Army’s ‘Debt Of Service’ Leaves Vets Perplexed

We’ve grown accustomed to being outraged by the Bush administration but every so often, they manage to even top themselves. As with the Army’s new “debt of service.”

WCBSTV reports:

Brian Rodriguez is a fighter, an honorably discharged soldier who’d been deployed in Iraq.

“I was a combat engineer,” Rodriguez said. “We deal with land mines, explosives.”

He fought for his nation, only to return to his homeland and wage a fresh battle.

Former Army Specialist Rodriguez started getting bills for $700 for lost or damaged government property this summer. Although he was discharged some four years ago, bills recently arrived demanding payment, but giving no details on what or why — nor do they offer a way to dispute the charges.

“For doing my job you’re going to bill me?” Rodriguez said.

And he’s not alone. A 2006 government report found more than 1,000 soldiers being billed a total of $1.5 million. And while fighting overseas put their lives on the line, this battle on paper could cost them their future by ruining their credit. Rodriguez will be reported to credit agencies next month.

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11 Responses to Army’s ‘Debt Of Service’ Leaves Vets Perplexed

  1. VegasBabe says:

    This is just wrong. Totally wrong and fucked up. I think George Bush should be billed for costing the taxpayers $500 billion for the Iraq war and interest on the debt accured to pay for it. If he can’t pay-up, he can pay on an installment plan or risk having his credit ruined. In the meantime, every month that Mummy Pelosi refuses to impeach Bush, she should be forced to reimburse the American people for the costs associated with this administration. Sound fair? Good.

  2. dad2059 says:

    As the outrages pile up, the sheep finally awake, little by little.

    When is too much enough?

  3. Harry says:

    Vets ALWAYS get a bad rap a Republican is in the White House. Yet, veterans ALWAYS favor GOP candidates. Go figure?

  4. TOM339 says:

    Time for a class-action lawsuit against the Pentagon and the Dept. of Defense.

    Make it huge: billions of dollars and name everyone from Bush and Cheney, to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England as defendants.

    This would get the American people to put down their remotes and pay attention to the plight and exploitation of our veterans.

  5. taco says:

    Is Sen. Chuck Schumer the only member of Congress paying attention to this?

    I know Hillary and Obama are busy little bees running for president, as is Brownback and McCain, but that is four out of 50. I don’t recall hearing the voices of other members of Congress express their outrage and pledge to end this practice? Oh yeah, we have a national election looming and no one wants to rock the boat. Silly me!

  6. Harry says:

    I like the idea of a class action lawsuit, Tom. Get them where it hurts.

  7. The more people hear about this, hopefully the less will enlist – its way beyond outrage. This kind of crap on top of everything else , leads to a very VERY unhappy military, never a good thing for an imperialist empire. How long before the military is made of up out of only the most desparate mercenary types. Its sickening.

  8. feminazi says:

    Absolutely appalling. I am no longer surprised by the lack of decency displayed by members of this administration. These are dark days for our country. Let’s hope we survive until Bush is swept out of office and the clean-up can begin.

  9. Jim says:

    I thought I could no longer be shocked, but I was wrong. I’m speechless.
    These thugs in office MUST GO. Time for George to install his ass in Paraguay.

  10. Reese says:

    It’s an example of the Bush administration appointing men to Defense who have orders to try and run the military as though it’s a private enterprise. I think a case could be made that such behavior is illegal, as enlistees were never told in advance that equipment broken in the course of service to their country would ultimately be their responsibility to replace.

    The Bush administration proclaims itself as “at war against the terrorists,” when in fact, it is at war against its own citizens.

    This example of deceitful behavior should be an example to young Americans considering service to their country by joining the military that the Bush administration intends to treat them far worse than illegal immigrants who cross over the border from Mexico and break the laws of this nation.

  11. DMason says:

    I hate to sound coldhearted but, maybe this will make the military less enchanted with George Bush and the Republican party? One can hope.

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