Separated at Birth?

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Homophobe Gen. Peter Pace and the other bigot, Annthrax Coulter.

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13 Responses to Separated at Birth?

  1. TOM339 says:

    Hahahaha! Perfect! They belong joined at the hip for eternity.

  2. gloaming says:

    You don’t think? I mean, it isn’t possible that they’re the same person? 🙂

  3. Harry says:

    Pace could easily be Mann Coulter’s father. They share the same political philosophy and values.

  4. California Dreamin' says:

    Pace and Coulter are two faces of the same coin. It’s a shame that half way through the first decade of the 21st century that people like them still find a voice and attract attention. Hopefully, one day soon their ilk will die off.

  5. VicoDANIEL says:

    A quarter of the Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans treated with US government-funded health care have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, according to a study published Monday.

    And when psychosocial disorders such as domestic violence were included, the number of war veterans suffering from mental illnesses rose to 31 percent.

    That explains General Peter Pace’s filthy remarks.

    But that still leaves leaves Ann Coulter’s regular use of the word “faggot” unexplained.

  6. mbmdl says:

    Vico – General Pace is just a dirty homophobe. In Coulter’s case, (s)he’s having a bad reaction to to hormones she takes. Call it tranny maladjustment. 🙂

  7. steely dan says:

    The military and especially the Marines, is the last place you libs will successfully force the homosexual agenda. Try the Navy first, followed by the Army but, never in a month of Sundays will you find queers in the Marines.

    Get real.

  8. ragone says:

    Both Pace and Coulter are lowlife scumbags.
    A pox on their houses.

  9. DMason says:

    People like Pace and Coulter are about 25 years late to the game expousing this type of bile about gays and lesbians. Surely, someone in Pace’s position knows better than to blather on with language that is clearly homophobic. I find it unlikely in his line of work he never encountered a gay serviceman or servicewoman but maybe I’m wrong and he’s spent his entire career cloistered away in an office in Bethesda. Anymore, I find it difficult to become angry at dolts like these two (Pace and Coulter) because they’re so backward that they belong in the museum of National History to be gawked at and studied. They’re not a part of my generation or my world.

  10. Matteo says:

    Pace Refuses to Apologize

    Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declined today to apologize for saying that he believes homosexuality is “immoral” and that he therefore supports the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in the military.

    But he said he should have given greater focus to his support for the standing policy “and less on my personal moral views.”

  11. kayinmaine says:

    Have you listened to Pace speak? He sounds like a robot…..a gay robot at that. 🙂

    Great post Christopher!

  12. kayinmaine says:

    Why is Sanchez still in the Marines, I mean really, he’s a male porn star who has sex on camera with other males and he hangs out with Ann Coulter who is a transgendered male? Wow! Funny, gay republicans get to stay in the military and do porn films, but a democrat who is gay is thrown out and allowed to be beaten up by other soldies or tormented by them!

    Hypocrites. This is why 70% of the nation despises the Bush neocons. Bunch of hypocritical, hateful, assholes…

  13. Jim says:

    WHERE do they all come from? If Republicans devoted a fraction of the time they devote to SEX, to healthcare, the environment or any other noble cause, most of the world’s problems would be solved!

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