Evangelist Ted Haggard Reportedly an Ex-Gay

Evangelist Ted Haggard, who resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals last year after allegations of sexual misconduct, said he is leaving Colorado Springs.Haggard founded the 14,000-member New Life Church here but was forced out as pastor after a former male prostitute alleged Haggard paid him for sex and sometimes used methamphetamine when they were together. Haggard, who is married, has publicly admitted to “sexual immorality.”

Haggard and his wife have completed three weeks of intense psychological counseling in Phoenix.

“We all wanted to know why I developed such incongruity in my life,” he wrote in his e-mail. “Thankfully, with the tools we gained there, along with the powerful way God has been illuminating His Word and the Holy Spirit has been convicting and healing me, we now have growing understanding which is giving me some hope for a future.”

Even more curious, Haggard is now reportedly straight.

One of four ministers who oversaw three weeks of intensive counseling for the Rev. Ted Haggard said the disgraced minister emerged convinced that he is “completely heterosexual.”

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10 Responses to Evangelist Ted Haggard Reportedly an Ex-Gay

  1. Harry says:

    Haggard now straight? HAHAHAHA! Yeah, right.

  2. DMason says:

    How did they change Ted Haggard’s sexual orientation? Hook him up to high voltage and shock him everytime he became aroused looking at a picture of a well hung man with an erection? What crap. You’re born gay or straight and Haggard will be back in the arms of another man where ever he and his wife move.

  3. Those crazy right wing, fundamentalist, earth-is-flat, evolution-is-a-sin, only-have-missionary-position-sex with the lights out nuts sure are a talented folk aren’t they?

  4. feminazi says:

    Sexual orientation isn’t a switch you can turn on or off. Haggard is a walking disaster and his wife would be better off filing for divorce.

  5. kayinmaine says:

    Amazing how simple it is to be gay one day then go through 3 weeks of intense re-training and voila! Not gay anymore.

    Is the opposite true then? If I was to go into 3 weeks of intensive training to become gay, would it work? I think some research should be done on this.

    I think we should force Ted Haggard to watch a porno movie with guys going at it to see if his Little Teddie has a reaction. LOL Oh boy, now that would be embarrassing to Teddy.

  6. gay kitten says:

    You know what they say. Once you go gay, you’re here to stay! LMAO!

  7. Sock Puppet says:

    It’s a miracle! Ted’s been cured of his love of big peckers!

    Can I have a witness? God’s presence is in the room and he bestowed his gifts on the wayward Haggard!

  8. Shane says:

    How miserable life must be for him to have to force his true desires into some dark corner. I agree, his wife would be better off with a divorce.

  9. mikhail says:

    why are christians so obsessed with sex, gender and genitals.. it seems that blaming gays and lesbians is like almost a passtime and obsession for many christians. Don’t they ever worry about the real problems of the world, like hunger, poverty, war, disease , famine?

    The bible is replete with admonishment about the sins of heterosexuals..in fact in old testamental times fornication and adultery was punishable by death…maybe we should reinstitute the death penalty for straight adulterers and fornicators — hmmm stoning seems like an exciting sport – just ask the muslims where stoning of adulterers is still a rather exciting public entertainment ( i think i’m gonna throw up ).

    christians used to demonize jews for centuries as jesus-killers and this embolden many ordinary germans to persecute jews leading to the holocaust. Similarly centuries of demonizing and denigration of gays and lesbians and sexual minorities have embolden otherwise morally bankrupt heterosexuals to discriminate and do violence to sexual minorities. This has got to stop. Christians are deluding themselves, if they really want to obey Christ then love God with all yr heart and immediately love your neighbour as yourself ..be they gay or straight. If you cannot practise this most important of all the commandments then you have no business declaring yourself a christian irregardless of how big your church or your choir or your coffer may be !

    Oh..by the way Jesus said to the rich man..give up all your worldly goods and follow me! Did i hear any ‘christians’ dare to say AMEN LOL LOL LOL

    Mikhail – a child of the intelligent Universe

  10. mikhail says:

    Evangelicals and christians in general tend to be so obsessed with sex, gender and genitals to the point that you would think that morality = sex and nothing more. Why I suppose in an evangelical’s mind a heterosexual drug dealer is ‘morally’ superior to a gay philanthropist. Christians in general are guilty of being self righteous and are constantly pretending to ‘love the sinner but hate the sin ‘ as if they can really do that -hah.!!!

    May I remind them that the oft repeated mantra of the modern pharasees ‘ love the sinner but not the sin’ is not a quote from Jesus , but a glib semantic invention of some self righteous baptist minister.

    Careful scholars of biblical texts who are familiar with the intricacies of ancient oriental languages are wont to not read their bias into isolated quotations.

    Jesus had no problems with gays ( natural eunuchs born of the mother’s womb). If you are anti-gay or condemnatory of gay people than you are out of sync with Jesus.

    This is what Jesus said:

    KJV Matthew 19:12
    12. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

    No less an authority than Jesus said it is o.k. to be gay, and for you to accept it. Who do you wish to follow – Jesus (of Nazareth) or Jerry (Falwell).

    For more detail discussion of this biblical position on the acceptance of gay people by no less an authority than JESUS – THE SON OF GOD , I refer you to this link :


    Mikhail – a child of the intelligent Universe

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