Death Toll of U.S. Troops in Iraq Rising

While the growing chorus of Democratic presidential hopefuls continue to waste time triangulating on the war in Iraq and struggle over how to effectively oppose Bush’s planned escalation, one harrowing fact has emerged: the death toll of U.S. troops in the conflict is rising.

The New York Times reports:

More American troops were killed in combat in Iraq over the past four months — at least 334 through Jan. 31, than in any comparable stretch since the war began, according to an Associated Press analysis of casualty records.

Not since the bloody battle for Fallujah in 2004 has the death toll spiked so high.

The reason is that U.S. soldiers and Marines are fighting more battles in the streets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and other cities. And while hostile forces are using a variety of weaponry, the top killer is the roadside bomb.

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11 Responses to Death Toll of U.S. Troops in Iraq Rising

  1. Harry says:

    The entire war and the Democratic response has become so depressing to me. I was actually naive enough to thing Pelosi would show some leadership and direct the Majority in the House toward flexing the funding mechanism. Boy, was I wrong.

  2. DMason says:

    According to the Iraq Casualty site which draws from the Pentagon, 3,103 Americans have lost their lives in Iraq. Yet, Hillary, Lieberman, Nancy, Biden and Kerry can’t figure out how to end our involvement in the war? Then I would argue they are incapable of carrying out the duties that come with being in the Congress and they should resign. We elect these morons to do the work of the American people and as I see it, the single most important issue of our time is Iraq and how to end America’s involvement in the war.

  3. Ypsilanti says:

    Bring back the military draft.

    It’s that simple. When the little darlings of lawmakers in Washington are faced with conscription you can bet the pig farm they will suddenly find a way to quickly end our involvement in Iraq and put a period at the end of the sentence.

    It’s the only way.

  4. feminazi says:

    You know Ypsilanti, Rep. Charlie Rangel says the samething. The draft is the sure fire way to spread the sacrifice around to EVERYONE. He also argues the draft would defuse much the the rightwing’s bloodthirst for building an American empire in the Middle East.

  5. Mark says:

    No question the draft will stop the Iraq war monster. Probably, within a week,

  6. kayinmaine says:

    Every soldier death in Iraq makes Bush & Cheney high-five each other! They’re loving it. As long as there is chaos over there and things are out of control, they know they can continue to pilfer and plunder the American treasury. The End.

  7. Matteo says:

    Things are going great in Iraq.

    Chopper is 5th lost in Iraq in 2 weeks; witnesses say it was shot down

    A Sea Knight helicopter went down northwest of Baghdad on Wednesday, the military said, the fifth helicopter lost in Iraq in just over two weeks.

    U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said the CH-46 helicopter went down about 20 miles northwest of the capital, but he declined to comment on casualties.

  8. Brigadoon says:


  9. T. Mike Randall says:

    The blood of these dead soldiers is under Mitch McConnell’s fingernails.

  10. Idaho Librul says:

    So many Americans are dying in Iraq that I heard the Pentagon is running out of their stash of wooden coffins to ship the bodies back to the USA in. This is the very ugly face of Bush’s war.

  11. California Dreamin' says:

    Idaho – I read the same story on the Times. It’s so wrong. I’m just fuming at the new Democratic House for failing to cut off funding for the Iraq war. These scoundrels don’t deserve to hold office.

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