Fuck You General Peter Pace

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday he considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military should not condone it by allowing gay soldiers to serve openly, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Marine Gen. Peter Pace likened homosexuality to adultery, which he said was also immoral, the newspaper reported on its Web site.

“I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way. I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts,” Pace said.

Fuck you, General Peter Pace. Your job is to fight wars and not issue moral judgments on 10% of the American population.

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31 Responses to Fuck You General Peter Pace

  1. Harry says:

    Pace can eat shit and die. What a dispicable homophobe.

  2. feminazi says:

    His remarks are vintage 1950’s, Bible-thumping regressive and not remotely reflective as the thoughts and views on homosexuality in the modern world. Maybe Pace’s next comminique will call for the stoning-to-death of gays? What an asshole. He owes the gay community an immediate apology.

  3. The Queen of Bismark Terace says:

    When General Pace pulls the Bible out of his ass, maybe then his remarks will be taken seriously by this mother of 2 Marines, Until then: COCKPUNCH.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    The staggeringly homophobic Bush administration provided him with talking points and like any loyal, dutiful and braindead soldier, he’s just carrying out the orders of his Boss.

  5. feminazi says:

    FOX Noise just had as a guest a former Marine named Matt Sanchez. Sanchez is a former gay porno film actor and the the panel fell all over themselves praising his service to his country. I guess to Gen. Pace, only gay porno stars are suitable to serve.

  6. JDRShaw says:

    According to the SLDN website, the military if firing 2 gay soldiers per day.

    Since each branch of the military has failed to meet its recruititng targets for the past 4 years (who wants to be sent to Iraq and killed?), and the death toll of U.S. soldiers in Iraq is averaging 3 per day, it seems counterproductive for Gen. Pace to make such an offensive remark.

    I think Brigadoon is correct. Pace got the memo from the White House and it said stop moving the military toward acceptance of gays and lesbians. Especially, if the GOP wants to hold onto to the White House in 2008.

  7. DCVET says:

    Memo to Gen. Peter Pace: gays have always been in the military. As a Viet Nam veteran I know it, the military knows it and I suspect even Pace knows it. Pace needs to shut his trap and stop acting like a stooge for this failed administration. His comments reflect badly on the men and women in uniform.

  8. mbmdl says:

    Outrageous! Good, now gay Americans know for certain they’re not welcome in the military according to Gen. Pace. Gays are too smart, creative and kind to waste their lives on fighting wars.

  9. Pingback: Paul Ding in 2008

  10. kayinmaine says:

    I second that….FUCK YOU GENERAL PACE!!

  11. gay kitten says:

    SLDN is demanding an apology. He can keep a meaningless apology. I want him fired immediately. He obviously has a future working for James Dobson.

  12. Matteo says:

    Remember JOHN M. SHALIKASHVILI’s NYT’s Op-Ed Piece? I guess the homophobe Peter Pace didn’t bother to read it.

    Second Thoughts on Gays in the Military

    This perception is supported by a new Zogby poll of more than 500 service members returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, three quarters of whom said they were comfortable interacting with gay people. And 24 foreign nations, including Israel, Britain and other allies in the fight against terrorism, let gays serve openly, with none reporting morale or recruitment problems.

    I now believe that if gay men and lesbians served openly in the United States military, they would not undermine the efficacy of the armed forces. Our military has been stretched thin by our deployments in the Middle East, and we must welcome the service of any American who is willing and able to do the job.

  13. feminazi says:

    I remember this op-ed piece well, Matteo. I was also naive to think the military might actually be dragging itself out of the 17th century after reading it. How wrong I was.

  14. Matteo says:

    If General Pace is running Iraq, no wonder things are so screwed up. Here’s what this idiot said about the UAE. Pssst, it’s the same thing Bush said:

    Gen. Peter Pace: U.A.E. a ‘Superb’ Ally


    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace said Thursday that the U.S. has a “superb” military relationship with the United Arab Emirates, explaining that U.S. forces use U.A.E. seaports and air fields for logistics support and for training of Air Force pilots.

    “In everything that we have asked and worked with them on, they have proven to be very, very solid partners,” the top military man said, in quotes picked up by the Associated Press.

  15. Harry says:

    Wasn’t Pace hand-selected by Donald Rumsfeld to be Joint Chief back in 2001? Well, boys and girls – there you go.

  16. Idaho Librul says:

    I guess I’m missing the point. To date, 3,195 American soldiers have died in Bush’s Iraq war and all Gen. Pace can do is spend his time badmouth gays and lesbians who want nothing more than to serve their country honorably? Please someone explain who the hell is Gen. Peter Pace and what right does he have to flap his piehole?

  17. Brigadoon says:

    Thanks, Matteo. If Pace is carrying water for the UAE then there’s absolutely no question to me that he’s just another Bushco puppet.

  18. TOM339 says:

    It’s just a matter of time until the media learns something scandalous about General Pace. Like, he has a mistress, or had a mistress, or he had a gay lover in college, a la Rush Limbaugh. People who say things like what Pace said ALWAYS have skeletons in their closet. No pun intended.

  19. California Dreamin' says:

    Pace has issues with gays, alright. He’s no doubt confused about who he is.

  20. killingcorvis says:

    You know, cause all heterosexuals are moral. Adultry is totally fine. As long as it’s stright. And none of that ever happens as far as the government is concerned…


  21. Rachel says:

    Pelosi must’ve been feeling the heat because she issued this rare communique denouncing Pace’s homophobic rant:

    “We need the most talented people, we need the language skills, we need patriotic Americans who exist across the board in our population,” Pelosi said, calling on the military to “carefully consider” reversing the ban on gay service members. “We don’t need moral judgment from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs.”

  22. Brigadoon says:

    Well, I feel a whole lot better now – NOT!

  23. VicoDANIEL says:

    Pace should resign as Joint Chief.

    His was a political appointment and another dreadful reflection on the Rumsfeld era that has plagued the Bush administration.

    His remarks will help make conditions for gay soldiers even worse for fear of reprisal as the grunts get wind of his hidious comments.

  24. dave128 says:

    This fucking administration.

    So I guess:

    Two consenting adults making love = IMMORAL

    Invading sovereign countries, hundreds of thousands of dead civilians, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, The Patriot Act, warrantless searches, Walter Reed, Halliburton, lies, lies, lies = MORAL

    The utter hypocrisy of these comments… Everyone in this godforsaken government has no clue what morality and immorality is.

    The rage that I am currently feeling — I can’t put it into words. I’m finding it hard to type, my hands are shaking.

  25. mbmdl says:

    On the drive home this afternoon, Pace is backing off from his remarks. What a son-of-a-bitch. I really hate him. I hope he gets food poisoning.

  26. DCVET says:

    While I agree with the substance of Pelosi’s response to Pace’s anti-gay outburst, I am not surprised she stopped short of calling on him to resign. I’m quickly learning that for all the hype about this being a new day, Pelosi isn’t going to rock the boat. Especially when it concerns the military. Her leadership is weak at best.

  27. Joe in Colorado says:

    May I second that motion? FUCK YOU GENERAL PACE.

  28. Guess i'm a nut says:

    Pelosi is a god! She has an instictual knowledge of America’s innermost desires and secrets. Long live Pelosi. Screw Pace and his backward thinking, warmongering ways! Hail to the “terrorists!” They only seek understanding on our part! We are so wrong as to defy them, we need to understand their troubled childhoods and all will be well! 90%+ of America is so wrong in their one man/one woman ways. If we don’t try and see the way other people think, all is lost. Hail to Peolosi! Hail to Reid! We can only hope that Hillary wins and saves our country from the 17th century that the USA is floundering in. On another note, screw those who try and make a decent living by working hard and working smart. We should all make the same thing!! Who is above another to actually make more than the man working next to us. SHAME, SHAME on us all!

  29. Jim says:

    Another moron with a BIG mouth and small everything else.

  30. Barratt Colinan says:

    As a Marine of 26 years (69-95) I have a healthy respect for military leadership. It’s not the civilian world. The worst anyone can say about Gen. Pace is that he truthfully stated his beliefs. He did not hind behind the shrouds of political correctness. As I grew older, my mind was tempered to be a bit more forgiving. Although I still don’t believe in homosexuality, I can now at last put up with it. But then I was never a General. He had one heck of a lot more responsibility than I could ever think of having. ALL OF YOU, CALL OF THE DOGS!

  31. shifty says:

    Name one member of the military Gen. Pace had discharged based on his opinion….if you can I will tip my hat to you. Gen. Pace is an honorable man asked to serve for a very dishonorable comander and chief. He has voiced his opinion, which is his right, just like it is your right to voice yours here. He has made it his career to ensure that you have this right. No matter how much distaste you have for the man and his uniform, at least know there is a law of the land voted in by the majority and he knows he must follow it, he would die to defend it. He may not like it, like many laws we don’t like and must follow, but he follows it. He wouldn’t have made it to the position he was in if he didn’t live by the law. Now be productive with your energy spent here and go burn a flag. Have a little respect….he doesn’t know you but yet he respects your disrespectful right to say fuck him.

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