi says:

    I can’t see a Clinton/Obama ticket. Both of them have such huge egos and both of them expect to win the White House in ’08 that to team up would suggest one is the lesser of the two. Of course, in politics, anything is possible but I think Hillary is looking for a more pliable running mate who is comfortable with being second banana. That isn’t Barack Obama.

  2. Lawrence says:

    Bingo, Christopher! Newt is trying his utmost to scare people into voting GOP in 2008 and if he plays his cards right, voting for him. Fear is the grease that makes the Republican party churn.

  3. Pingback: University Update - Hillary Clinton - Gingrich Conjures a Clinton-Obama Ticket

  4. nytexan says:

    I don’t think that ticket would ever happen. Newt is pulling a Newt and trying to get support to the failing GOP candidates.

  5. Jim says:

    Oh STFU Newt.

  6. DMason says:

    I can still remember when pundits proclaimed Newt Gingrich to be a political wunderkind, a genius, of superior intellect. Now, disgraced and relegated to FOX Noise appearances, he seems like a nutcase, who never shuts up and makes no sense — period!

  7. Suzie-Q says:

    Yep, Newt is trying to get people to think about a GOP for President.. Wicked little game he is playing.

  8. leon says:

    I actually thought it was quite possible before either of them announced but now…not likely!

  9. Brad says:

    In an intelligent nation, the fact that someone made such foolish assertions would be remembered later when it failed to come true, and his credibility would be altered. But for some reason we allow people, consistently proven wrong, their own forum every week on television to spread their “wisdom.” It’s truly pathetic.

  10. TOM339 says:

    Newt is the pen-ultimate politician.

    He knows making a statment like this will rally the GOP far more than gay marriage or abortion could hope to.

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