Hillary Still Doesn’t Regret Iraq War Vote

The Queen of Triangulation, AKA, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) still doesn’t regret her pro-Iraq war vote. Even as she roams the country pledging to end the war while asking for campaign donations from her loyalists.

Please see this link for Clinton’s position on her pro-Iraq war vote.

I think the late Molly Ivins had Hillary Clinton’s number long before most people.

“I’d like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.”

“Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone This is not a Dick Morris election. Sen. Clinton is apparently incapable of taking a clear stand on the war in Iraq, and that alone is enough to disqualify her.”

Quote from The Free Press.

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11 Responses to Hillary Still Doesn’t Regret Iraq War Vote

  1. Rachel says:

    I miss Molly Ivins. She had great insight into these phoney politicians like Hillary and she wasn’t afraid to use her pen to expose them.

    As far as Hillary still not regreting her vote, well a pox on her house.

  2. Topper says:

    The Iraq war will be the great albatross hanging around Clinton’s neck and I believe the more she tries to spin her vote, the more she will come across as just another slippery politician. This may very well open the door to a Guiliani who is already viewed as a straight shooter, whether it’s accurate or not.

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  4. feminazi says:

    I won’t vote for Hillary if she’s the nominee in 2008. I can’t support her for one reason alone: her vote for the war. Even I knew the Iraq war was wrong before it happened. The whole frenzy around WMDs was debunked repeatedly by people who had spent time on the ground over there and came back to say Bush and Cheney were crazy. For Hillary to now say she is against the war is wmbarrassing. Her call to cap troop levels at current levels is simply embarrassing. That she refuses to retracek her vote means she’s even more stubborn than the president.

  5. Harry says:

    My great hope is Al Gore will enter the race and kick Hillary to the curb.

  6. DMason says:

    Can’t stand Hillary. Won’t vote for her. Period. There, I said it.

  7. JDRShaw says:

    Molly sure had Hillary’s number.

    Is everyone aware that Mrs. Clinton is happily accepting campaign donations from the founder of FOX News, Rupert Murdock?

    Apparently, for Clinton moeny is neutral and she isn’t remotely bothered about the source of her support, just as long as it is deposited into her bank account.

    Maybe NAMBLA will send her a cool $1,000 next?

  8. Ypsilanti says:

    The Witch from New York doesn’t care about the origins of her donations, just as long as the donations keep coming in.

    Hillary is a woman on a mission and she lacks a moral compass. All she cares about is power and how she can ascend to the White House and punish those who wronged her and her husband back when Bill Clinton was president.

  9. feminazi says:

    Do you guys remember back in the 90’s when the media got wind of a gay GOP group sending Bob Dole a donation? Dole is such a homophobe that he returned the money to the group. These politicians are a total mess.

  10. Idaho Librul says:

    I remember it, feminazi. Bob Dole has a real dislike of gays. He and his drag queen wife make me sick.

  11. Mick says:

    Hey, Hillary is against gay marriage. What about Obama, her soon to be named running mate?

    Hilllary is turning away from her liberal base to get elected. You know you will vote for her.

    See my blog at sadbastards.wordpress.com.

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