Conservative Media Bias Marches On

Kevin Drum links to a Media Matters for America report that proves the conservative bias of guests booked on the Sunday morning political blab circuit. The lone exception is ABC’s This Week.

Media Matters for America asks:

Now that Congress has switched hands, one would reasonably expect Democrats and progressives to be represented at least as often as Republicans and conservatives on the Sunday shows. Yet our findings for the months since the midterm elections show that the networks have barely changed their practices.                                     

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4 Responses to Conservative Media Bias Marches On

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    So much for the much vaunted liberal bias in the media? Looks like it’s just so much bullshit.

  2. Shane says:

    Ya know, they complain because they feel there is too much liberal bias. There apparently isn’t…guess that means they’re just greedy….more more more, we want more. Greedy greedy.

  3. DMason says:

    No surprise here. The MSM is every bit in bed with the rightwing as ever.

  4. Rachel says:

    Great post and excellent graphics from Kevin Drum. Pretty much confirmed what most of us on the left already knew to be true about the MSM and their rightwing leanings. Despite denials, they give voice to the wingers and have the audacity to say it ain’t so.

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