Obama Would Trounce Either McCain or Guiliani

Look out, Hillary!

In the latest Research 2000 poll Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) would beat both Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) or former mayor Rudy Guiliani in the race for president in 2008.

Picture use courtesy of enterstageright.com/obama

If the Democratic primary were held today, Obama would be in a statistical dead heat with Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY.)

Although Clinton commands considerable support among likely Democratic primary voters, she struggles in general election match-ups, according to the poll. If the contest were held today, both Arizona Sen. John McCain and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani would prevail over Clinton. Obama, in contrast, would eke out a slight win over both Republican candidates. Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards is neck-and-neck with the Republicans.

Sen. Barack Obama’s charisma has been compared to that of John F. Kennedy. Such a powerful, magnetic force cannot be easily be matched by less winning candidates like Sens. Hillary Clinton or John Kerry.

This entry was posted in Barack Obama, Bush, Cheney, Democrats, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, Impeachment, Iran war, Republicans. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Obama Would Trounce Either McCain or Guiliani

  1. feminazi says:

    There’s truly something Kennedyesque about Obama. I saw it the first time when he made he speech at the Convention and I was stunned it. I was reminded of the first time I saw John Kennedy. I was a young and married and quite poor. My husband and I were renting a tiny apartment in Bristol – we had nothing but one another and I heard Kennedy on the radio. After that I thought anything was possible. Not since Kennedy have I felt so good about the future.

  2. T. Mike Randall says:

    Barack Obama will take the Presidential oath of office in January of 2009.

    The first African American president in our nation’s more than 230 year history and an event so enormous that the entire world will stop and watch in awe and wonderment.

    That brisk January morning will stand as evidence to all disenfranchised peoples of the world that anything is possible – at least in the United States of America. Obama’s swearing in will acknowledge to our Founding Fathers that their experiment was not only audacious, but prophetic.

    I think and I believe the election or Barack Obama will help set the course of our nation in a new direction and it will be welcomed by most Americans.

  3. john jay says:

    Mr. Obama, hire lots and lots of security. Sadly, there are thousands of organized racist groups in this country who would risk everything to see you 6 feet under. The Secret Service alone won’t cut it. Hire a private company too. You’re going to be the first and whenever you’re the first to challenge beliefs and stereotypes, the kooks will come out of the woodwork.

  4. Harry says:

    Anyone but Hillary. As long as that anyone is Barack Obama.

  5. Watada says:

    After the George Bush horror show, Americans need to be inspired again.

    We have been lied to, spit on and kicked to the curb by this administration of elitist, neocon thugs.

    The time has arrived for a new direction and Obama will lead the way.

  6. Ypsilanti says:

    Hope is indeed on the way and his name is Barack Obama.

    I’m very curious to see who he will ask to be his VP? Edwards, perhaps? The next election may be the most monumentous since the elections at the end of the Civil War and end of the Great Depression. So very much to undo and clean up. Mr. Obama will have his hands full.




  8. Mark says:

    Hillary should be very afraid. Oh well. That’s the price she will pay for supporting Bush’s war.

  9. Randy Arroyo says:

    Rove is said to be retiring after Bush is finally out of the WH, but my best guess has him orchestrating one more job: swiftboating Barack Obama. In Washington GOP politics, nobody runs a smear campaign like KKKarl Rove. He’s got it down to a science. Just ask John McCain and John Kerry.

  10. The Queen of Bismark Terrace says:

    He’s terribly cute. I’d hit it. Of course I know he’s happily married, so I’ma just a funnin’ wit cha. 😉

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